Tuesday 23 December 2008

Beware of Christmas Debt: Do not follow the Government’s lead

Laura Sandys press release

This year so many residents in South Thanet have faced some real financial difficulties. Whether that be from those whose jobs are at risk – all those who work at Woolworths in particular; those whose homes are at risk and also pensioners whose income have dropped significantly.

However this is not a time to take the lead from the Government who will be borrowing £118 million – a national debt that will be the highest for more than 40 years.

I am again warning local people to beware of the Christmas credit temptation. Whether that be interest free offers that kick in hard when they need to be repaid, or home loan companies that offer money with very high interest rates.

For our part the Conservatives would

· Prevent people being ripped off by introducing a cap on store card interest rates.

Freeze council tax for two years, in partnership with local councils. Paid for by reducing unnecessary Government spending on consultants and advertising.

Cut payroll taxes for small businesses securing more jobs for more families

Reduce energy bills for millions of people by enabling them to set up direct debits through their post office accounts.

Help first-time buyers facing higher mortgage costs by taking 9 out of 10 out of stamp duty altogether. A boost to the housing market at this time!

I have always been concerned about the levels of debt and find that many people are struggling. Do please be careful about more debt!

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