Thursday 11 December 2008

Pleasurama Royal sands development in Ramsgate another headache?

SFP Ventures have announced a new builder for the Pleasurama development this will be the third that I know of, the last one has decamped after laying lose slabs on sand on top of the sea defences, so one way or another at least things could be worse.

This time its Cardy Construction Limited of Canterbury I wonder how long they will last given the approved plans with people’s heads embedded in the ceiling and the inside bigger than the outside.

They look like a reputable firm and I don’t expect they will go ahead without a flood assessment and emergency escapes onto the cliff top, as strongly recommended by the environment agency, the new corporate manslaughter legislation would certainly put off any sensible company from doing so.

The picture above is a detail from the approved plans as you can see the architects attempts to fit a 5 story building into the space for a four story building have caused something or a headache.


  1. I wonder if Cardy realise what they are letting themselves in for?
    Wrong plans, wrong time and wrong business decision. I see another Sea-Bathing fiasco on the horizon, but I am in pessimistic mode at the moment.

  2. Oh, for the old days of Pleasurama. When it burnt down, there were promises of a sports centre down there along with other community plans, but yet again..... flats... and ill though ones at that.

    I think it's a blessing in disguise that the credit-crunch has happened, but I would rather have seen the original ideas come into fruition (which was so long ago that I can't really remember what there were!)


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