Thursday, 29 November 2018

Ramsgate Fishing Smacks to steamers, The Great Wall of Ramsgate and other October 2010 Ramsgate Photos, a bit more Manston

Local history first, I publish a couple of books about Ramsgate's fishing industry and anyone wanting to know lots of detail, well they can always come into the the bookshop here in Ramsgate and give them a thorough browsing. There is also the business of buying them online and connecting you up to buy it now buttons, but the link to the books I publish is at the top of the blog, in the same way the bookshop is in King Street.

So what do you make of this photo? What sort of date?

I think the key is in the funnels on the fishing boats.

The little funnel on the left, blue arrow, this is a sailing "fishing smack" the funnel is for a small steam engine to power a winch which makes it possible to run the boat with less crew. A cruel world but too many crew and the fish would be too expensive so wouldn't sell.

The big funnel is on a steam trawler which caught much more fish per member of crew. The steam engine drives both the boat through the water and the winch.

The steam trawlers replaced the fishing smacks immediately after WW1 and as both are in use in the photo, then that is when it was taken.

Link to books we put out in the bookshop yesterday 

I have been off vising the bookshops in Whitstable and Herne Bay today, a bit of a busman's holiday I suppose.

The pictures are partly out and about snaps of Ramsgate and partly the of the Great Wall of Ramsgate paintings. The whole file from the camera SD card for that day 2.10.2010, they should expand well with a bit of clicking.

 I have had a reply from RSP RiverOak to my email about particulate dispersion.

Sent: 26 November 2018 21:20
Subject: clarification about the dispersion

Hi I have been told by pins the when “seeking clarification about the content of the environmental assessment, please contact the Applicant”

I am seeking clarification about the dispersion figures you are using for airborne particulates, this would normally be expressed as µg/m3 against km from source, often presented in the form of a graph, could you kindly give me the figures you are using both for PM10 and PM2.5 particulates.

Best regards Michael

The problem with the Manston DCO submission is that it is a huge unedited, unindexed muddle. The nearest I can get would be the raw research files for an academic book. Much worse to deal with than an unedited local history book. Editing normally involves, removing the repetitions, putting the pictures and text in a comprehensible order, producing a contents page and an index.

Having spent a long time trying to figure out the particulate air pollution graphs, figures and maps I have come to the conclusion that RSP have made a mistake. I think what they have done is to use the same distance one group of particles can travel through the air with the distance for particles that are four times the size. In some cases they even have the larger particles travelling further than the smaller ones i,e. the wrong way round.

This became most apparent when we had the large fire near to Manston recently and depending on the wind direction everyone could smell it. Using the figures that RSP used for the fire then only the people with in about a mile of the fire should have been able to smell it.

The first stage of trying to sort this out is to get RSP to acknowledge that I am looking at the same figures that they are and there are no figures that I have missed in another part of the application, I think they have done this. 

It would be helpful if anyone else who can follow this would look them over too and let me know if I am wrong.

Here is their rely email.

CC: ; ;
Sent: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 12:33
Subject: RE: clarification about the dispersion

Dear Mr Child,

It is not clear to us whether the “dispersion figures” you ask for are graphs used for calculating concentrations, or a means of presenting the calculated concentrations, and so we respond on both of these points below.

If the first: we have not used a simple concentration/distance relationship to calculate concentrations. Instead, we use a software tool called ADMS, which calculates the transport and dispersion of pollution taking into account different wind speeds and directions as well as different amounts of turbulent mixing in the atmosphere from hour to hour. It uses five years of historical weather data, measured at the Manston Met Office station. This provides a high degree of accuracy in our forecast results.

If the second: Presenting concentrations as a line graph as a function of distance from the source is sometimes done for certain types of assessment, such as accidental releases of hazardous material to air from a point source. However, presenting results like this does not account for the difference in wind direction over the course of a year. For an accidental release, which is of short duration, it is common to make the worst-case assumption that the wind is blowing towards the sensitive receptors for the whole duration of the release. For sources where emissions occur throughout the year, such as at Manston Airport, this is not a sensible assumption.

In addition, the emissions from Manston Airport will come from several moving sources spread over several square kilometres, so the concept of “distance from the source” does not work well in this case.

Therefore, the usual graphical way of presenting the effects of dispersion is as contour plots of concentration. The concentration in ug/m3 at a given location (e.g. a residential property) can be read off the contour plot and compared against the legal limits or health guidance recommendations. Suitable contour plots for PM10 and PM2.5 are given in the Environmental Statement (ES) as Figures 6.16 to 6.19 (which can be found here: These are in addition to the tables of concentrations at specific locations, chosen to include places where people are most likely to be exposed, also included in the ES – see Sections 6.8 to 6.10 of the ES for those locations where the impact is greatest, and Appendix 6.5 for the full set of modelled locations.  (Section 6.8 to 6.10 can be found here: , and Appendix 6.5 here:


RiverOak Strategic Partners
Manston Airport consultation team
0800 030 4137   

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