Wednesday, 17 September 2008

China Gateway the developers point of view

Reading through today’s Your Thanet (link on sidebar) I noticed that there was a fair amount about China Gateway, the lead article by Tom Betts being about the explosives company presently on the site.

Tom had obviously tried and failed to get some sort of comment from CGP (the developer), however as the issue was covered at the planning committee meeting CGP have responded to it and some other issues in their letter to Doug Brown click here to read it

Oddly enough they seem to have omitted to comment on the main issue that means that the whole site will have to be redesigned, the surface drainage for the lorry and car parks.


  1. Interesting letter, thanks for the link. It's always interesting trying to work out what these letters don't say.

    It's galling the way most of the problems are waved away as 'non-issues'. The agent might as well have said: "groundwater contamination: piffle, don't bother me with such triffles"

    Keep up the good work.

  2. I think Michael he was hoping you would not spot the missing ground forces from his columns flying the "Non issue" flag.

    The letter whiffs of the correspondence used between solicitors to:

    (a) Knock their respective client bills up

    (b) Soften their respective clients up for an out of court resolution. After all they don't want a Judge asking what all the meaningless drivel correspondence was meant to achieve

    (In this case think of a number and multiply by 18, list a number of publicly funded bodies and of course this BS would not be complete without a CV writing course or two ... going rate for private companies teaching CV skills to claimants is 194 pounds per claimant per week. Watch for Ashford based company providing CV writing and interview skills courses for the unemployed ....)

  3. What convoluted thinking these people have but as they have been involved with Royal Sands that should come as no surprise.

    They want 24 hr operating at redistribution warehouses and have HGV s grinding around and unloading/reloading and trundling along our lanes and at the nearest point to Acol all night and day every day, so that 'shift patterns' will reduce commuting traffic at peak times? What utter tosh! Ask the residents at Acol about this?

    They still seem to be ignoring water flow off hardstanding and how to deal with it.

    Love the 'arrogance' of ' not an issue'. Its for our Councillors to decide whether it is an issue or not.

    As for promises of jobs, training etc etc. When property speculator CGP sells on, all these promises are meaningless, which is why this utter fantasy speak is not a consideration for a Planning Meeting to even consider. This is almost as good as Cess-pits and grass lawn areas called that rare habitat "chalk grassland'.Who is really taken in by this utter dribble? I hope not our Councillors.

  4. It'll probably not surprise anyone that there are now calls for a public enquiry.


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