There's been success for a community safety campaign in Cliftonville, which has been cracking down on riding bikes on the pavement, as it is illegal and dangerous.
Five Fixed Penalty Notices were handed out to people seen cycling on the pavement during the "You Wheel Be Fined" campaign. In addition, another 20 warnings were issued to other people.
The campaign was produced by the Thanet Community Safety Partnership's Cliftonville Task and Finish Group. The group, made up of a number of different organisations, works to reduce crime in the area and tackle the issues that have been identified there.
Feedback from local people through the PACT (partners and communities together) panels and street briefings highlighted cycling on pavements as an issue that needed to be addressed. As a result, new posters were distributed to shops in Northdown Road and the surrounding areas, with the slogan "ride on the pavement. you wheel be fined".
During the campaign, five Fixed Penalty Notices were also handed out to people who failed to pick up after their dogs, while two Fixed Penalty Notices were handed out for littering.
Although the campaign was focused in Cliftonville, it has now been extended throughout Thanet. It is illegal to cycle on the pavements anywhere in Thanet and anyone seen littering or failing to pick up after their dog fouls may be handed a Fixed Penalty Notice.
To find out more, call the Thanet Community Safety Partnership on 01843 577608
Five Fixed Penalty Notices were handed out to people seen cycling on the pavement during the "You Wheel Be Fined" campaign. In addition, another 20 warnings were issued to other people.
The campaign was produced by the Thanet Community Safety Partnership's Cliftonville Task and Finish Group. The group, made up of a number of different organisations, works to reduce crime in the area and tackle the issues that have been identified there.
Feedback from local people through the PACT (partners and communities together) panels and street briefings highlighted cycling on pavements as an issue that needed to be addressed. As a result, new posters were distributed to shops in Northdown Road and the surrounding areas, with the slogan "ride on the pavement. you wheel be fined".
During the campaign, five Fixed Penalty Notices were also handed out to people who failed to pick up after their dogs, while two Fixed Penalty Notices were handed out for littering.
Although the campaign was focused in Cliftonville, it has now been extended throughout Thanet. It is illegal to cycle on the pavements anywhere in Thanet and anyone seen littering or failing to pick up after their dog fouls may be handed a Fixed Penalty Notice.
To find out more, call the Thanet Community Safety Partnership on 01843 577608
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