Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Old Ramsgate and Margate photos and a few thoughts on the Manston and TDC Local Plan fallout.

 Photos should expand if you click on them, this one is Westcliff Hall Ramsgate which was opened around the time WW started
 This one, mostly of the Churchill Tavern, built in the 1860s, so early Victorian, sketched by Van Gogh this link has more details 
 The inevitable harbour ones

 Margate and the Sea Bathing hospital built over a very long period so complex this link take you to the heritage listing 

 I'm a bit confused by this one the steps look like the Nayland Rock, but by no means sure
Straightforward Westbrook Sunken Gardens, basically not changed much over the years.

 This is the Makeup Room in The Comfort Inn Ramsgate
 I think it must once have been the office from which the hotel San Clu was run
 It's the wall safe don't you know.
I suppose the job of the local historian is to make the best out of something like the airfreight hub consultation and get a picture of the makeup room.

The safe looks Victorian to me and probably nearly as old as the building a terrace of eighth bedroom houses built in the 1880s and very soon converted into the hotel, see the previous two posts.

The Manston Airport fallout is still all over Facebook, Local Plan rejection, DCO consultation and I supose I will have to find the time to respond to the consultation.

Bits in RSP's PEIR 2018 like "in year 20, significant adverse effects have been identified as being likely a result of an increase in noise in the following communities which are in the vicinity of the airport and flight paths: Ramsgate;„ Manston;„ Wade;„ West Stourmouth; and„ Pegwell Bay.„ 1.1.83 In these communities aircraft noise would increase to the point where there would be a perceived change in quality of life for occupants of buildings in these communities or a perceived change in the acoustic character of shared open spaces within these communities." Mean what? They seem to be saying I may need to move the bookshop to another town.

It does look as though the council have gone into some sort of meltdown over Manston and the local plan, it seems probable that we will have a change of leader. I have always been surprised that the leader of the only UKIP council didn’t have a leader that was a bit more UKIP.

The Manston side of this coin is strange inasmuch as so many of the people who stood as UKIP seemed to be standing on a Save Manston Airport ticket rather than and exit the EU ticket. To me there seems to be something mutually exclusive in transport and isolationism.

I think there is also some sort of split between the various points of view on saving Manston.

Save Manston as a regional airport.

Save Manston as a huge freight hub.

Save Manston by giving security to the existing museums there.

To me chucking out the the Local Plan didn't make that much sense as I think a DCO would override it and my understanding is that without the local plan we may have less control over where and what housing gets built. 

All that said, I don't think Chris Wells has been that bad as a leader, we have had worse, however I think his administration's failure to get on top of the main Ramsgate issues, Pleasurama, Westcliff Hall, to name a couple, well it will probably mean never again for UKIP. If you take it that local people voted for something different, then I am not sure they really got it. 

On a completely different tangent, this blog is heading towards three million visits and I am wondering how to celebrate this, any ideas?

TDC have just sent this 

Thanet District Council update following vote on Local Plan

Following Full Council on Thursday 18 January, officers at Thanet District Council have been busy seeking options to move things forward as a consequence of the vote - not to submit the Local Plan for publication.
The key date is Wednesday 31 January, by which time Thanet District Council must have filed a response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Political group leaders will meet on Tuesday 30 January to be briefed on the options available to permit a Local Plan to be enacted, as required by legislation.
A few days beyond that, it should be clear what levels of intervention may be relevant to the situation. Until then, further commentary remains speculation.
A summary of the outcome of the vote can be found here: /the-thanet-magazine/press-releases/2018/january/local-plan-full-council-vote/

1 comment:

  1. The Draft Local Plan isn’t all about Manston. There’s a ring road that doesn’t meet up for a start! They need to go,back to the drawing board.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.