Saturday, 16 March 2013

Granville House Ramsgate, update on the proposed development

There does seem to be some flexibility on this issue with the architects prepared to enter into a dialogue with objectors and residents of the existing building, so first this letter.

My own take on this being that once redevelopment of the bits of the Pugin and Pugin like original that was all built in Victorian gothic style have been recently rebuilt also in Victorian gothic style, then the remaining part that was demolished should now be rebuilt in Victorian gothic style.

Here are a few pictures of the recent rebuilding of the front part of the Granville.     

As you can see it is possible to build a modern building in this style using a mixture of traditional and modern construction techniques, the pictures should expand when clicked on compulsively.  

Front view of Granville House Ramsgate in response to comment. The new bit is the part on the left with the extra floor.


  1. My mother was one of the first occupants of the recently built Granville flats. I used talk with the developer; he told me that he had no problem with English Heritage. The new proposed development should copy the Victorian Githic style.

  2. The next time you are down that way with your camera, could you please get a 'front on' shot from the seafront so that we can get an idea of what it did look like / does look like?
    Sorry to be dense but it is not an area that I am familiar with thus finding it hard to get a perspective on all your pictures [which road is which etc.]

    1. Chuck I have added a front view of how it looks now to the bottom of the post, bit bent as the furthest away you can get is the edge of the cliff.

    2. many years ago I was the rental manager for this place it was very nice then, of corse it was mostly real uk residents in them days

    3. wat waz her name

  3. Michael does the tunnel chimney still enable access (by abseil) into the old railway tunnel

    1. I don’t know Barry as I have never got in that way, last time I went in the tunnels I don’t remember anywhere above the main or spur railway tunnels showing light from above.

    2. it still do have access

  4. That's good in it

  5. That site Nude in Thanet seems to me is inappropriate for this site

    1. It is disgusting, very amateurish, and obscene, I think it should be regulated to some obscure porn site! looks like it was done by some one with a throw a way camera!

    2. I agree who needs that garbage, lets all vote to eliminate it.
      So please vote to get this naked In thanet or whatever it's called off this site.

    3. Peter,

      I hear that this anonymouse troll is organising a naked demo.

      Peter, the 'let's all vote' indicates that you have attracted the attention of the Manston Aquifer Nutter. He always imagines himself to be part of a gang.

  6. The site is not what we want here, keep your naked bimbos some where else
    I vote yes get rid of it. After all young children can view it.

    1. no on the head of your tiny penis

  7. LOL that's a good un!

  8. Wow what a fantastic retort, most amusing
    I vote to ban it

  9. Most amusing
    we need a good chuckle here
    thanks old bean

  10. Yes very very lol funny, deserves 4 stars
    and a pint of your best brew on the house my treat
