Friday 26 July 2024

Click to enlarge Ramsgate photos, Nelson Place Broadstairs photo and photos of Cecil Square in Margate.


Starting with Ramsgate Pier, we publish a book about this one here is the link and some sample pictures from the book about the pier here is the link 

This is the old post office in Ramsgate that was a bit further down the High Street than where it is now.

Ramsgate Fire Station, from the look of the ambulance and uniform I am guessing during WW1

Ramsgate Town Hall corner of Queen Street and Harbour Street, from the decoration I am guessing Queen Victoria's jubilee


Nelson Place Broadstairs I think 

The next four are all of Cecil Square


From the decoration I am guessing for the coronation in 1953

We went secondhand record shopping in Ramsgate yesterday, with about four shops here it is feasible to find what you are looking for. I don't much like buying secondhand online as I like to look at what I want to buy and make sure of the condition. There is no new record shop in Ramsgate and hasn't been for years I think Our Price in the High Street was the last one.

Bookshop wise the situation is pretty bad now three sources of new books having gone recently, the children's bookshop in Addington Street, W H Smith in the High Street and now Book Bodega closing this weekend.  

Michaels Bookshop in King Street which is where I work is still here but we only do secondhand books apart from local history books about The Isle of Thanet 

Here is the link to the secondhand books we put out today 

I suppose the bottom line here is use it or loose it. Of course it isn't so bad for readers buying new books online as the should be in perfect condition. 

A new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB) and alcohol related disorder has been approved by the TDC Cabinet at a meeting on Thursday 25 July.

This includes bad language which I don't think we have ever had before in Thanet

‘all persons are prohibited from using foul or abusive language in such a manner that is loud and can be heard by others and cause either alarm or distress to any other person in any public place.’ 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Click to enlarge pictures of Broadstairs Pier, WW1 Margate Air Raid , Port Richborough, and WW2 Armistice Day in Ramsgate

 Buckingham Rd. 1917

It has been one of those mornings for me, where you fight with internet ordering and robot controlled telephone lines.  

Once again historic photos from the Tom Stokes and Mick Twyman collections 

At work here at Michaels Bookshop in Ramsgate it is the first day of the school holidays so a lot of younger readers.  

We went book buying in Margate yesterday, mostly The Old Bank Bookshop although we did walk up the High Street which I think is getting a bit better at the top and a bit worse at the bottom. Surprisingly there are now very few charity shops left in Margate town.

here is the link to the pictures of the books we put out today

Monday 22 July 2024

Click to enlarge, pictures of Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs, possible ramble

King Street Margate

 Cobbs Brewery Margate

I think this one is Margate, Its in the Mick Twyman collection but has no file label. from the look of the shipping I would guess around 1830

This Broadstairs one looks to be from the first half of the 1900s

Once again pictures from the Tom Stokes and Mick Twyman collections. I have been working on getting the first 150 or so from the Tom Stokes Ramsgate collection into book form. there were a few caption errors which had to be removed using AI as the captions are embedded in the photos. 

Writing this blog and working in Ramsgate at Michaels Bookshop I feel there should be a lot of potential for using artificial intelligence however removing these captions or part of these captions without marking the picture is the first time I have found it really useful.  

Friday 19 July 2024

Click to Enlarge Ramsgate war pictures, Margate and Westgate pictures and Broadstairs in 1929

 This first batch of Ramsgate pictures from the Tom Stokes collection, I am aiming to turn this collection into a series of books like the Ramsgate postcard ones we already do, see link

Next these Margate ones from the Mick Twyman collection 
Tudor House


 Charlie Smith Punch & Judy

 Garlinge Crossing

 Tudor House

Broadstairs 1929
I don't have access to a large Broadstairs picture collection at the moment, so it's a case of the odd one I have bought over the years. 

We went to Canterbury yesterday, this was buying books for Michaels Bookshop here in Ramsgate.