An interesting exhibition this one, portrait sketching with
cotton is something I have never tried but will aim to have a go at.
Here is the bumph: “NOVEMBER 2013: my first ever solo
exhibition in my home town. 'Past Present' will be on display at York St
Gallery 27th Nov - 4th Dec. Gallery will be open daily and I will be there
every day stitching away! be lovely if you came by and said hi.” And the link
to her website
which I had some technical difficulties with.
Pictures will expand if clicked on compulsively, I guess there is an interesting factor in sketching with cotton and that is that you can see a line before you make it, whereas with a brush, pen or pencil, you don't see the line until you have made it.
I went to the town of Deal yesterday, one I compare with
Ramsgate, on the whole Deal seems to have fared better being governed from
Dover, than Ramsgate has being governed from Margate.

It’s a sad historical fact that from medieval times Ramsgate
was governed from Sandwich and suffered as a result until Victorian times when
Ramsgate gained the right to govern itself and seemed to do very well until in
the 1970s from which time it was governed from Margate. When a town is governed
from its main rival town then it would appear that often that town suffers as
one would expect.
As you see from the pictures Deal is getting
another dose of publicly funded sea defences and Margate has, as most of you
will know, just had theirs completed, yet here in Ramsgate we don’t seem to
have been part of any of the major surveys, let alone had any of the sea
defence work done. I think this is probably because of the council’s desire to
balance some of their budget with proceeds from selling the Pleasurama site. I guess
with a major foreshore site with a history of tidal storm flooding and no
investigation into what sea defence work needs doing, along with The Royal
Sands developer still failing to come up with the readies the council will soon
be looking out for a developer who is a bit of a gambler.

Ramsgate town centre today seemed to be about
ten times busier than Deal town centre was yesterday, taking these photos
involved holding the camera above my head and waiting for a gap between people.
Market day today, with the rubbish and recycling changes
having a considerable impact on pedestrian flow in the town centre, I wonder if
this is some sort of deliberate ploy by TDC and whether any other towns in the
UK have this sort of thing occur at midday on their busiest shopping day. I
guess the photo taken today says it all really.
I will ramble on, but had better get the first lot with its
associated photos published or I will get more than a little confused.
Onto the various surveys, starting with “Is TDC fit for
purpose?” which is all about the Thanet District Councillors shooting the
messenger. I was talking to a long term labour voter yesterday who was trying
to express his frustration with the current Labour cabinet. Apart from this
being most reminiscent of long term Tory voters talking about the council’s
Conservative cabinet, particularly around the time Steve Ladyman got elected,
here is what he had to say to a member of the current Labour cabinet. “Don’t go
out and ask a dozen people on the street if the think the council is fit for
purpose or corrupt, just go out and ask what they think of the council and tell
me how many of them tell you it’s unfit for purpose or corrupt”
There is an encouraging article by Bob Bayford leader of the opposition in today's Gazette, see