Sunday 31 July 2022

Ramsgate Carnival Photos

 We were hard at work getting Michael's Bookshop here in King Street Ramsgate ready to reopen tomorrow when we heard the carnival coming.

We popped outside and took a hundred photos which are uploading to the internet.

Here are the links to the pictures

if I get time I will delete the worst of the photos and publish them in more conventional way.

Here is the link to the more conventional upload however they will be compressed files

Here are the links to some previous years pictures of Ramsgate carnival



Thursday 28 July 2022

Three Ramsgate devices to identify, the answer to Yesterday's mystery photos and a ramble

 Ramsgate has its fair share of mechanisms, these are all inside significant Ramsgate structures, in terms of a clue, two are clock's works and one isn't.




This type of competition blogging fits much better with my life as a shop assistant where I would normally spend a fair amount of time in the vicinity of the checkout at Michaels Bookshop  here in Ramsgate. At the moment, trying to get the bookshop open for Monday it's a bit time consuming.

Next yesterday's answers

This is Margate Sands in about 1870 

This is Ramsgate Market Place, the old town hall on the right and the Red Lion to the left

This is the railway bridge in Broadstairs High Street.

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Where were these three Thanet photos taken and yesterday's answer





Yesterday's question was a difficult one here is a link to it in case you missed the post, but it is an important one as it highlights one of the great problems relating to the older local history books and that is they are history books and not mostly about the time they were written but historical times before.

The answers I did get thought it was from John Lewis's The History and Antiquities as well Ecclesiastical as Civil of the Isle of Tenet written and published in the early 1700s, and indeed much of what it says is reiterated there meaning many people think it was written in the early 1700s.

Lewis does explain in his marginal notes, but few follow this.

So here is yesterday's answer.

William Lambarde (1576), A Perambulation of Kent: Conteining the Description, Hystorie, and Customes of that Shyre.

Work getting Michael's Bookshop here in Ramsgate ready to open is moving along 

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Thanet local history quiz, when was it written and yesterday's answer

Yesterday's answer is, the map of Ramsgate was produced around 1900. The royal Victoria pavilion which was built in 1903 isn't shown. And Traveller in Italy, previously Pizza Hut, previously National Westminster Bank is shown and that I think was built in 1897.

I'm doing this all off the top of my head without any proper research so there may be minor errors but with the bookshop reopening on Monday I am understandably very busy.

On today's question. The following is the Thanet pages from one of the most famous Kent local history books.

The question is what's the book called and when was it written?

Obviously it dates from before the 1700s when the modern fad of spelling was invented, so you can see that as a clue.

The pictures of the pages should expand to big enough to read with a bit of clicking.

From when Michael's Bookshop here in Ramsgate reopens on Monday I will be starting expanding my range of 200 local history books, so if you have written anything about the history of Thanet and you want it published I will be happy to oblige.


Monday 25 July 2022

Michael's Bookshop in Ramsgate Reopening Monday and can you date this map of Ramsgate?


Clicking on the map should expand it so you can read all the street names. By looking at what's built and what isn't you should be able to work out the date fairly easily, so what do think?

We are aiming to reopen Michael's Bookshop in King Street Ramsgate on Monday 1st August 2022 aka next Monday.

Reduced opening hours - should be easy to remember as we have decided to close the other day beginning with T.

Our new opening hours will be

Monday 10am to 5pm

Tuesday Closed

Wednesday 10am to 5pm

Thursday Closed

Friday 10am to 5pm

Saturday 10am to 5pm

Sunday Closed

All Bank Holidays Closed