Sunday 30 April 2017

Some old Ramsgate Carnival pictures and a bit of a ramble.

Not much to say today apart from hoping you are all having a reasonable holiday weekend. I think the pictures date from the 60s

Saturday 29 April 2017

Old pictures of Ramsgate and Painting more watercolour in Canterbury Cathedral

Here are the old pictures of Ramsgate  

 This is Ramsgate Station today as I went to Canterbury by train
 the two pages from my sketchbook that I am mostly splodging about on with my watercolour paints in Canterbury Cathedral at the moment, and once again my thanks to the cathedral for their forbearance.

Friday 28 April 2017

A policeman’s lot in Ramsgate

Earlier today I was talking to one of our council officers about antisocial behaviour and pointed out that back in the day the police were completely different inasmuch as the lived in the town or village they policed, so had a vested interest in that town being a nice place. They knew the local problem people and kept an eye on them, I think the key phrase is they were part of the community. 

The conversation made me think of these pictures that all relate to Pc Jordan I know from research that he rescued some horses from the sables in Cecilia Road when the caught fire in 1932. The pictures though say something about policing in Ramsgate that I don’t think words can.

Mick Cairns & Sally-Ann Bullock at York Street Gallery in Ramsgate

The current exhibition is by - Mick Cairns & Sally-Ann Bullock
Exhibition - 26 April - 3 May

Exhibitions change weekly on Wednesdays.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Old Ramsgate photos, the Buffs Chapel makeover and a bit more painting in the cathedral

My bookshop closed today and although hoping to be able to paint outside the weather wasn’t up to it, I spent a fair amount of time in the cathedral. Most of it doing preparatory sketches for what I hope will be a reasonable watercolour of the chancel.

The Buffs Chapel has had a really good clean up and the flags have been restored

Right at the end of the day I did a bit more on my watercolour from the stone seat under Bell Harry of. What? Well the bit on the right is in front of me looking you the nave’s north transept, the pillar just left of the middle is about 20 feet away from me but about seventy feet high and on the left of that is the view looking down the north side on the nave, the pillar on the far left is the side of the arch behind me.

Oh and click here for the newly arrived books in the bookshop here in Ramsgate 

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Ramsgate scouting pictures and some sort of ramble

October 14th 1923 scouts outside the Royal Temple Yacht Club

November 13th 1921 scouts mayors day church parade St George's Church

scouts mayors parade 1947, car park Elms Avenue Queen Street?

mayors parade 1947 High Street Goulden and Wind's picture house

I have just had my lunch while watching PMQs which was almost enough to put me off voting for anyone.

It did however make me think about the use of the question in debate and how they are much easier to ask than to answer.

On the local history front I have been interested as to how much interest there has been in stuff relating to Broadstairs, with considerable feedback related to the Dancing Queen World Record Broadstairs 22nd May 2011 picture, so here is the link to the blog post about that then. This includes link to pictures of the event and has some videos of the dancing embedded in it

Back to the questions, on the Manston front, for those who only want aviation use for the site, what use would thy like for the site if aviation just proves unviable and therefore impossible there? And of course the other way around, if the DCO gets approved and Manston gets turned into a busy airfreight hub, do those against this think there will be some way of living with it or will they just move away?