I have just got back to work after the bank holiday break and will start with this one, below the web statistics for last month, for my two main blogs, these statistics are the nearest I can get to a Thanet blog popularity chart.
I haven’t bothered to explain them in detail, if any of you have difficulty understanding them please leave a comment saying what you don’t understand and I will do my best to explain.
http://thanetonline.blogspot.com/5,194 Visits
8,568 Page Views
1.65 Pages/Visit 71.49% Bounce Rate
00:02:11 Avg. Time on Site
35.25% % New Visits
Source/Medium Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site % New Visits Bounce Rate
1. (direct) / (none) 1,189 1.57 00:02:29 26.49% 72.16%
2. google / organic 1,063 1.54 00:01:16 68.20% 76.29%
3. eastcliffrichard.blogspot.com / referral 734 1.71 00:01:41 15.94% 67.98%
4. blogger.com / referral 299 2.20 00:06:21 0.33% 63.88%
5. bignewsmargate.blogspot.com / referral 259 1.51 00:01:55 20.46% 76.83%
6. thanetstrife.blogspot.com / referral 166 1.97 00:03:28 6.02% 61.45%
7. yahoo / organic 166 2.01 00:02:58 65.66% 65.66%
8. thanetonline.com / referral 135 1.58 00:01:36 12.59% 72.59%
9. images.google.co.uk / referral 91 1.70 00:01:42 64.84% 67.03%
10. marknottingham.blogspot.com / referral 82 1.88 00:02:51 12.20% 70.73%
11. michaelsbookshop.com / referral 65 1.80 00:02:47 69.23% 63.08%
12. birchington.blogspot.com / referral 49 1.69 00:02:45 26.53% 67.35%
13. twitter.com / referral 48 1.15 00:00:22 25.00% 85.42%
14. google.com / referral 41 1.15 00:01:24 17.07% 87.80%
15. stopmanstonexpansiongroup.blogspot.com / referral 40 1.45 00:01:50 12.50% 72.50%
16. images.google.com / referral 39 1.56 00:01:05 84.62% 74.36%
17. thanetblogs.blogspot.com / referral 39 1.18 00:01:56 2.56% 87.18%
18. promotethanet.blogspot.com / referral 38 1.87 00:03:21 21.05% 68.42%
19. thanetcoastlife.blogspot.com / referral 37 2.19 00:04:10 13.51% 48.65%
20. eastclifframsgate.blogspot.com / referral 36 1.58 00:00:58 13.89% 72.22%
21. margatearchitecture.blogspot.com / referral 36 1.50 00:00:32 25.00% 72.22%
22. billowrights.blogspot.com / referral 35 1.34 00:01:17 0.00% 80.00%
23. aol / organic 34 1.71 00:01:06 70.59% 55.88%
24. yvonnes-jottings.blogspot.com / referral 33 1.76 00:02:30 6.06% 60.61%
25. thanetpress.blogspot.com / referral 30 1.60 00:01:25 23.33% 70.00%
26. thandotnet.blogspot.com / referral 27 1.15 00:01:43 11.11% 85.19%
27. thanetunderground.blogspot.com / referral 26 2.00 00:02:40 15.38% 46.15%
28. startmanstonexpansiongroup.blogspot.com / referral 25 1.44 00:01:28 32.00% 80.00%
29. jonathanansell.forums.umusic.co.uk / referral 24 1.25 00:01:23 83.33% 83.33%
30. facebook.com / referral 23 1.13 00:00:32 69.57% 86.96%
31. search / organic 21 1.67 00:00:24 90.48% 80.95%
32. nakedinthanet.blogspot.com / referral 20 1.60 00:01:25 30.00% 80.00%
33. bing / organic 13 1.92 00:00:56 53.85% 53.85%
34. google.co.uk / referral 13 1.85 00:00:41 38.46% 61.54%
35. ask / organic 9 1.44 00:00:13 88.89% 77.78%
36. villagevoices.blogspot.com / referral 9 1.67 00:05:46 22.22% 55.56%
37. kenthistoryforum.co.uk / referral 8 1.25 00:00:26 87.50% 75.00%
38. planesoverhernebay.blogspot.com / referral 8 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 100.00%
39. search1.sky.com / referral 8 2.75 00:08:52 62.50% 37.50%
40. thanetobserver.blogspot.com / referral 7 1.71 00:00:11 42.86% 71.43%
41. thanetstar.com / referral 7 1.00 00:00:00 28.57% 100.00%
42. blogs.thanetfinder.com / referral 6 3.33 00:04:36 50.00% 33.33%
43. thegreatdaktari.blogspot.com / referral 6 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 100.00%
44. tiscali.co.uk / referral 6 1.83 00:06:59 50.00% 50.00%
45. images.google.com.au / referral 5 2.20 00:00:22 100.00% 40.00%
46. images.google.de / referral 5 1.20 > 00:00:00 100.00% 80.00%
47. altavista / organic 4 1.25 00:02:47 100.00% 75.00%
48. images.google.es / referral 4 3.00 00:01:47 100.00% 25.00%
49. newingtonblogspot.blogspot.com / referral 4 1.25 00:00:32 50.00% 75.00%
50. search.yahoo.com / referral 4 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
www.thanetpress.blogspot.com/846 Visits
1,220 Page Views
1.44 Pages/Visit 74.59% Bounce Rate
00:00:49 Avg. Time on Site
49.05% % New Visits
Source/Medium Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site % New Visits Bounce Rate
1. eastcliffrichard.blogspot.com / referral 180 1.38 00:00:42 30.56% 81.67%
2. google / organic 171 1.50 00:00:40 91.81% 76.02%
3. (direct) / (none) 117 1.22 00:00:41 47.86% 85.47%
4. thanetonline.blogspot.com / referral 66 1.71 00:01:05 27.27% 60.61%
5. thanetstrife.blogspot.com / referral 60 1.52 00:00:58 23.33% 63.33%
6. marknottingham.blogspot.com / referral 30 1.10 00:00:26 33.33% 90.00%
7. twitter.com / referral 29 1.48 00:01:51 37.93% 72.41%
8. startmanstonexpansiongroup.blogspot.com / referral 25 1.48 00:00:43 20.00% 68.00%
9. eastclifframsgate.blogspot.com / referral 17 1.53 00:01:48 29.41% 58.82%
10. stopmanstonexpansiongroup.blogspot.com / referral 17 1.35 00:00:22 29.41% 70.59%
11. blogger.com / referral 15 1.73 00:00:38 20.00% 66.67%
12. thanetcoastlife.blogspot.com / referral 12 1.50 00:01:04 33.33% 66.67%
13. nakedinthanet.blogspot.com / referral 10 1.80 00:00:48 40.00% 50.00%
14. margatearchitecture.blogspot.com / referral 8 1.88 00:02:37 62.50% 50.00%
15. aol / organic 7 1.43 00:01:53 100.00% 85.71%
16. billowrights.blogspot.com / referral 7 1.71 00:02:12 0.00% 57.14%
17. thandotnet.blogspot.com / referral 7 1.14 00:00:10 42.86% 85.71%
18. thanetobserver.blogspot.com / referral 7 1.14 00:00:25 71.43% 85.71%
19. yahoo / organic 6 2.33 00:01:40 66.67% 16.67%
20. ademdjemil.co.uk / referral 5 1.40 00:00:19 80.00% 60.00%
21. thisfrenchlife.com / referral 4 1.75 00:00:45 100.00% 75.00%
22. blogs.thanetfinder.com / referral 3 1.33 00:00:26 66.67% 66.67%
23. giteinbrittany.blogspot.com / referral 3 1.67 00:00:50 100.00% 33.33%
24. images.google.co.uk / referral 3 1.33 00:00:08 100.00% 66.67%
25. uk.mg.bt.mail.yahoo.com / referral 3 1.33 00:00:01 100.00% 66.67%
26. villagevoices.blogspot.com / referral 3 1.00 00:00:00 66.67% 100.00%
27. google.co.uk / referral 2 3.50 00:01:11 0.00% 0.00%
28. images.google.com / referral 2 1.50 00:00:11 50.00% 50.00%
29. newingtonblogspot.blogspot.com / referral 2 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 100.00%
30. ramsgatetourettes.blogspot.com / referral 2 1.00 00:00:00 50.00% 100.00%
31. search / organic 2 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
32. / referral 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
33. ask / organic 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
34. birchington.blogspot.com / referral 1 2.00 00:01:28 0.00% 0.00%
35. by120w.bay120.mail.live.com / referral 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
36. co102w.col102.mail.live.com / referral 1 2.00 00:03:24 100.00% 0.00%
37. crawler.com / referral 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
38. crm.wikio.net / referral 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
39. facebook.com / referral 1 1.00 00:00:00 100.00% 100.00%
40. gaddsbeershop.blogspot.com / referral 1 3.00 00:02:19 0.00% 0.00%