Monday 26 May 2008

Wind farm and Ramsgate

Having heard that at least one of the major sponsors has pulled out of the wind farm project that was to have been serviced from Ramsgate Harbour I wondered why, as one does.

So I have been chatting to some of my scientifically minded friends to get some ideas on this one, well it seems all is not quite well in the wind farming world although opinions differ and some scientist still seem all for it, so further comment from anyone in the know would be welcome on this one.

The problem seems to be that they are neither as environmentally friendly or as cost effective as I had assumed. The fuel and materials used in there construction and maintenance pretty much cancels out the electricity they generate.

I gather that big companies have been sponsoring them in order to show some green credibility and now that it looks as though the whole idea is to be discredited, as a money making environmental sham, they are dropping them like hot potatoes.

The picture is of Ramsgate’s Grange Road Mill click here for more


  1. If done right a wind farm could be build on what would be a flat roof on the Turner centre. They done something like this in NZ. The the cost can be shared.


  2. Raymond, apparently one problem with wind farms is the number of birds and insects they kill, so I could make the roof look rather nasty from the cliff top.

    They are also very noisy which could be a problem there.

  3. Micheal

    That would be a good thing as it would give roof cleaning jobs to local people.



    I don't. Listen and learn.



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