Saturday 10 September 2011

Thanet bathing water quality

After the loss of several of our blue flags due to pollution incidents I have been keeping an eye on this issue. Late august was not a particularly good time for bathing water quality in Thanet, as you can see from the EA maps.

The Environment Agency interactive maps are available at and let you know about local bathing water quality pollution incidents and so on.

Playing about with the various interactive maps it looks as though there may have been some sort of sewage discharge in the area at the end of August.

This problem seems to be as much to do with poor communication between the agencies involved than a particularly bad problem with pollution locally.

I will endeavour to add to this one as I get time.  

1 comment:

  1. No Micheal, the local paper has all the facts as do some Cllrs -its much worse - but then again people who swim off our shores are merely going through the motions?


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