Thursday 8 August 2013

Broadstairs Folk Week 2013 starts tomorrow

I guess it shouldn’t be necessary to tell people but the council tourism website isn’t an easy one to follow, well not for me anyway.

I was in Broadstairs today, tea at The Albion Hotel, a quick watercolour sketch, not very folksy I’m afraid.

Broadstairs beach was fairly busy as you see. 

The pictures should expand if clicked on compulsively although as the sketch was only about five inches across to start with this will probably not improve it.

I will try and get over and take some pictures to publish here as I have done previous years although as I have said I am fairly busy with the sale in my bookshop at the moment.     


  1. Drunk Week is back. Trebles all round

  2. Let fight week begin... as one who loves the bottom of the town stuff, i will be spending as much time as i can in pubs, leaving the uncontrolled ones outside. You watch it. Tonight at 23:00 will be fight hour. Always is. And I feel sorry for ANYONE that drives through town tonight. Not closing the road is going to put normal people in real danger. Well thought through TDC.

  3. The problem with the visit Thanet website is that you have to search to find out what going on. Just a simple page with all events listed in chronological order is needed.

  4. £5M for the new fire station and closing Ramsgate and WC stations apparently. Vanity project. Keep the old pool open.

    1. Anon 11:36 am

      I do not understand what you mean by the phrase "vanity project"?

    2. A vanity project is a waste of money. Usually funded by the taxpayer for the public sector. Often elaborately over-engineered eg a parkway station. And often with no real need beyond an ego boost for those commissioning (but not paying) for it. Similar to a white elephant. A shiny new firestation would be a vanity project. Or an airport on the rates. Or a new road. Sometimes described as a centre of excellence or hub development with a series of elaborate yet meaningless job titles eg Director of Service Development and Functionality.

      Invariably costs twice as much as forecast and delayed eg Turner Centre.

    3. Its called the Turner Contemporary, not the Turner Centre.

    4. It was called the Turner Centre while being funded / built.

    5. Bit like local government officers being civil servants, some folk can never get the right names for things and then whinge when their errors are pointed out. IT IS AND ALWAYS WAS THE TURNER CONTEMPORARY FROM INCEPTION.

    6. What a difference its making to Margate though Peter, its been a catalyst for change which is a good thing.

    7. I never heard it called the Turner Contemporary whilst it was being built. The things I heard were:
      "What the hell is that?"
      "How much?"
      "Oh look. It's washed away."
      "Is it a new toilet block?"
      "Was it a gun emplacement in the war?"
      "How could THAT cost "20 million? Someone's avin a larf"
      "20 million? In your dreams.
      It won't cost the people of Thanet a penny. The taxpayer's footing the bill."
      "Just as well, Turner's not alive."
      "Well it's what's inside that matters."
      "The building looks better than the mattress."

    8. I trust 10.00 10.58 will have the good grace to apologize for their attempt to rewrite history. This, from Turner director Victoria Pomery, in 2003: "The Turner Centre, an international centre for the visual arts, is scheduled to open in Margate in 2007. To be located in a landmark building designed by Snohetta + Spence, the centre will be a key element of the regeneration of Margate and East Kent.
      The idea for the Turner Centre developed out of a number of local initiatives."

    9. But it is still called the Turner Contemporary now, 11:31, so that still puts you out of date by calling it the Turner Centre whatever it may have been referred to as before it was built. After all, you were a baby when you were born, but would not expect to be called such now.

    10. And the Turner Centre was built twice remember: £40M to get it wrong then £17M to do it again.

      The million visitors is laughable but just civil servants fiddling the figures to save their pensions.

  5. Off-topic although it would allow more council tax for Folk Week events etc: Cllr Driver has called in the TDC accounts as unlawful and possibly criminal by certain councillors and civil servants.

    Yet Clive Hart as Leader says there is nothing wrong with the accounts and there is no corruption at all at TDC.

    They both can't be right? These are public funds.

    I think Cllr Driver is correct and detailed explanations are required from Hart, Bayford, Macgonigal etc.

    They're not hoping to hang on for a 2015 election and stand again are they?

    1. As always, Driver simply makes a lot of noise, in the hope of a few column inches in the media. There is clearly nothing wrong with the accounts, and no money has been lost in Thanet as a result of whatever agreement was reached with TEF.

      All Driver proves is why information on the business agreement with TEF couldn't be disclosed to full council, because clowns like DRIVER can;t be trusted.

    2. "There is clearly nothing wrong with the accounts."

      We won't know this until they have been signed off, and this hasn't happened yet. As for no money being lost, would you say the same if everybody said they couldn't afford to pay their Council tax this year, put it off until next year and then then didn't pay?

    3. *sigh* anon 11:06, surely you aren't naive enough to swallow the childish false premise of the situation at TEF somehow equating to someone choosing not to pay their council tax.

      Now lets see, to explain yet again;

      No support from TDC for TEF = TEF close in 2010 = lost income £3.3 million (not lost capital)

      Support from TDC for TEF = possibility of £3.3 million income to TDC = sadly TEF close in 2013 = lost income £3.3 million (not lost capital)

      Now perhaps you will understand the principle of attempting to secure payment by NOT forcing the ONLY source of potential income into bankruptcy when there is no upside for doing so, as the outcome is clearly the same either way...

      ...but i doubt it.

    4. sigh

      No support for TEF in 2010 = TEF close = lost revenue £68750 per month ongoing

      forcing TDC to market facilities earlier making them do something about the situation much earlier in 2010 when the was a chance a ferry company could be found.

      If any one were silly enough to belief lost revenue doesn't equate to lost investment opportunities then buy a house and rent it out and let the tenant not pay rent for 4 years.


    5. Oh James, yet MORE bullshit and fairy tales from you I see. From which fairy tale do you produce the fairy tale £68750, and lets remember there was another operator in the port through the time in question ;)

      James, sometimes I am stunned by how stupid you believe the readers of these blogs must be to even consider taking your BS seriously, we aren't all Driver you know.

      As is plainly obvious, there are many many people who would easily replace a tenant in a house I had rented to a non paying tenant, yet there is not a ferry operator anywhere that wishes to come to Ramsgate. Not everyone is as naive as FORS James, most see straight through your BS.

      Another operator? During the biggest UK depression in living memory, how entertaining, tell me, who did you have in mind, perhaps Disney could run a ferry service, aswell as providing you with the fairy tales you base your posts on :)

      I wonder if anyone actually takes you seriously since your accusations against a certain company led to you to being forced to remove all your posts connected with that company, when they were shown to be UTTER fantasy...

    6. my my hammy being polite now, why are you more polite on Michael's blog than you are on here Could it be you are scared of Michael banning you for cyber bullying.
      According to TDC Cllrs 4 years of non-payment leaving a black hole of £3.4M equates to lost revenue of £68750 per month.
      2nd point had they looked for a replacement ferry service 4 years ago then maybe things would be different.
      The point about a tenancy would be the tenant would have been evicted and a replacement found No one in business would have allowed a tenant to run up a debt of 4 years standing.

    7. Barry, do get real. The ferry world has been in decline for years and four years ago things were no different. You have clearly forgotten the lines that have folded over the last decade or so and it was very much a case of trying to hang on to what you have got.

      Your tenant comparison is disingenuous to say the least and no way equates to the position TDC found themselves in. Whilst I do not always agree with the way things are run in Thanet, I do have some sympathy with TDC on this issue. There were really just two choices, accept the loss of revenue now or try to keep things going.

    8. 10:04 Barry makes some good points you ignore. Certainly the secretive way TDC handled things. And we haven't yet heard what they did in the 4 years of secrecy and knowing TEF etc was going bust. I think we can all guess what they did.

      The wider point is we seem to be paying lavish salaries and benefits for almost no activity at all from TDC. And what little there is seems both incompetent and riddled with corruption.

      Is it the councillors? Is it the civil servants? Are they both as bad as each other?

      How would you improve things?

    9. To allow anyone not to pay for 4 yes 4 years is bad business practice. Its not allowing TEF to find a way out of the hole they were in that's the issue here, It is the length of time TDC allowed the situation to spiral out of control. If the money TEF owed was secured against an asset then no problem. However it is unlikely there will be any money left to get back despite what Cllr Hart says. At the very least TDC should have dealt with the matter in a timely manner. Remember its the Council Tax payers who ultimately pick up the tab for the lost investment opportunities as evidenced by the £1M removed from the Housing budget and the other £2.4M removed to balance the books.

    10. A civic leader worth their salt would have insisted all available options were openly debated

    11. The rusty ferries are worthless except as scrap. and are clogging up Ostend harbour by the sounds of it. But what's happening at/with Ramsgate Port?

      The Ferrygate scandal was announced c.4 weeks ago - what have the Duffers and civil servants done since then? The blame game is fine to an extent but what is happening.

      We can guess.

    12. What can you guess?

    13. Simple really, I have an amount of respect for Michael, Barnes is simply a clueless gullible fool who is stupid enough to swallow your BS James.

      Now, lets see, lets take your bullshit apart once again. So, in the depths of recession, where prey tell where these alternative operators that you claim TDC should have been enticing to the port, bearing in mind of course Driver had been trying to drive OUT the other operator in the port over the same period...

      If you are going to claim that TDC missed an opportunity James, kindly prove that opportunity existed there's a good boy.

      Now, a tenant in a house that isn't paying is very easily removed and replaced, whereas alternative ferry operators simply don;t exist. apart from perhaps Disney ferries, they might be able to help you as you are so keen to spin fairy stories, untroubled by evidence or fact.

      Thus, there is/was a reasonable hope the operator will save his business, it makes excellent business sense to keep the operator in place, but then business acumen is something you have proved you are 100% devoid of.

      4 years? If it's 2013 now James, and TEF started to have issues in 2010, how prey tell does that equate to 4 years? It seems if you still claim to be an accountant, you would seem as gifted at that as Driver is to loyalty. Speaking of the bandwagon jumping specialist, you know he's claiming £100,000 a month right? Which one of you is peddling lies James?

      Oh and PS, even if it was £3.4million and 4 years, that's £70,833 per month, can't you even get that right!

    14. oh hammy why do you post politely on here when even on your own blog you are rude and arrogant. I presume you have more respect for Michael than you do for even for yourself then.
      Cllrs agree it was 4 years accumulated non-payment and the figure is between £3.3M and £3.4M which is either £687500 or £70833 per month a lot of Wonga in any ones eyes but not yours sadly. however using your dates that's a mouth watering £91666 or £94444 per month. If you had bothered to read what was said leaving the debt to build up over 4 years is what's wrong "It is the length of time TDC allowed the situation to spiral out of control" You note I said TDC not Labour nor Tory but both parties that are at fault. Knocking £3.3M off the budget means less investment into Thanet. The ongoing saga of losing £870000 in income for this financial year is certainly going to make a difference to how TDC invest into Thanet's future.

    15. I wonder if you were born this stupid James, or whether you have suffered a severe brain injury at some point? Once again,

      "Simple really, I have an amount of respect for Michael, Barnes is simply a clueless gullible fool who is stupid enough to swallow your BS James"

      Do they really James, well why do you quote 2010, and Driver is quoting over £100,000 loss per month?

      It seems that the BS specialists which you front can't agree on which made up piece of inaccurate rhetoric you would like to claim as factual, and as that money would have been lost if TEF was bought to it's knees in 2010/1 or 2013, it really makes no difference whatsoever.

      Once again, bandwagon jumping specialist Driver and his minions appear to be throwing around accusations which are neither accurate, factual or relevant.

    16. Thanks to Hammy it is easy to see that I undervalued the amount of subsidy per month however it also cost someone wages etc to keep the port open. I suspect when you add on wages, services and any on-top costs Driver is likely right with his £100K per month.

      Rather than you talking sense it seems you promote what you say you are trying to cut through.

    17. So what your say Jamesmy boy, is tjat your figure is as laughably ficticious as Drivers. Glad we cleared that up, you abd Driver just post the 1st figure that pop's into your head, post it, claim it as a fact, then get all foot stampy when you're when you are proved a liar, as you were shown to be when you made bullshit allegations against anther Thanet comany, that you were forced to remove.

      Nothing changes James, except the subject of yourbullshit.

    18. Ah, you mean you abd Driver made up some figures, and got caught. Glad we got that cleared up James ;-)

    19. No problem James, it's very entertaining pointing out that the figures you have guessed at without the benefit of any facts, amusingly contradict those of the bandwagon jumping specialist, and neither set of guessed figures are in any way relevant, much like the allegations you made against another local Kent business that you were forced to remove.

      Seems cutting through BS really is something that needs to be done a great deal when trawling through yours and Drivers posts.

  6. What evidence have you to suggest that Cllr Driver is right, 5:46? He does not have a reputation for well considered statements, quite the opposite, so just why should his opinion be regarded as more correct than that of Councillor Hart.

    If Cllr Driver has evidence that the accounts are unlawful he should go to the police with it. The fact he has not done so would suggest that he is, as usual, trumpeting suspicion without foundation more in the cause of self promotion than the interests of we public.

    1. Oh Lord Almighty. FIRST he has to obtain the accounts. THEN he has to challenge them. If it emerges that the accounts are not compliant with the requirements of law then decisons would be taken. Not necessarily involving calling the police.

      EXAMPLE: ATOS test a person on incapacity benefits. DWP decide to migrate that person to Jobseekers Allowance. Appeal process begins. A year goes by. A DWP person suddenly phones the claimant "I can't put this in front of a Judge he will throw it back at me". ATOS had used staff not licensed to practice in UK and one had failed to record contraindications for treatment the ATOS report had concluded would render the claimant fit for work within six months. And ATOS had in fact disciplined their own member of staff for failing to record kidney removal surgery which contraindicated the treatment.

      DWP migrated the claimant back to Incapacity Benefits and paid up over a years arrears of Incapacity Benefits. They had failed to lawfully migrate that claimant from Incapacity to ESA. So DWP afforded remedy of restoring the original situation and then starting a whole new ATOS process using different ATOS staff. And guess what .. no call to Police.

    2. Are you saying then, 5:16, that without even seeing the accounts Driver is already alleging corruption? How can Hart, Bayford and Macgonigal provide answer when, in the absence of seeing the accounts, one does not even know what the questions are. You seem to be tying yourself in knots again.

    3. Topical at TDC. Law imposed duties of reporting and disclosure. Legal advice is being sought by a leading cllr from the legal officer.

      What duties of disclosure attach to the accounts ?

      Has there been disclosure ?

      Has there been difficulties in obtaining disclosure ?

      And hey presto without seeing accounts the explanation of corruption, in the matter of failing to disclose, springs to mind.

      A similar situation existed in Thanet County Court a couple of years ago. The defendants, including Chief constable, were refusing to disclose estate accounts of a murdered Thanet man. Nonetheless the public record shew a Probate gross and net valuation. Half a million gross nil net. At a time of sharply declining house values how two years later at disbursement was their value in the residual estate to be given to beneficiaries ? How had nil net became of value ?

      And, without accounts, the limited company owned by the murder victim had been gazetted and struck off for failing to file accounts. The admin of estate had not wound it up. Its assets on strike off became property of the Crown. So what happened to the assets ? The Crown didn't get 'em.

      And there questions !! Without sight of the accounts. Abracadabra. The accounts should be the source of the answers. The Judge chose not to compel disclosure. Chief constable anyway was admitting his force never examined accounts and never conducted proceeds of crime inquiry as part of the murder case. Rather the point of litigating. To get such admissions.

    4. Boring as ever, Rick, for there is nowt worse than a self appointed know all. You must have been a right barrack room lawyer on your national service.

    5. On the TDC accounts I think the posts have missed the main point. Driver, as a councillor(!), was actually refused the accounts and invoices etc.Why are councillors not routinely checking the accounts each month? Where are the FOI monhtly costs etc?

      No wonder Mcgonigal is leading them by the nose and doing as she likes.

      TDC refusing accounts and invoices and emails is well-established in their attempt to cover up incomeptence and corruption.

    6. Why are the TDC accounts not provided to the councillors each month?

    7. Because the likes of Driver cannot be trusted with such information 4:24.

    8. So you're saying councillors shouldn't be provided the accounts etc? Why?

    9. Because the likes of Driver and Worrow can't be trusted with confidential information.

  7. It isn't only the uncontrolled drinking in the streets that is a problem. I no longer go to Broadstairs Folk Week. Although I love folk music I found that the pub gigs were ruined by rowdy tw*ts shouting at each other to make themselves heard over the music. The last time I tried to watch an act was in the Neptune I was the only person in the room listening. I stayed until the interval and asked the artist why he bothered. He told me that Broadstairs was the worst folk festival he had been to and that he was only carrying on with the gig because he wouldn't get paid if he pulled out. I tried one of the tent gigs but that was full of people who were there to be seen. I can recommend Sidmouth to anybody who really likes their folk music. Unlike Broadstairs, It isn't perceived to be an event to be seen at by people who have no interest in the music. Not only can you hear some great music, you can take your own instrument and join in with the impromptu pub sessions. Festivals aren't tourist attractions and they aren't held for the benefit of landlords or to provide the town with an economic boost. They're held so that people who love the music can get together listen and participate. Broadstairs has lost sight of that.

    1. There are many gigs in the concert marquees, the pavilion, on the jetty and at the bandstand that are well controlled and devoid of disturbance. Yet again, it is not the official Folk Week pubs that tend to have the problems, but those few that bring in their own, seldom folk, entertainers to cash in on folk week. There are thousands of people here in Broadstairs who love music and many of them have travelled long distances to attend. They, like me, are having a great time.

      Anyway, 7:47, you knock it all you like and please, do stay away. We will not miss you in Broadstairs.

    2. Well said, Anon 9:30. Lessons have been learnt from last year and I was down in Broadstairs until late last night and again earlier this evening for the procession. Great atmosphere, loads of people camping up at the school playing fields and generally an aura of enjoyment. Sure there will be the odd idiots, as there are anywhere, but this year's police presence seem more than capable of nipping any trouble in the bud.

    3. Hi anonymous 9:30. You are talking rubbish. The Neptune is an official folk week venue and the people performing there are in the programme. The problems aren't confined to a few rogue pubs and it is disingenuous and misleading of you to pretend that they are. I have already said that I will be staying away, but you aren't doing the event any favours by encouraging genuine music fans to give it a miss. You would do better to encourage the lager-swilling thugs and louts to get lost.

    4. 11:59, since you are staying away how would you know there are any problems with the Neptune. I would suggest that it is you that is trying to get people to stay away without even trying the event this year. Like I said earlier, if all you can do is rubbish the event, Broadstairs is probably better off without your patronage.

      I have been down in Broadstairs the last two nights until quite late, at one event in the concert marquee as well as visiting the Lord Nelson, Tartar Frigate, Charles Dickens and the Chapel. All happy folk in all of those.

    5. 4:31. Happy to do as you have requested and stay away. I assume you are one of the organisers. If not you wouldn't really have authority to encourage people not to attend, would you? What's that? You aren't one of the organisers? Just one of the Broadstairs snobs who thinks that the event belongs to them. Typical.

    6. 6:31, why do you have to be so habitually rude. Having earlier dismissed my comment as rubbish you now describe me as a Broadstairs snob.

      You are actually making yourself look rather stupid. By your own admission you have not attended the Folk week this year yet you contradict those that have. Then you suggest Broadstairs residents think the event belongs to them in response to someone who says the place is teeming with visitors. Not very bright of you.

      Suffice to say that the lessons taken on board from last year have made the required difference and this year it has all started off very well.

    7. My mates went over on Saturday. They all said they had a fantastic night, although they can't remember much about it because they were so p*ss*d.

    8. And now even more stupid, 10:41, with your silly little made up story.

    9. 3 police cars parked on Broadstairs bandstand is ridiculously over the top for a few drunk morris dancers.

    10. Wrong place anyway. They need to be outside the Dolphin.

    11. How would you know when you haven't been and how would you park cars on the bandstand unless they were VTOL ones. You get progressively sillier.

  8. Same here. No disrespect intended towards the organisers or people attending, but it's not for me

  9. I see the folk week publicity machine is in operation - telling all and sundry that there are no problems. Thing is, I never believe a publicity machine because it's always telling me what it wants me to believe. I'll form my own opinions thanks.

    1. What is wrong with people describing their own experiences, 6:19. A couple of people have told how they have actually been to events in folk week already this year and enjoyed them. You, on the other hand, offer no first hand experience, but simply knock the event. Well, fortunately, you are too late because Broadstairs is packed, the camp site has hardly a small tent space left and thousands of people are enjoying themselves.

    2. Nothing wrong with people describing their own experiences. I've only seen a few third rate acts this year.

    3. Strange because earlier you said you were not going this year. Do you make it up as you go or simply to contradict the last person.

  10. Ah I see. It's OK for people to give their opinions, as long as they agree with you.

    1. No, 7:45, as long as they have been this year and know what they are talking about rather than simply criticising on historic experience. Read Tara Plumbing's blog for a very update view on this year's folk week.

  11. She knows as much about folk music as she does about plumbing.

    1. Ok then, but your hero, Ian Driver, is also heavily into folk week and down there every day and evening. Perhaps you will say he knows nothing about folk music either, but then, that is not the issue, is it? This all kicked off because you rubbished the event, suggesting it is just drunks and anti-social behaviour. Well you have been proved wrong this year and lots of other people, over 100,000 visitors according to the BBC, are enjoying it.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.