The company behind the China Gateway proposal had their shares drop by over 13% yesterday, which is a lot in one day, having read the environment agency’s views on the drainage situation, the new polluter pays legislation and the new corporate manslaughter laws, I suppose putting an industrial estate in a drinking water reservoir didn’t seem such a good investment.
There is a rumour going round that the bankers have pulled the funding for the new Pleasurama development, once again I suppose having read the environment agency’s views on the on the flood and storm situation and the new corporate manslaughter laws, building so low as to be at risk in a tidal surge storm, with inadequate escapes for the people who would be trapped inside didn’t seem such a good investment.
Simon Moores put up a post on Thanet Life and already there is flack from anonymous posters on other blogs so a couple of thoughts on that one.
Firstly he holds no senior post in the current administration, nor is he in the cabinet, so is in no way responsible for our deplorable and bankrupt council, now selling off our assets to pay its running costs.
Secondly if he or any of the other of the new able councillors is ever to get into a position where they can do any good, they can’t actively publicly criticise their own party.
We get many of these decent honourable people who offer their skills for the benefit of the local community, we like their ideas and vote for them and they are elected to represent us.
They then find that here the local government has been organised in such a way to ensure they have no power to improve anything and their specialist skills that would benefit us all are refused.
Look up a planning application on the internet in Thanet and then in Canterbury, compare the two experiences, consider Simon Moores is an expert in IT and ponder why he isn’t the cabinet member in charge of sorting out Thanet District Council’s IT problems.
It’s rather like the veteran BBC foreign affairs correspondent, Charles Wheeler, who recounted how the BBC, on discovering that he spoke fluent German, sent him to Madrid.
The picture is of Ramsgate’s PC Jordan engaged in a fund raising event and the video the youth of today playing about with our piano, both for a little light relief, among the sad and serious woes of Thanet.
Simon Moores put up a post on Thanet Life and already there is flack from anonymous posters on other blogs...
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Who would that be, then? If it's me you're talking about, perhaps you should bear in mind that myself and Dr M have always been at loggerheads in the blogosphere, it's just one of those things. I don't like his cosy, middle England Toryism and that's that. Actually, I don't like Tories at all much. Not that I haven't got plenty of friends who I could describe that way and I'm perfectly capable of seeing past the politics and liking the person.
However, in the five months or so since Thanet Life went under you may have forgotten some of the more outrageous, right wingisms Dr M came out with. I haven't.
But then thankfully we've all got a right to our views in this country and I never regarded my run-ins with the good doctor as anything much more than a heated debate about politics over a pint in my local. If he is the sensible chap you claim, then he would surely be of the same opinion.
Yours truly,
A welfare sponger with a political axe to grind, and part time living, gloating metaphor of all that's wrong with our society.
This website operates an acceptable use policy which prohibits anonymous personal attacks on individuals. The previous posting made a serious defamatory allegation and has been removed. To prevent further instances of the same, from an anonymous source, this comment thread has been closed.