Thursday 21 August 2008

Thanks for the vote

I would like to offer my sincere thanks to those councillors who were responsible for the China Gateway application going to full council, this was obviously what all the people who understood the implications of the proposal wanted.

I believe that we have now got some councillors who are putting the benefits of Thanet, the integrity of office and the wishes of the electorate first. I also believe that, as we are moving towards an elected council leader, who will not necessarily favour one party or one group of individuals, that these councillors will stay and their numbers will increase.

Apart from the planning issues, I think it inappropriate that anything should be decided on the China Gateway until the serious economic crimes unit have completed their investigation.

I asked TDC planning department for their view on this, here is what they said.

“From a Planning point of view, if it can be proven that there are procedural irregularities in reaching a planning decision , the decision can be challenged through the judicial review process which can nullify the permission if the JR is successful. I don't think that the hint of a criminal investigation would prejudice Planning Committee considering the application and all Planning Committee members would need to be sure in their own minds they do not have any prejudicial interest that prevents them from considering the application with an open mind.”

Various people have asked me to do a comprehensive post on TDCs asset disposal, particularly with regard to Northdown House, I have been on the case for some time now and am still at the gathering information stage.

You have to appreciate that I am not an anonymous individual, so I have to try and get the information that I publish here exactly right, first time.


  1. Michael,

    It was an interesting meeting.
    I now look forward to attending the next full council meeting, as an observer.

  2. John it would appear that the balance of power is now held by a group of people of some integrity that is increasing in size, they do appear to be using the opportunity well.

  3. Yes We hope so Michael, it has been sadly lacking in integrity until now.
    Think it was Cllr Wise who was charged with the texting job of passing the info to our leader.
    He was seen fidgeting whilst the discussion was going on with his phone and then went outside to pass the news on i think. Not everything always goes their own way. We are not all as stupid as they have us believe!

  4. TDC has just announced the CGP matter will be discussed at a special full council meeting in September - sooner than most people thought then!

  5. Michael, what do you mean by "moving towards an elected council leader"?

    The system remains that each political party on the council may/will put forward a candidate for the role of leader. It will, of course, always end up being the Tory candidate whilst the Tories are the majority group on the council. I think the rules of all three major parties prevent members voting for a candidate from another party - understandably.

    The Tory candidate will be chosen through that party's internal processes.

    The leader is not therefore "elected" in the way most people would understand - by the public - nor is there any current suggestion that they should be.

  6. 15.35 As a bookseller in Thanet I can most certainly concur that the intelligence of the local population is often underestimated.

    9.17 Yep and at considerable extra expense to us, I doubt however that the plans will be in any sense viable by then, which is rather stupid.

    11.02 Sorry you must have missed my previous posts about this click here for some clarification

  7. Keep going Michael - you do a fantastic job of balanced reporting with an angle of insight that is unique. I will look forward to your report.

  8. The Cabinet will be under great pressure from CGP to get this before a full council meeting. I bet we see this the subject of an extraordinary Council Meeting as early as possible in September and not in October. If Mrs Tomlinson is to believed, why should there be such a rush as this application is no different to an extension being built on a house?


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.