Thursday 9 October 2008

Manston Airport V China Gateway

I was interested to see the plans for the airport expansion you may remember back in August I posted their letter about this and how it conflicts with China Gateway sorry that it’s difficult to read once again though the main question is why haven’t the safety issues been addressed, before proceeding? My own interest here is protection of the water supply see they have been avoiding resolving this issue since June 2006 see

Now at the moment as activity at Manston increases the risk of pollution both of Pegwell Bay and our water supply increases with it, it must be time for TDC to commission a proper assessment of these risks and have a contingency plan for a pollution incident.

If they can’t find a workable solution to a major pollution incident i.e. if we don’t have sufficient alternative water supply for both our agriculture and our drinking water then neither project can be allowed to go ahead without major changes .

Personally I think the airport is wrongly situated like Port Ramsgate it can never compete with the competition because of its remote geographical location, the risk here is a failed airport and an irreversibly damaged water supply.

The picture of the airport comes from one of my publications Twilight of Pistons


  1. Michael. I see here the next blog war building. the plan for manston is not new, take a look at the old Plane Station masterplan.

    With regard to pegwell bay pollution, It has already been dealt with. Though not to some peoples satisfaction. The envoirenment agency are happy though.

    Interesting to see the news report on Manston last evening, and the views of those interviewed. Ps Missed the inside out programme.

  2. Ken I am mostly worried about an air accident and fuel spillage on the green bit of the airport, the more I research the aquifer the more I am coming to understand that even were we able to pump all water from other parts of the country, this wouldn’t be viable for our agriculture.

    It seems pretty obvious that a combination of the traffic movements for both projects would result in gridlock, this is especially difficult to see a solution to because of the shape of Thanet.

    I have recorded the inside out program so I can always send it to you if it doesn’t appear on the bbc website soon. The main points were Ken Wills said it has to be all three phases, so it doesn’t look as they will go ahead unless they get permission for phases 2 and 3. He also said that the trip to China was funded by CGP and rather intimated that if the councillors and council officers had lied about this it was their look out and not his.

    It seemed to me to be a well-balanced program giving the views of those who were for and against the project.

    I still am of the view that the passing of bad plans will help neither side, especially in the light of what Ken had to say, as if there isn’t going to be a development without all three phases there doesn’t seem to be any point in not delaying it until the land has been reclassified as industrial.


  4. I guess Ken is referring to the recent KIACC meeting which had Manston Airports discharge consent on the agenda. This consent is some way off as all TDC did was pass the planning application and leave the finer details to the EA.

    The EA are/were awaiting the Management plan and Emergency plan for the consent to move on to the three month consultation period of which has yet to start.

    I have been assured by the EA that I and others will be sent these plans and the details of the consultation periods and I will send these to you when I have received them.


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