Wednesday 2 October 2013

Julian Lovegrove exhibition at the York Street Gallery, Morrisons open in King Street Ramsgate and a midweek ramble.

 I managed to get down to York Street toward the end of the hanging, so even got a photo of the artist, the pictures of the pictures will expand if clicked on, I hope, a good exhibition and well worth a visit this week.

Morrisons, well this one is a bit strange, I went out shopping for food for today, like most men I am sent with a list, lemon, onions, mushrooms, cream, bread and meat, beef fillet tails, supper tonight being stroganoff.
This sounds expensive but fillet tails are about £8 per lb and you don’t need much, basically you cop up and fry the onion and meat, add the cream sour it with the lemon juice add sliced mushrooms and a bit of dark soya sauce for taste and colour, when your rice is ready the stroganoff is done and you only have to pour on some brandy, light it and eat it.

Fries, lights and eats. Fries lights, and eats. Another grammar puzzle? So shopping for this in King Street, two greengrocers to chose from for the onions and lemon, less than 50p Rooks the butcher for the meat, then I got to the bread, the bog standard Kingsmill white sliced, £1.35 per loaf in Morrisons however opposite in Iceland, the shop not the county, the same loaf £1 or two for £1.80. 

It think what Morrisons have done is to put convenience store prices in the middle of what is the main food shopping area of the town, where prices are very competitive, will it work? This may be just some sort of misunderstanding, I am a bit of a Boris when it comes to food prices, anyway I got the cream and the bread in Iceland and will investigate further.         

In a time when most cafés seem to be doing very well, two in Harbour Street seem to have been closed for months.

Perhaps we have reached saturation point.

I have just read the latest edition to Thanet Watch and wondered vaguely about the people who comment saying they don’t read it, I had a good chuckle and find the what’s on for the month very useful. I do stock this one, and the back issues in my bookshop, which may be useful to some people. 

Full council meeting tomorrow, a big agenda which you can view at  

It seems the senior officers are against the public filming council meetings, and the council should carry on uploading then to their own site at considerable cost, instead of live streaming them to youtube for free. 


  1. I agree Peter. I've had to cut down on the deep fried caviar 'n' chips. And on the deep, fried, caviar and chips. For me it's now a case of eats shoots and leaves; though occasionally it's eats, shoots and leaves to find a takeaway for lunch.

    1. What always amazes me, passing Broadstairs restaurants and café, is not just how many people seem to be able to eat out, but how young they are. Some I know to be local sixth formers so evidently pocket money is much better these days.

      I had one of those Hi-Life Diners cards, used it once on my wife's birthday, and worked out that the saving on one main course was about a quarter of the annual subscription for the card. Hence, did not renew, especially as Pizza Hut, KFC and Macdonalds are not participants and it does not cover takeaways.

    2. My normal modus operandi, if the weather is ok, is buy a French stick and some cheese and make for the nearest cemetery or monastic garden, when I do eat out it is usually a lunchtime snack and features in a blog post about the eatery.

      But yes the whole thing, expense and quality never fails to amaze me.

    3. I find that that the restaurants in our area are of generally good quality and reasonably priced. I suspect this is due to the competition. But of course cost is realtive, consequently, it does depend much on for how many realatives you are footing the bill.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.