Tuesday 12 November 2013

What a load of rubbish

Having had no rubbish collection for a week despite several emails I finally managed to get through to a person at TDC on their rubbish line; Thanet 577115. Who on earth concocts these multiple choice telephone answering services and what they achieve apart from annoying people is a mystery to me.

I guess 99.9% of people calling this line both want and need to speak to a person, with 000.1% wanting to complete a customer satisfaction survey or be told to look on the council’s website, which is where most of them probably obtained the phone number in the first place.

It can’t be much fun for the person at the council who gets to answer the phone after people have had their time wasted and been made annoyed either.

Perhaps I should consider one for my secondhand bookshop, press 1 if it’s a paperback, 2 two if its hardback, 3 if you are selling energy and 4 if it’s about payment protection insurance. But then it’s difficult enough dealing with phone calls without making all of the callers angry first.

Comments on the blog recently have mostly descended to people antagonising each other, rather than any meaningful debate, perhaps the posts are too difficult for commentators to understand and therefore respond to, the way artists or anyone else for that matter, remember visual images and something related to the point of the main exhibition at the Turner was definitely too difficult, perhaps most people will be able to manage, my rubbish bin is still full.

I guess there is the aspect of what you can and can’t do on a blog anonymously, otherwise or both. Raising questions like is it possible to insult an anonymous person and can an anonymous individual actually make a fool of themselves?

Well all and sundry seem to have been doing their best, I wonder why they should bother.    

The TDC Conservative group have finally made up their minds as to what their collective position is on the Pav, see http://thanetpress.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/tdc-conservative-group-calls-for.html

Meanwhile another press release http://thanetpress.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/thanet-council-confidence-survey.html this time from In Touch With Thanet which I think is this facebook group https://www.facebook.com/InTouchWithThanet which relates to the results of an online survey of TDC councillor popularity. 

On a much more important note Rooks the butchers where I often get my lunchtime roll made

Have started doing cookies

I didn’t manage to resist the temptation.

Anyway from the survey it would seem the next elections are as uncertain as ever, although not quite in the way I thought.

I have to admit to having been a bit lazy with putting up press releases recently, it is much more like work than blogging, many of the press releases come in either a from that I can’t understand or a format that I cant publish.

Viewed collectively some of them tell a strange tale, this link take you to the one issued by the TDC Conservative group and you will need to click on loder posts when you get to the bottom of the page http://thanetpress.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/tdc-conservative-group-calls-for.html

Reading them collectively it’s a bit hard to tell if it’s a plea to get elected or rejected. All the Labour ones are probably here http://www.thanetlab.blogspot.co.uk/ on the whole it’s probably a good thing that they don’t put much on their website http://www.thanet-labour-group.org.uk/ and stick with the blog.   

When it comes to web resources nothing however competes with North Thanet Conservative group website http://ntca.org.uk/index.html blown away or what? 

more of this soon 


  1. That's an interesting use of bins, Peter. Likewise the new collections seem to have gone OK in my locality though, being houses, they all have the various bins and somewhere out of sight to keep them when not out for collection. I had a few queries raised with me about items that did not appear on any of the hand outs on what goes where, but the council came back very promptly with the answers. I suppose there will be teething troubles as people adjust and it is always a bit more difficult in areas of high flat numbers or mixed commercial properties.

    See on the Pavilion the Conservatives have responded and I understand both Julie Marson and Laura Sandys have had meet ups with Emma to discuss her proposal and experiences in putting it forward. Better than venturing a view before looking into the matter I would suggest.

  2. I've had a lot of rubbish on my mind too. No real problems just lots of questions. Some I emailed to TDC and they have replied. And I have blogged... Like you Michael Ithink they should have a better system for communication. EG probably 100 or 1000s of Thanet residents contacting themand asking the same few questions left off their FAQ.
    And on the more important subject of biscuits.
    I'm pleased to tell you my son has been baking the most delicious biscuits and cakes in his new school. Good to know cooking in Grammar School is a top class subject!

  3. Any comments on the new maritime plan ? I am always a bit concerned when one of the high lights is suggesting yet another new name.

    1. Yep, love it. If someone will take it up, and investors can be found, really can't see the downside. I think it's quality is underlined by the desperate reaching of the usual whining suspects, to find something to attack, when there really is no downside.

      Well done TDC :)

    2. They don't recycle there, Peter, just bury them in boot hill without even bothering to extract the lead first. Meantime, in St. Peters the new collections are going well with few problems. What were the chances of Louise being happy with anything though, SFA perhaps.

    3. This reminds of the recycling I knew in the 90s in Ottawa. You put everything out the front, including old furniture, washing machines, etc and once a week the bin men took it away.

      In Penang the bins were emptied daily and the pavement swept of spillage.

      In Freetown our steward cleared our rubbish, I don't know what he did with it, probably sold it. It was similar in Bombay; there everything was recyled - by hand.

      To be fair the TDC recycling regime is sensible by modern UK standards.

  4. The plan will surely fail if Hamilton is endorsing it

  5. I await your better idea 9:03 :)

    If you're having trouble cheggers, give Oldfield a shout, I'm sure she's made enough of a nuisance of herself over another non issue to be able to help you :)

    1. Oh dear cheggers, it would seem your judgement has proved to be somewhat lacking, and your hypocrisy boundless.

    2. Can you remember how you suggested I should undermine oldfield on fb cheggers? Even i have morals, seems you don't.

      You really don't have anything going for you do you.

    3. As stated cheggers

      Oh dear cheggers, it would seem your judgement has proved to be somewhat lacking, and your hypocrisy boundless.

      Handy i have enough scruples to ignore your particularly nasty suggestions on a course of action to discredit oldfield. You really are an unpleasant little man cheggers.

    4. John, it is only because he is eyeing her up as a potential candidate for the kit off modelling bit. Elsewhere he has his eye on young Jodie and even Iris better watch her step. No knowing where the all seeing camera will point next.

    5. Good god no cheggers, it's not my site to hand over to anyone, let alone to the laughable muppet smithson. Happily i didn't use the particularly nasty and personal approach you suggested with my posts on there.

      That's the thing cheggers, like me or hate me, you always know what my thoughts are, you are such a cowardly failed pornographer, you seek to use others, and hide when the nastiness starts. You really are the personification of exactly the sort of person that immediately springs to mind when someone looks at your attempt at a porn site cheggers, though you are slightly more seedy and squalid.

    6. The opinion of a squalid failed doorman/pornographer is as irrelevant to the site's owner as it is to everyone else.

    7. To be fair Peter he does live a very long way from Margate.

    8. As I don't front it, that's not really an issue cheggers, and in any case, even if I was, WAY better than Thanet's own squalid hawker of mucky pictures, suggesting a particulary nasty personal attack and a dump muppet like smithson. ;)

      As support for Tesco's is overwhelming, there really is no need for press appearances, simply exposing nimby bullshit will suffice.

    9. I had thought both Hamilton and Checksfield were admins on the YES page. Seems weird seeing them fall out.

    10. You are as bad as Hamilton, Checksfield, for neither of you have a view on the serious problems of pollution and corruption that blight Thanet. Time for change, but will you aged duffers help? No chance, too busy talking nonsense.

    11. No so 12:48, the creator of that group didn't trust cheggers, and subsequent events have clearly proved them correct.

    12. Dump muppet! That has to be one of my favourites!

    13. Oh bless you smithson, I love that you claim to have been thrown out of a TDC meeting, whilst claiming to be being discriminated against as you have the disability of Dyslexia, yet then proceed to to comment on someones mis typed letter lol lol

      Smithson, if you were any more worthless, you'd be James.

  6. Do be quiet with your political nonsense Cllr Epps unless you can clarify what is happening with the pollution in Broadstairs from Thor mercury? One post a day is much better though, well done.

  7. Wondered where you had been hiding, fatso. Is that the best you can come up with on the dustbin debate?

  8. I think I now have an inkling of where cracked records are recycled. Has anyone actually persuaded another to a different point of view on this blog ? There are the usual suspects who are more sure of everything than a rational person would be of anything.

    David Blunkett has experienced an enlightenment. Apparently he can criticise Roma in his Sheffield constituency without being widely harangued as a born again racist. A stroke of genius he now propounds is that Roma should adapt to the English culture and way of life.

    A few years ago, when locals here dubbed Cliftonville Kosoville, weren't we lectured by police that we must understand that gathering on the streets and blocking pavements and hurling rubbish anywhere but in a bin was part of the Koso culture that was enriching us all.

    In Wales the cleanest recycling skips are in Butetown Cardiff. Tiger Bay the centre of the Somali community established in Wales for over a century. Weekly the Cardiff City Council dustcart arrives followed by a gulley sucker. And the dustmen (Welsh) shovel the waste from the pavements and into their refuse lorry. The gulley sucker then moves in to clear the drains blocked by rainwater having washed through the pavement dumped rubbish.

    Meanwhile elsewhere in the city Welsh bins might some odd weeks have lids peeking open a little overfull. The dustmen refuse to empty it. They also claim not to have shovels and brooms. And a gulley sucker is as rare as rocking horse manure.

    The new definition of racist, outside of Sheffield, is an enthusiastic recycler who expects everyone to be the same.

    1. There are some very stupid people in Thanet no doubt. Must be something in the (redacted)!

      Very quickly this blog will no doubt become pensioners whinig to each other and being ignored.

      More of Michael's Meals instead!

    2. Thanks for that gem of wisdom, fats. Certainly you should not be looking at Michael's food photos.

    3. Poor old fats, Michael is spamming all comments including his favourite topics whilst ECR is applying comment moderation. He must be desperate to leap up somewhere with a bit of ageism, pollution or his three stooges stuff. In the absence of banging out one liner drivel he will be forced to turn to snacking. Just relax and don't look in the mirror.

    4. I don't know who the person is who's obsessed with fat men, but I suggest he has a word with Solo Gays. Apparently all shapes and sizes get to Winterstoke Gardens after dark!

    5. Strangely enough, 7.11 pm, I don't know who you are either. Are you the fat man by any chance?

    6. No Peter I am not able to afford the funny fags these days. I was trying to set the topic of rubbish recycling into a social tension context. The cleanest recycling bins, for example, being in an area that doesn't use them. 50 yards away next to the buildings is where the rubbish is deposited on the pavement.

      Blunkett has a similar beef with Roma in his constituency.

      If you cast your mind back to a tiff between Simon Moores and ECR concerning Dept of Environment Waste carrier licences. A story was recounted on Simon's blog describing how enforcement was carried out against an English trader because he carried a photocopy instead of the original EA certificate. Then the council officers hid up when a lop sided untaxed Transit came round the corner, with Gypsies on board, to clear rubbish from a chip shop.

      ECR threatened all sorts of Standards complaints because Simon's blog used the word Gippos or Pikeys. But to pursue his threats ECR would have had to abandon anonymity so he soon bottled. A triumph of anonymity over principle.

      You can tell a lot about assimilation or integration of minorities by their rubbish disposal (or fly tipping) proclivities.

  9. I guess what is lacking is an overall plan for Ramsgate waterfront, with particular reference to the council owned property there.

    I don’t know when the Port Ramsgate last produced profit for the council although I would guess it’s a long time ago, while I think the leisure marina has consistently produced a hefty profit for the council.

    Whether in the medium term, say the next ten years there is a profit to be made from the port by the council or anyone else, particularly given the over capacity available at other ports, would seem to be the staring point.

    The old problem that has plagued Thanet with the airport, which is geographically Thanet doesn’t a good transport hub with most of the spokes being water and fish making poor customers, pops up again and again.

    My guess is that with increasing population density in the southeast it is the all day all weather tourist attraction where the potential lies, there just aren’t enough of these in the area.

    The remit of ”make me a port” like “make me an airport” first needs the basic questions about viability to be answered, before the remit.

    1. No, not something you didn't know, Pete, I am amazed for I thought you knew everything.

    2. Peter if I remember rightly the idea was to create a designer outlet along the lines of De Bradelei Warf in Dover. The local myth being that Jimmy Godden did a deal with the council whereby the council put in the roundabouts at each end and the pedestrianised promenade. The side effect of this was to remove all the free parking in the area. Now my understanding of large retail chains is that their take on the public is that business comes by car and trouble on foot or in your case on a bicycle, so when the retail chain involved discovered the parking had gone they pulled out. Next the building burnt down.

    3. My understanding was JG wanted Yuppie flats on there and put forward the designer shops as a half way house to get the yuppie flats approved. A bit like adding Whitbread to a plan to get yuppie flats approved.
      Isn't it known as a sweetener?

    4. Nope anon the flats came after the council went to court and got the Pleasurama lease back from Jimmy Godden after the fire

    5. The port has always produced a profit for the council until someone decided it was a good idea to the ferry company "free berthing" Until recently the marina hasn't made any profit at all but thanks to the wind farm vessels and all the fuel they burn the marina is now in profit. The council's accounts with the current 151 officer has always a bit suspect especially with the amount of " officer time" absorbed by the port and harbour.
      A full time project officer is now apparently recycling all the old plans for development to try and make a pigs ear into a silk purse with the help of grant money from Europe

  10. 'fraid comment containing Thor mercury will now be spammed

  11. MMMM Cookies, I am just looking at cookie cutters for Christmas biccies and then see Rooks sell ones I wont have to wait weeks to sample, I have a plan to rescue some from them purely on a research basis you understand. As for the bins we are going through our first weeks of recycling bins and it is proving trying. We have even had neighbors knocking the door and asking us what bin goes out when??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. because cleaning up in Thanet is reactive not proactive, just look at the residential streets only swept when someone complains

  13. Dear Stooges,
    Please could you welcome William Epps back to the fold? It's been really pleasant over on other blog-sites without you lot and your endlessly inane drivel. Even Michael Childs has been posting elsewhere. However, William has clearly got the idea that he isn't welcome here and he's ruining other sites with his ridiculous ill-conceived "views." Please, please, please keep him here with you so the rest of us can have a rational debate.

    1. When did you ever have a rational debate, 7:30, or is your idea of such simply to call other commentators stooges or duffers. I know, you must be that bloke who is so intellectually superior that you are incapable of saying anything the rest of us mere mortals would understand. Time for change methinks!

  14. Having just been to the Cabinet meeting tonight where street cleaning was on the agenda and can confirm that this is definitely TDC policy and according to them is working and saving them pots of money.
    So we all need to complain to get anything done

  15. Good to hear taxpayers money is being saved by TDC.

    Is there no issue that can be free of your unwanted interference, or about which you won't whine James!

  16. As you don't live here I really think living in a dirty street doesn't affect your civic pride, The residents living here expect more from their Council

  17. I look forward to you posting something correct one day, but I'm not expecting it any time soon. I am more than happy that TDC is saving the money I pay it every month, what exactly is it your whining about now, do you have ANYTHING to actually contribute to Thanet, except constant whining and sniping?

  18. " in reality all this rubbish everywhere puts off people coming to Thanet"

    Yea, I noticed that Boradstairs was deserted all summer!

    You have to wonder what could be achieved if people stopped whining and actually contributed something to Thanet, and what could be achieved if people and companies wanting to invest in Thanet weren;t chased away by small minded pedants peddling bullshit and lies, not to mention scaremongering to ensure that progress is never made, and nothing ever changes.

  19. Why would I waste a pleasant evening with my family to attend a boring meeting, the outcome of which I can hardly effect, to "report back" to a pointless collection of whining pedants, so they can find something to whine about?

    Sorry, no I have a life, and suggest James finds one.

  20. Thanks cheggers, but i would prefer that my family are not exposed to something like you.

  21. Oh Hamilton stop whining it is so boring. What have you ever contributed to the discussion except whining and bitching about others.

  22. Your comment would be more acceptable, 10:42, if you had ever contributed anything to the discussion, but it would appear that all you do is accuse others of just whining and bitching. To me that sounds like just more whining and bitching. Do you have a view on the new recycling regime or even the food on display?

  23. already expressed elsewhere. Do you have an opinion 10:53?

  24. Yeah, I do, 11;26, I think you are a waste of rations. Anything else you would like an opinion on?

  25. Oh hell the anons are off again.

    Gazette has full page advert extolling Panther's virtues wonder if TDC will actually prove their case over the demolition certainly strange that Andrew perloff says he discussed it with the local police, yet they seem not to have been aware the building was going to fall. Also strange that KCC didn't know a road was to be closed.

    Also it seems at last nights cabinet meeting the port plan was accepted by Labour but they cannot attract a consultant to promote the port and neither do they seem to have any means of attracting money to make the port plan viable. Will this be another plan sitting on a shelf gathering dust?

  26. Leave the poor old anons alone, Barry, if it gives them pleasure. Whilst they can drive one nuts, at times there is the odd spot of wit or humour.

    I agree with you in hoping the plan does not just become something gathering dust, but they have to start somewhere and to have a plan is the usual best way.

  27. William I was in the chamber and Labour just voted to accept the plan nothing else. Didn't say what they were going to do with it or whether they were going to adopt it.
    When asked by Cllr Bayford whether there was a plan B if there wasnt any money for the plan he was fobbed of with "we are still looking for a ferry" and in view of the Gazette report today that is going badly as well.

  28. Did you expect the 1st container ship to turn up next Thursday James?

    Still waiting for your better idea, or is all you have whining and whinging....

  29. Whats happening thursday your day off from C2 Tactical. Bit far to travel to watch an empty harbour

  30. Front page of Gazette says consultants not interested in Ramsgate Port Spamilton, So what was the point of a report thats more like cloud cuckoo land.

    You don't half speak bollix Sir Spamalot

  31. Oh really, The Gazette, the all knowing all seeing tome of all that must me unquestioningly true.

    I am still waiting to see a better idea, but alas, as usual, James and the anon peasantry are found wanting yet again :)

  32. Still the gazette is a lot closer to the action than the all seeing pratt sir spamalot. talking bollix and smelling of BS

  33. Oh dear 9:28, it seems your ability to post eloquent prose is nearly as non existent as your ability to understand complex issues :)

    Seems 3 expressions of interest have materialised, but after that HUGE wait of a whole six weeks, a consultant has yet to be selected. I know the most high value contract you are ever likely to make would only concern your renewal of your subscription to pig shaggers weekly, but in the adult business world, high value contracts take a little longer ;)

  34. and who are the 3 oh all seeing one. and pray where did you conjure that gem from? seems thanet council seem to be unaware of any serious offers, unless you think free port dues would be an incentive

  35. HAHAHAHAHA try reading the Gazette article your moron, reading past the headlines in future may lead you to not looking quite such a clueless cock in future ;)

    No wonder you stay anon!

  36. Sir spamalot it seems that despite you putting down the gazette on every occasion you can and denying you read it at all it seems you are caught lying. So which is it items published in the gazette are true or are they lies? what should people believe your selective excerpts which you read on the internet or those we can all read on page 3 of the actual newspaper

  37. I don;t think you'll find I have ever quoted from, or used the Gazette as a source, as I have never bought one. However, as smithson had already posted this story, it seems only reasonable that I would have done something that clearly you didn't think appropriate, and actually read it, before using it to try to prove a point ;)

    To help you ;) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=690158711008420&set=a.600157566675202.1073741828.599779690046323&type=1&theater

    It seems you have been caught bullshitting and commenting on a subject on which your knowledge is as lacking as your eloquence, it really is no surprise you wish to remain anon. It is fun beating you over the head with your own stick it must be said.

    PLEASE try to educate yourself next time, ridiculing you with such ease really does lead me to nearly pity you.

  38. What twisted logic hammy "I don;t think you'll find I have ever quoted from, or used the Gazette as a source" yet when you read the same article posted on In Touch With Thanet you state it as fact. What is the difference whether its a copy of a gazette article or one you have read online it is the same gazette.

    Anyway anon you keep posting he is no more real than you.

  39. Oh James, you really do go out of your way to prove how clueless you really are don't you. Proving that anon lied about the article took no more than reading the article, posted elsewhere that he referred to. I didn;t post the source, he did, and using the stick he brandished to beat him with really is poetic justice.

    His statement "Front page of Gazette says consultants not interested in Ramsgate Port" was clearly bullshit, as reading the article proves nicely.....oh hang on....

    proof (prf)
    1. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true.
    a. The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions.
    b. A statement or argument used in such a validation.
    a. Convincing or persuasive demonstration: was asked for proof of his identity; an employment history that was proof of her dependability.
    b. The state of being convinced or persuaded by consideration of evidence.

    I know you struggle with the concepts of proof and evidence, hopefully that will help ;)

    He clearly follows the "James" method of proving a point, post some bullshit and hope nobody notices. Sadly, as when you try the same stunt, I am on hand to expose you as the bullshitter you (and he) clearly are.

  40. So your source of proof is a copied article from the Gazette lifted of ITWT. I'm sure ITWT will be pleased you use him to prove a point lol. Journalism at its best.

    how's work you sold many raffle tickets yet?

  41. The source James my boy is anon's, proving he was bullshitting was simply a matter of examining his source.

    The fact that smithson also bullshits about the same source, and that you still fail to provide alternatives, while sniping and contributing nothing is noted yet again my boy.

  42. This is a case of an amusing but irritating exchange. A bunch of people, named and anonymous constantly demand proof of John Hamilton yet repeatedly fail to produce a shred of such for their own allegations whether that be JH living in the US or illegal demolitions. Some have blamed the odd anon, odd being the operative word, for the demise of debate round the blogs, but are they any worse than the constant whining that others produce. Debate, if it can be described as such, becomes a slanging match of unsubstantiated allegations and insults. Facts and proof are in constant short supply, although Peter C has hunches, but embellished stories abound. The demolition of a building with workmen in situ, two closing the road with a tape and council officers looking on, somehow turns into a life threatening scenario. One could make a good Carry On movie from these pages with a star cast of James, Turner, Watkins, Smithson, Checksfield and sundry anons plus, of course, a cameo star appearance of Ian Driver. It could be a box office success.

  43. Hammy you leave us to infer your own evidence. On this occasion I believe I have done so successfully.

    Quote, "but in the adult business world, high value contracts take a little longer"

    You refer to the "Little longer" associated with Pleasurama don't you ? You little rascal.

    So have you put your hands up on that one yet mate ? You were wont, in recent times, to fire straight from the hip your assurances that all would be well. As an example of your business wisdom the history is neither kind to you nor helpful to your cause.

    But I have missed the laugh. Come on Hamster old man and proffer your professional prognosis again of a successful build on time at Pleasurama.

    Unlike many I welcome your contribution to Thanet blogging. You are always good for a laugh. I hope you won't find this tasteless my boy but really you are a bit of a moron aren't you ?

    1. Well unless they get a move on the agreement runs out in Feb 2014

    2. oh dear 10:38, i wonder if you could try posting again, but perhaps that time, include a single correct fact, as you have failed to do here, seems intellect for you will always be something other people have.

    3. So what hamilton happens when the agreement runs out of time with no building. Are you going to suggest a solution?

    4. Hopefully the current developer will get the scheme under way by then, failing that, hopefully another developer will be found to complete the the project, but with the actions of the usual whiners and nimbys, that is very unlikely, and consequently that site will probably be tied up in legal actions for decades, and remain empty for some years after any legal actions are concluded :)

    5. You heard SFP want TDC legal protection removed from the agreement. That all ok with you?

    6. Nope, I don't waste any time thinking about unsubstantiated rumours.

    7. you nearly had that right then you spoilt it by adding 3 additional words to the end of your remark.

      And if legal protection is being discussed what is your take on it?

    8. See previous post, sadly it seems that the meaning of even really short posts is way beyond your understanding.

    9. And sadly you do not want to commit yourself to any response that is other than vague. cutting through bullshit should come under the TDA sadly you get away with it.
      irrelevant pedantry should be your byword.

      "I don't waste time thinking" the only truth you have ever posted

    10. Sadly for you anon, I have no intention of commenting on each and every unfounded rumour, out right lie or simple mis representation posed by an cowardly anon, that would be a full time hobby! When you can flesh out your rumour, get back to me, till then, you really are simply a waste of my time ;) I await your 1st ever factual post.

      Now off you go, there's a good boy ;)

    11. I am amused by the way some contributors spend time chasing their tails trying to identify 'John Hamilton'. There is one mad anon who is persistent in proclaiming that John Hamilton and myself are one and the same person. This slow witted anon reached his conclusion based on his staggering observation that John Hamilton and me bear the same initials.

    12. when you post something different then maybe people could tell you apart. you even use the same put downs. Still nothing added to the debate by either of you.

      So are either of you in favour of TDC giving up legal protections to enable SFP to forward Pleasurama?

    13. The clue is the name at the begining of the post anon, you know, the place where your name doesn't appear ;) I don't do put downs, I merely make correct comments.

      As for your rumour, once again, see previous post, or perhaps you'd like to give us your considered view...

    14. Is there a clue you seem to be Ian Driver splattered with red on here and 3 little piggies on Facebook. both fairy stories.

      As you don't talk to councillors you wouldn't know either way. Anyway you do repeat unsubstantiated rumour when it is printed in the Gazette. Kent police say they were never contacted by anyone over closing the High street so Perloff is lying but you post it is true?

    15. Are you drunk 3:52? Where have I said that the Gazette story is correct or otherwise? I have simply correctly demonstrated that the anon earlier was bullshitting about it.

      Really, where did Kent Police say that? The contention that they did is not a Gazette claim, it is a statement made by the owner of Panther, reproduced in the Gazette. I don't expect you to understand the difference of couse, as your post clearly demonstrates you are a clueless fool :)

    16. Andrew Perloff speaks and you accept that as truth. Lol you are so gullible. Its just posturing. It will all come out after the various investigations. BTW if you lived here you would know where the police answered!!

    17. Oh dear anon, seems you really are the moron I took you for.

      Tell me, where have I said I believe Mr Perloff? Can you show me proof that the 2005 planning consent is NOT in force and wasn't activated? Seems you spend a great deal of time attacking TDC, yet when they say there is no consent, they suddenly become the all encompassing giver of correct information. I really wish you'd make up your "mind" as to what your views are re TDC ;)

      Really, Did they go door to door when I was in the shower explaining their position?

      Really 4:07, you really need to try to post something intelligent, that would make a really nice change :)

    18. Seems trollington the only "proof" the police were consulted came from Perloff's advert in the Gazette. Do you have another source perhaps?

    19. Seems the only "proof" the demolition was "illegal" is a claim from TDC, do you have another source perhaps?

    20. Actually trollington UKplanning portal clearly says demolition permission was declined in March 2013, so it seems TDC are correct and funnily they are the consenting authority no you or Perloff

    21. If Panther thought their 2005 permission applied, why would they apply again (which, as we know was rejected) in 2013 - for demolition and the flats? It wouldn't matter if police were consulted, as only Kent Highways are the only people who can legally close a road, and they say that they were not consulted.

    22. And yet they have permission in place and apparantly activated from 2005, seems whether TDC are correct or not is in question, funnily enough, that wouldn;t be for the first time. How many times was it SG told us the planning dept had been proved wrong when legal action was undertaken.

      Dam 4:34, you are gullible and ignorant of the facts aren't you.

    23. I agree TDC could be proven wrong. That would not surprise me. However, you'll also agree John Hamilton that as it stands it is a reasonable position to take that the planning permission of 2013 has been broken and that the buildings have been demolished illegally.

    24. What facts are the anon 4:34 ignorant of hamilton the UK planning portal shows clearly planning was applied for in March 2013 for a demolition by Panther and it was refused. maybe you need to do some looking yourself before you swallow Andrew Perloff's disinformation.
      I suspect the investigations currently ongoing will determine whether Perloff is being economical or not. It is unlikely Hamilton knows either way he is just stirring it!!

    25. William, John Hamilton the 3rd is not ignorant of the planning as I have given him the links several times. He refuses to believe them and would rather take the word of the developer.

      But then, hardly surprising from someone who can only see Ramsgate via Google Earth and who doesn't even have access to the local newspaper he claims to be quoting from.

    26. It's equally reasonable to suggest my boy that the 2005 consent is in place and activated, and proven that you are both clueless and a liar.

      I would take the word of a homeless drunk over yours boy, you are a proven dishonest fool, that makes dishonest claims, and outright lies.

    27. mirror watching again Hamilton

    28. Aren't you the wise one, 5:03, so full of quick repartee. You must be a boring fart to live with.

    29. I don't care what you think, do or want, John Hamilton.

    30. Excellent boy, tell you what, if you stop lying, bullshitting, mis representing and sticking your nose into other peoples business, I will stop exposing you for the moronic clown you clearly are.

    31. When you stop calling other people who disagree with you liars, when you stop bullying old people, when you stop telling other people what to think and care about in our town - from behind your ivory tower where you can hide behind a fake identity - at that point I will take you seriously. YOU CANNOT TELL US WHAT TO CARE ABOUT IN OUR OWN TOWN.

    32. I call liars liars, not everyone who disagrees with me, and you boy are a proven liar. Old people, what old people, foolish boy.

      What makes you think I care what a proven liar such as you thinks boy? Perhaps if worthless dishonest morons such as you would STFU about issues on which you have 0 grasp, just like James, then Thanet would have a chance to make progress.

      YOU are holding back Thanet, until you learn about the subjects on which you post, you really should stop humiliating yourself.

    33. Funnily enough, I don't need your permission to do anything legal in Ramsgate. Not that I would bother asking you for anything anyway.

    34. Didn't know you as one man were so powerful Joe. Was that some sort of compliment I wonder.

      That's the problem with living so far away and being afraid of meeting with local groups and local politicians he cannot influence a thing. That is why he resorts to abuse.

    35. No you don;t my boy, I am just trying to stop you looking like the massive cock you look like at the moment. But hey, if your happy looking like a cock, you go right ahead my boy.

    36. Nothing gives me more meaning in life than finding that I fundamentally disagree with you, John Hamilton. Being called a cock by you is a shiny badge that all right-thinking people should aspire to.

    37. You have no meaning in life turner, beyond being the wildebeest of the blogs, just fodder to be kicked when your such obvious lies are there to be exposed. I'm sure pointing out your a cock is a compliment to you, it's certainly the best you can EVER expect.

      My dad's bigger than your dad nah nah ne nah nah.

    38. Oh dear you have lost it haven't you hamster, adds a lot to the debate does nah nah etc.


      Hamilton in the shower explaining the position. I leave you with that mental image readers. Hammy you know when you are showering ? Do you explain your position concerning Pleasurama ? And do you work up a proper lather round your Harris zoner.

  44. How's the decorating going Hamilton?

  45. imagine a starring role for Hamilton, oh sorry he doesn't mix with peons and anons and of course that means 10:28 doesn't get to meet his role model. lolol

  46. Like I said at 10;28, meaningless, unsubstantiated whines based on guess work and zero contribution to any debate. 11:07 just how do you get through life or have you a good carer.

  47. Fine thanks. You seem not to take your own advice just more whining

  48. 11:44 As you have no idea what has been discovered how do you know it is guesswork? unless of course you are guessing as well.

    It is amazing those not party to any research attempt to second guess what is out there without any ideas of their own.

  49. I don't normally agree with anons, however, 10:28, well done, you seem to have hit the nail square on the head.

  50. Hamilton you only agree with anyone when they agree with you. And that means nothing it's like to anons agreeing with each other, meaningless twaddle

  51. "Hamilton you only agree with anyone when they agree with you"


  52. keyboard stuck hamilton?

  53. you know trollington you are sounding a lot like aquifer. A one trick pony!!

  54. One trick pony 1:54, really? I believe I have commented on a range of topics, sadly you have yet to make a worthwhile contribution to any :)

    Nope 1:53 as evidenced by the post above and this one ;)

  55. Oh trollington!!! you do nothing except whine about people without contributing anything useful.

  56. Oh anon, as usual, you make many many many comments, and contribute as much as usual..... nothing.

  57. just like trollington many comments nothing added to the debate

  58. Oh dear anon, your posts are even poorer than usual, fetch a carer there's a good lad.

  59. Where to start...There were three expressions of interest for consultants looking at bringing new business into the Port. None of them found a suitable carrier. The new plan is dependant upon EU/external funding which could be difficult to source. Its the reliance on "the old model" that I question. Is freight the answer when Dover has - arguably - better links to the M25, a much higher level of infrastructure and a new £200M (I think!) investment programme to improve the port there. And Dover does not seem to benefit too much from the trade - the town centre does not seem to benefit too much from the passing trade. So should we think of alternatives - of Plan B? Could this be a leisure based facility? Could we increase the 'seafront strip' to include the Harbour as a place for tourists to discover? Is it worth investigating alternative uses and accept - like many other ports around the UK - that the old days of freight have gone and a new model for the 21st Century adopted?

    As a final note, what do you see as the answer then John?

  60. Well said Duncan.
    3 examples of Ports that have rediscovered themselves
    Ocean View - Southampton
    Dockside - Chatham
    Gun Wharf Quays - Portsmouth

  61. As a start smithson, how about an explanation of the lie you posted on whiners corner;

    " The IoT Gazette reports no-one is interested"

    Clearly not the case.

    As they haven't as yet been engaged, it is hardly likely that they would have come up with an operator is it smithson, Tell me, where is the container dock in Dover? I've been to Dover many many times, never spotted it as yet my boy, is it secret and perhaps disguised?

    Dover doesn;t benefit? Really? I wonder where a lot of the port staff live, business and employment are clearly a mystery to you ay smithson, what typical socialist you prove to be.

    Leisure based facility? Really, and what form would that take do you think? "Leisure based facility" means absolutely nothing, much as it did when Driver posted it, and sent it down to his minions to parrot. Going on from that, who is going to pay for this "Leisure based facility". You really simply have empty meaningless words with no substance.

    Tourists are going to "discover" an ex ferry terminal, hang on.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i can see them flocking to Thanet for that!

    Really smithson, you offer nothing, and that's more than James has done to be fair, but parroting Drivers bullshit just underlines the emptiness of your daubings.

    As for my view, as I have made very clear, I think the container port is by far the best option for the COMMERCIAL port.

  62. Be interesting whether the alleged 3 expressions are from an official source at TDC as there is little proof they actually exist!!

  63. Why do you think that anything should be proved to a cowardly anon 4:23? Believe it or otherwise, you and your opinion really are of no consequence.

  64. I see, sir spamalot, have we run out of things to say hence the name calling. Personal projection is an expression you need to understand.

    It really is irrelevant whether you have an opinion or not and name calling shows you have lost the plot

  65. TDC asked for expressions of interest, they say that 3 were offered, but none were carried forward into a contract. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that the consultants thought the risk of doing the work (which TDC say was on a payment-on-results basis) were higher than the potential gains. Hence the quote from TDC that they need to offer more to get the services of a consultant. Of course, John Hamilton the 3rd has read this week's Gazette cover-to-cover, so he already knows that. In which case he is just lying here for effect.

  66. Oh god no, I can ridicule you for hours, you make it SO easy. I wonder where papers normally post all their proof for all their stories.

    Simply put, anon lied about an article in the Gazette, I simply proved he was bullshitting. Whether the story is correct or not, is immaterial, fact is, the anon refering to it was caught in a lie, as was smithson.

    Fact is you are a cowardly anon, that is true and correct, hence why I post it. Don't like it, stop posting as anon, and stop bullshitting, and I will stop proving how inept you are :)

  67. Proof is in very short supply in trollington's postings, He is of the school that says " If I post it enough times it must be true" whereas in truth he doesn't have a clue. And very possibly isn't bothered either way.

  68. Hello turner my boy, I see that business is also a subject about which you clearly know fuck all.

    None has as yet signed a contract, that simply means that they have yet to come to an agreement. Your claim of "It is therefore reasonable to suggest that the consultants thought the risk of doing the work (which TDC say was on a payment-on-results basis) were higher than the potential gains" is a guess at BEST.

    Cllr Pooles statement could refer to ferry operators, the piece is to badly written to make the conclusion that, but you drawing that conclusion on a poorly written paper article is not surprising given your record.

    Try a LOT harder turner my boy, you're looking more stupid with each and every post.

  69. I hope you realise trollington that many ages read these posts and your commentary is completely out of order. Grow up and go back to work!!

  70. All this talk of proof and yet it is the single most commodity lacking in all this so called debate. Some moron trundles out trollington repeatedly as though that were something really witty, instead of child like and silly. Watkins talks of Perloff's disinformation as though him saying that somehow makes it so and we add John Hamilton the 3rd to hammy and sundry other silly names. How you can read through the rubbish you write and then click publish, beats me.

    Like someone said earlier, this is more suited for a Carry On farce than a grown up debate.

    1. true anon proof is definitely missing from Hamilton's posting

    2. Sadly, anon 5:13, it is missing from everyone's comments in what passes for debate above. In fact, it is questionable whether any from the FORS group and their following ever produce a fact in their lives.

    3. I certainly have yet to see a member of FORS post anything factual at anytime. most belong to the James school of "investigation" which simply means post lots of bullshit, and hope someone believes them, why else do you think the group is closed ;)

    4. So anon you post that people posting here are in the FORS group. where is the proof of that. You are just the same!!

    5. Strange I haven't seem hamilton in FORS for ages!!

    6. James, watkins, the boy turner they are all certainly vacuous FORS minions, as no doubt are a great many of the cowardly anons

      They haven't allowed dissent for months, and james got tired of me proving him a liar and bullshitter and banned me, poor lad can't defend his bullshit.

    7. Wrong again John Hamilton, I am not FORS and I never have been. Never been to a meeting, not a member, not signed a petition, nothing.

    8. Unless of course a list of current FORS members can be provided, of access to the site, your past record leaves me with no choice but to know you are once again an outright liar boy.

    9. Think what you like. I have no interest in what you think, because I know it is true and I'm sure others involved in FORS would tell you it is true, if you bothered to ask them.

      And it is rather rich for you to call others cowards. If you are so brave, tell us your real name and meet me in Ramsgate to discuss the names you keep calling me to my face.

    10. Hamster there is no Joe Turner on the FORS FB page but then you wouldn't know that seeing as all your sockpuppets have been kicked out.

    11. Hammy I thought you said Kandy kicked you out make up your mind

    12. Hammy, Hamster, so the playground names keep being trundled out. Don't you people realise how pathetic you are. You claim someone is a long distance troll and then you spend your lives trying to trade insults with him. As for challenges to face to face meet ups, please do not make yourself any sillier than you are. What would such prove other than possibly one is bigger than the other. Then I suppose it would be "I'll get my dad on you." See Willy has trundled out his sockpuppets again, well you are nothing if not boringly predictable Watkins.

      I am off to BigNewsMargate for at least there is a conspiracy theorist over there who puts up some good links to the nutty sites. Even reading the CIA formed the KKK makes more sense than some of the rubbish you lot come out with on here.

    13. Bye anon say hello to tony for me

    14. Ah yes, it was Kandy, protecting your sorry arse james, I forgot you must be protected, and hid behind Kandy. Haven;t seen the inside of the FORS winery for months thank god!

      Name is at the start of each post boy, and as for meeting you, oh god no, I have WAY better things to do with my time than spend it meeting with a moron who posts like a 9 year old, so you can try to act tough, run off to mummy boy, I'm sure she thinks your a big tough lol soldier.

      Well said 5:58! Where are these nutters, I wanna play!

      Oh and my dad';s bigger than yours turner HAHAHAHAHAHA

    15. Right, you have way more important things to be doing than face the people you abuse. I'm sure you do.

    16. Hell yea, I have WAY more important things to do that meet a moron such as you, I believe there is some paint I can watch dry this evening. Abuse, no, that would mean I wasn't posting factual information, and as we have established, I leave posting lies and bullshit to you and James.

    17. Can't you people see that you are abusing each other. It is not a one way trade.

    18. Nope. Why are you posting anonymously anyway?

    19. Abuse would only be if it were untrue 6:09, that turner is a proven bullshitter and liar is there for all to see.

    20. Ha, yeah. You think we've all forgotten that you can't read, John Hamilton? Ro-ro?

    21. Oh dear, I still giggle at your dicketry turner.

      "freight yards are big", "felixstowe is a small port, i know i used to live next door to one"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh turner, you really are EVERYONE'S whipping boy.

    22. Joe, partly because I do not have a google account, partly because my boss would not be too happy about me doing this on company time and partly because I have no desire to be targeted by you lot the way Hamilton is.

    23. Targeted anon do you not read the abuse trollington dishes out on his shabby blog. He deserves every thing being dished out

    24. 6:17 how funny

    25. That's right, John Hamilton, twist my words. The thing is that everyone knows what I actually said, so the only person you're convincing is yourself.

  71. I do 5:01, and the younger readers would wipe the floor with most of anon's and certainly the boy turner.

  72. Trollington, how funny that is and the hours it must have taken to think that up. Do you people ever gather together and, if so, where? I really must give it a miss.

  73. So adding swear words into this blog is ok with you. You really are a nasty piece of work.

  74. Shame, 5:11, are you getting rattled. Bet that nasty piece of work utterance had you stamping your little trotters with rage. You sock it to them if it makes you feel better.

  75. Anon you really are silly it is Hamilton who has the 3 piggies on FB so if anyone has trotters it is him. #mixedmetaphors

  76. And you, 5:32, are not Farnie for I know him and he is a good South African who would not write such liberal rubbish.

  77. Anon 5:36 where is your proof!!

  78. BTW Farnie said he had a south African accent but when Holyer questioned him he said he was from Zimbabwe which certainly isn't South Africa

  79. Replies
    1. So proving yourself a liar yet again hammy "james got tired of me proving him a liar and bullshitter and banned me" how many more lies do you post, or was it BS you were posting. Either way you were proven mistaken yet again.

      It was Facebook that kicked you out after the many complaints from members

    2. Could anyone be more boring than you, BJ? How can you claim to be some champion of the Ramsgate people, when you engage in such playground trivia.

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHA You do know that FB doesn;t remove people from groups don't you James? Is there no END to your lies and bullshit? That you had to goto Kandy to have me removed merely underlines that you have to be looked after, as when you are left to your own devices bad things happen to you, like being forced to remove bullshit about large kent companies.

      There is a pattern to your lies that i've picked up that make them easy to spot, James, it's every post you make ;)

    4. Anon if any proof were required to show you do not have a grasp of anything it is the comment about being a champion. Are you missing some brain cells perhaps?

      hammy you really need to calm down you know being excitable is bad for you blood pressure.
      Facebook can certainly remove profiles and they do so however I admit there is a problem with you having so many to choose from

    5. Oh James, seems 6:11 has you PERFECTLY pegged!

      Oh James FB doesn't remove profiles or people from groups, admins do ;) now stop that, you've been caught lying (again) don't embarrass yourself any more ;)

    6. BJ, did I say anything about your brain cells? I criticised your playground exchanges for someone who sets himself up through FORS and regular attendance at council meetings as a protestor on behalf of Ramsgate. Your response suggesting I am missing brain cells only serves to emphasise the point that you are incredible childish.

    7. why does anon above and Hamilton sound the same. Have you discovered that you can talk to yourself by clicking a menu?

    8. Why do you anon 6.27, sound like James, Watkins and Turner. Is it because you have found it cheaper to share the same pair of shoes?

    9. That's why Kandy has to protect him 6:27.

      I certainly have yet to call james BJ, linking james to such a label would certainly render what is usually a pleasant thing to receive slightly less appealing.

    10. Anon 6:27 when you can behave fairly and criticise hammy the same way then I will believe you. I attend local meeting and Council meetings to keep abreast of local affairs. Do you?
      I am no more a "champion" than anyone else for instance I meet others that try and improve the local area because we are fed up with the situations that develop because developers do not develop despite being given the go ahead on many occasions. To say they are victim of circumstances beyond their control doesn't wash when then have continued to be economical with the truth over the last 11 years. To say we are against development is rubbish but to be misled for 11 years is beyond a joke.
      I find it difficult to understand just where you are from your posting so I will ask you a simple question. Do you want the eyesore that is the Pleasurama site to remain a "tombstone city" or do you want some other developer to try again?

    11. Seems even if 6:11 is missing brain cells, he manages to see you for the bullshitter you are James.

      I am always amused when you bullshit so openly James, FB remove people from groups ay, perhaps you should let them know that, as it's not something they have ever done to date. Dam boy, you make this far to easy.

  80. Matt did say he was going to make some amendments to the code so maybe he still doing the changes.

    Have had comments on FORS some said it was good and others it was terrible what the damage was. They say it will open in 2015 good luck to them for trying

  81. Agreed Peter I really do not understand why TDC wants to keep perpetuating SFP "are the only game in town"

  82. This is such an entertaining blog. Hamilton is a sort of Kendo Nagasaki except that no one is interested in unmasking him. Holyer wields his claimed RAF and Foreign Office history rather in the way Rumpole mentioned his triumphant Penge Bungalow murder. Neither JH is the least bit shamefaced about their inability to cite even a smidge of evidence.

    Internet warriors challenge each other to a meet.

    Oh for the days when a tory Cllr dressed up as a Sheikh (bit of a change from his military dressing up weekday look) to tour Ramsgate Harbour. His mate Cyril could easily have knocked him up a convincing passport. And Cyril's mate, part time undercover SAS Ireland, would tell tory camp fire tales of his missions to deal with the IRA. Thanet needed that military expertise so badly they started their own military cadets.

    Hammy, in spite of his vast experience of Thanet politics, never mentions these great gun toting hootin tootin tory characters.

  83. Anon 17 Nov 1159 AM,

    I have studied your post and reached the conclusion that you are a harmless nutter.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.