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Wednesday, 13 February 2013
A history of the Royal Sands Development on the Pleasurama site in Ramsgate.
Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.
I find recomendation 6 interesting on page 11 of the district auditors report -
ReplyDelete"R6 Formal minutes should be kept of all meetings with potential developers, and copied to the relevant third party
to minimize the risk of future disputes."
According to cllr Poole no minutes were kept in the meeting between SFP and the council held in december.
maybe the chief exec could tell us why?
There are a number of things which bother me about the Pleasurama debacle, but one thing really rankles. Why is it that only one of our elected councillors is kicking up a stink about it? We have over 50 councillors at TDC but only one appears to believe that things have gone awry. We elect councillors to look after our town and it seems as if only one councillor is doing this. The rest seem to be doing their best to cover up the mess to protect themselves and their respective parties. Perhaps a councillor could respond and explain why heads aren't bouncing down Margate High Street. If councillors run the council they must be responsible for this mess.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:52,
DeleteI too am puzzled by this. The whole project is rather odd.
Almost 20 years this has been going on for
ReplyDeleteTerrible, terrible wasted opportunity.
Councillrs talk about the financial crisis causing delays - this should have been done and dusted years before that started. Shame on all of them, and more shame on labour, specifically Poole, for letting driver run rings round him. Labour should have dealt with this as soon as they get into power. Or do they have something or someone to hide....
Labour had the £25k ChinaGate bung-donation so hardly squeaky clean. As Driver says looks like Pleasurama was an offshore payday for councillors and civil servants too. The sheer number of unanimous votes and then silence (as well as councillors voting projects almost completely opposed by the public) looks like a mix of idiots and corruption.
ReplyDeleteParty politics aside how does one bring what appears to be a monumental fiasco to a close? There must be a fair number of past and present councillors likewise council officers who are aware of what has been going on legal or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI liked the restrained language used by the District Auditor in 2003...it spoke volumes!
You put the whole thing out to professionals who know what they are doing (not idiots like Poole and Mcgonigal). You ask for a full report and then a proper legal opinion on the options available (not from Captain Darling). There is far too much at stake to not get this one right.
DeleteThere appear to have been a number of false claims by the developer at the outset which might be in the Council's favour now. Trouble is TDC don't have a history of getting anything right.
I cannot help wondering if TDC makes use of gagging agreements?
DeleteJon, How did you guess. Of course they do.
DeleteJohn I think gagging orders are superfluous to requirement. Shame, an inclination to admit nowt and embarrassment does the trick.
ReplyDeleteThere is a culture of obstruction and cover up at TDC though. If I paraphrase dealings between MOP (member of Public) and BORE (Mr Borley TDC public servant solicitor
MOP Did Cllr Hayton give evidence at Aldwych High Court in 1998 ?
BORE Do you have any evidence that he did ?
BORE Oh ! What is the query ?
MOP Did he tell the High Court there was no procedure of inquiry relating to Cllr George Maison ?
BORE Have you any evidence that is what he said ?
MOP Yes the account of Cllr Mortlock who successfully sued Maison for libel
BORE Oh ! But you don't have the court transcript ?
MOP No but I don't have to pay out a grand to get the transcripts when it is your duty to ascertain the truth about Cllr conduct
BORE If Cllr Hayton gave evidence it was at a time he was not a TDC cllr so we don't have a duty to act
MOP Did he give evidence about a planning cttee meeting when he was a cllr ?
BORE If he did it was as a witness of fact. There being only two categories of High Court witness Fact and Expert
MOP Was he on honour withdrawal at the time of the incident in which Cllr Mortlock accused Cllr Maison of assault ?
BORE Have you any evidence that he was on honour withdrawal.
MOP That is why I am asking you for the record
BORE Shan't give it to you
MOP If he was on honour withdrawal he was beyond sight and earshot of the meeting. Thus he cannot be a witness of fact. There is only one other category of witness expert. He must have been in that category. This carries duties to the Court and not to the party he purportedly supported Cllr Maison. Which means he has a duty still to the court now he is once again a TDC cllr. Which means it is within TDC Standards jurisdiction
BORE Oh ! I already advised Standards they have no jurisdiction and they agreed.
MOP Yes But that was at a Standards meeting in which we now know Cllr Neville Hudson withheld the evidence file from the meeting
BORE Oh yes I admitted that didn't I ??? mmmmmm Must run into Cllr Hudson and get back to you
Tick tock tick tock the years have gone by. Hayton stays schtum let the High Court lie lie ?
Then years later how come Cllr Hayton quit as a trustee of East Kent Maritime Trust during Charity Commission inquiry and during dispute with Steam Museum Trust. Surely trustees had an inescapable unlimited personal liability ? And there was the matter of EKMT at that stage not filing annual accounts and an apparent historical failure to declare the Quarter a million pound Butler legacy. Why was TDC a party when Charity Commission did not even know about the alternative dispute procedure ?
Richard Samuel's first move as Chief Executive was to send Kent Police a copy of documents like the evidence file with held from his own Standards Cttee. Fulfilling a Common Law obligation to report but probably safe in the knowledge that Kent Police weren't going to investigate a member of their own Police Authority ?
Keep laughing.