I hope this painting captures something of Margate's atmosphere that's a bit different to what you would get from a photograph.
Here is the photo for art critics
there was also a warm up painting from the cafe on the sun-deck on the beach

News, Local history and Thanet issues from Michael's Bookshop in Ramsgate see www.michaelsbookshop.com I publish over 200 books about the history of this area click here to look at them.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Christopher Milham at York Street Gallery in Ramsgate
The current exhibition is by Thanet painter Christopher Milham Exhibition runs 27th Apr - 4th May Exhibitions change weekly on Wednesdays.
Thursday, 28 April 2016
A few Ramsgate adverts for 1934, a quick sketch of Herne Bay Clock Tower
The adverts are from the Ramsgate Guide for 1934, I publish
a reprint of this guide so you can come into my bookshop and look at it if you
Anyway the reason for publishing them here is that having
posted two old East Kent Critics, yesterday and the day before I was surprised
at the amount of Thanet and East Kent bookshops advertising in them. I was
tentatively leafing though old Thanet publications vaguely wondering if I should
be a bit more proactive on the bookshop advertising front when I came across
the one above for Blinko’s Bookshop. Anyone got the foggiest idea why a small
bookshop in Ramsgate would need a bible warehouse, I know it was the mid 30s
and the time of the depression, and yes I have seen Paper Moon, but even so.
Perhaps I should generate some adverts with outlandish claims, although I
suppose the advertising standards agency could give me some problems.
The Herne Bay sketch is a very quick one, about half an hour
as most of my day off was spent out buying books for my bookshop.
here is the picture for any art critics
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Royal Sands aka Pleasurama Development in Ramsgate update and another April East Kent Critic to read this time 1982.
Photos and comments about the painting of the Pleasurama
cliff façade starting abound on FaceBook, so I snapped a couple of pictures of
the work in progress with my mobile phone.
The latest information I have from TDC sent to me at the end
of January this year is:-
“Ref No: 84703/3211812
Subject: Pleasurama
Dear Mr Child,
Thank you for your
communication received on 15th December 2015 where you requested information
about the Royal Sands Development and Wellington Crescent Cliff Facade Wall.
For ease of reference I
have summarised your questions with a response in each case below:
Can you kindly give me an update on the Pleasurama aka Royal Sands development on Ramsgate seafront?
An update has been provided on the Council’s website but for ease of reference I have provided the text below:
Work to the cliff façade
on the Royal Sands site has taken place as planned, however unfortunately
weather has delayed the final paint finish.
Due to the weather
conditions expected this winter a decision has been made to delay this work
until the early spring. This final painting is estimated to only take a few
weeks after which the Development can commence.
If there is an officer coordinating the project can you please provide contact details? If not, please consider putting someone in charge of coordinating the whole project.
The project to deliver the new Royal Sands development is the responsibility of Cardy Construction. Chris Rolle the Interim Head of Economic Development & Asset Management at Thanet District Council is the appropriate officer to contact for any questions relating to the site itself prior to sale.
Last week various rumours which were apparently supported by some TDC councillors, appeared on the internet, saying that the wrong paint had been used to coat the façade. This was followed by the council issuing a statement, saying that the paint job wasn’t finished when the scaffolding was up, and a further coat of paint still needs to be applied. Does this mean that the scaffolding will need to be re-erected? Or does this mean that the council intends some other method of applying the paint and if it does what method will be used?
The paint used does meet the required specification however the coating to some of the blockwork panels will need to be repeated due to poor weather conditions at the time of the initial application at the end of the contract period. It is better to leave this until the warmer weather in the spring. Arrangements have been made for the contractor to return to complete the work. The method of access is still to be confirmed but it is possible that this will be via a hydraulic platform which will avoid the need to re-erect scaffolding.
Since the initial planning application was approved in 2003, the Environment Agency have designated the site a “Flood Zone 3a (High Probability)”
Have the council either
conducted a flood risk assessment or produced any report detailing why one
isn’t necessary?
You have previously requested information on the subject of a flood risk assessment for the site. This was responded to in an email from Doug Brown on 18th November 2009.
Does the whole liability
of maintaining flood protection for the new development rest with the council
or has any of it been mitigated either to the developer or the EA?
Flood defences are provided and maintained by Local Authorities under permissive powers, they are not duties. However the existing sea wall at Ramsgate is likely to continue to be maintained by the Council in accordance with the ‘Hold the Line’ policy indicated in the Isle of Grain to South Foreland Shoreline Management Plan.
In 2005 the council commissioned Jacobs Baptie to examine the cliff façade, the conclusion of their report states that the structure has a short serviceable life. Since the report the council have had the façade pointed and recoated twice.
Do the council envisage
this happening every five years for the life of the development and do the
council envisage funding this?
The structure is the subject of regular inspection and the observations from these inspections inform the maintenance regime. The 2005 inspection report predates the maintenance work undertaken in 2008 and 2015 which has improved the condition of the structure and extended its service life. It is not possible to confirm the frequency of future maintenance work but the cliff facade will remain a TDC owned and maintained structure.
To facilitate the ongoing cliff maintenance do the council have any report stating the distance required between the development and the cliff façade, needed to maintain it economically? With the structure having a short serviceable life, do the council have any plan for replacing the cliff façade with the new development in place?
The Council has not commissioned a report which identifies the most appropriate distance between the building and the façade to facilitate economic inspection and maintenance. There are no plans to replace the façade with a new structure.
Do the council hold any engineers report stating that it is safe to build a residential development in front of the cliff façade?
The Council has not commissioned and does not hold a report on this specific subject.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Information Request Assessor, Thanet District Council, PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1XZ, or email to foi@thanet.gov.uk
Please quote the
reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content
with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly
to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner
can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely,
***** ****
Services Manager”
As they seem to be doing what they said they would and at
the time they said they would I don’t see that there is anything much I can ask
them at the moment.
The latest I have from Cardy
Construction was in mid December of last year:-
“Dear Michael
Thanks for your email.
You will need to speak direct with TDC on the
specific details of the matter. As we have not been party to the works to the
Cliff Face.
We have been advised that completion of
the Cliff Face works by TDC have been delayed till the Spring.
Until such time that the Cliff Face works are
complete we will obviously not be in a position to commence the Development.
Kind Regards
And Best Wishes to you and your family for Xmas”
Once again I don’t see any reason to ask for an update until the cliff
paint job is finished.
observations at the moment:-
Well I
suppose the obvious one is pretty much any work on the cliff seems to need more
space in front of the cliff than there will be if or when the new development
is built.
anyone new to the issue of the cliff façade and the cliff, you may wonder,
what’s it all for?
concrete cliff façade isn’t there to hold the cliff up, but is there to prevent
weathering (the process of heat, water and cold damaging the surface of the
cliff causing small lumps to fall off). The downside of this is that any major
cliff fall caused normally by water further back, builds up until the pressure
is sufficient to bring down part of the concrete façade and a considerable
amount of cliff behind it.
practice the cliff behind the Pleasurama site is an unsupported chalk cliff,
weakened by tunnelling for HMS Fervent, navel guns mounted in it during both
world wars and poor surface maintenance.
The last
big fall there, bringing down cliff façade, steps and of tons of chalk was in
My own
take is that the council should get a proper civil engineers report and survey
done detailing where under the cliff it is safe to build residential
accommodation, before any building work commences.
On to The
East Kent Critic, as the weblogs for this blog say that more than 1,000 people
read the one I put up yesterday here is another lot, as before compulsive
clicking on the images of the pages should get them to a readable size.
On to
banging my own trumpet, here is the link to today’s new acquisitions in my
bookshop http://michaelsbookshop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/paddy-ashdown-returns-to-bookshop.html
I should add that as it’s Thursday tomorrow the bookshop will be closed.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
RiverOak start Pinning Manston, Read The East Kent Critic for April 1978 and some thoughts on Brexit and elections.
RiverOak the American company that want to build an
airfreight hub on the old Manston Airport site have joined Pinterest. I only
noticed this because they have been doing some rewriting of their website http://www.riveroakinvestments.co.uk/
recently. I keep an eye on it, as they seem to be shuffling towards engaging in
social media. A couple of months ago they introduced a comment form on their
news page http://www.riveroakinvestments.co.uk/news/
and for a while it looked as though they were going to engage with the public.
What in fact happens though is you comment and they don’t publish it, to my
mind a very strange way to behave which begs some questions about their future
communication if they build a massive airfreight hub in the middle of Thanet.
Anyway their site rewrite is a bit strange as instead of doing the expected;
writing a new website, testing it works and then swapping it for the old one
they are doing it bit by bit online. It’s a bit of a clumsy approach but then I
guess they are not very ITC savvy or they would have a better managed internet
presence. Here is the link to their Pinterest account https://uk.pinterest.com/riveroaki/manston-airport/
I would say the lesson here is either keep it up to date and do it well or
don’t do it at all. Mind you looking at the main American site it looks as
though a couple of years ago they had some sort of ITC problem and are still
trying to sort it.
Take a look at the Candidates
Click on a candidate below to view their election statement
A fine bunch to choose from.
at least consider that if you don't vote you shouldn't complain afterwards.
Next The East Kent Critic, I am taking the lead from RiverOak here and publishing out of date news, we shall call it Olds
Click on the pictures of the pages and they should expand, click on the expanded page and it should expand again, if you are using a laptop or pc. With a phone or tablet tap the page and when it has loaded you should be able to expand it by moving your fingers apart on the picture of the page.
Oh yes and Brexit, well about six months ago I was firmly behind staying in, but after the fine arguments, particularly those put up by our incumbent government I now find I have no idea which way I shall vote.
Lots of fiction went away in my bookshop today, see http://michaelsbookshop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/hopeful-monsters-in-bookshop.html so there may be the answer
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