Sunday 30 October 2016

Ramsgate Festival of light 1949

I’m not sure how nighttime colour photography worked in 1949, but is seems to be mostly going over the photos with some sort of dye.

This part of this post is in response to a post on the We Love Ramsgate Facebook group

The things I do. Well there you go.

The following is from the mayor’s speech given at the switching on ceremony:

“For many years Ramsgate has offered to its visitors all the usual amenities expected of a popular seaside resort, at the same time preserving the natural characteristics with which the town is endowed.

“Our first “publicity officer” of Victorian days – the artist Frith – saw to it that our sands were made famous the world over.

“Our Royal Harbour, now nearing its bi-centenery, has long been, and still is, a joy to those who love the sea and the little ships – so immortalised in 1940 when the little ships came to Ramsgate to play their gallant part in the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Happy Holiday Ingredients.

“Our promenades, parks and cliffs have a special appeal.

“We cater fully for our friends who prefer the popular outdoor sports, be it bowls, tennis, hockey, cricket or football.

“We boast of our bracing air and our southern aspect. The hospitality of our people is proverbial. In fact, we claim all the ingredients of a happy holiday.

“And so, perhaps, we could have rested on our laurels, assured that our visitors would always come to us.

“But, if I may say so, that has not for many years been the attitude of the local governing body and other who have laboured for their town. It was, therefore, not altogether a surprise that with the advent of the Festival of Britain we should consider in what way we could utilise the charming setting of our harbour and the sea front to give enjoyment in a worthwhile fashion, to provide something new that would attract visitors from near and far, and enhance our reputation as a holiday town.

“This Festival of Light is the result.

“We have the glory of sun by day. We shall now have the beauty of light by night.

Ten Miles of Wire

“Aided by specialist firms, we have created the Festival from a blank piece of paper over many months. The Festival cannot be seen as a whole from any one point. Some ten miles of wire and 25,000 lamps have gone to make up its sections and we have still a little more to come.

“We may ponder over the beauty of the waterfall at Madeira-walk, or search out for our amusement our Alfie up to his many pranks; Mary, Mary, like perhaps so many of that name, quite contrary; the Pied Piper; the animal and bird sanctuary about our waterfall, or the West Cliff gardens, and such features as the monkery and others too numerous to mention at this moment. We believe that children of all ages will spend happy hours among these amusing and in some cases very artistic features, many of which are being seen for the first time.

A Co-operative Effort

“May I say here that the Festival of Light is a co-operative effort. During the autumn I approached a group of traders, mainly on the sea front to contribute towards the substantial capital expenditure involved in the scheme. I met with most enthusiastic response, and they have promised no less than £1,500 a year. With that great help, the council decided to go ahead, realising that the Festival of Light could be an annual attraction which would make Ramsgate the Blackpool of the South. In fact, in the years to come, Blackpool may even be known as the Ramsgate of the North………………..”

I have been around the area today mostly buying books for my bookshop, I eventually wound up in Canterbury and did a bit more to my watercolour sketch of the cathedral through the window of Chocolate Café.

I will endeavour to more Thanet paintings but with the cold weather coming on it’s difficult to find places to sketch from.  

Here is the reference picture for any aspiring critics

Technique wise it's basically sketch it in faintly with a thin brush and then keep spodging a bit more on until it looks ok

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.