Thursday 15 July 2010

Breakthrough at harbour for Pleasurama drain and the hanging gardens of The Royal Sands Development

Well not a very exciting post this one, some more pictures here

All bit sad the business with the weeds growing from the cracks in the cliff façade that is.

My understanding of the situation at the moment and please correct me if I am wrong, is that the council having spent £1m of our council tax having this structure filled repaired and painted have now responded to criticism that it wasn’t done properly.

This criticism isn’t just based on the rather obvious pictures of the weeds but also on the fact that the council have already had to pay to have part of the repairs repaired.

Oh yes back to their response, apparently this was to get the firm that supervised the faulty repairs to inspect them, word is – not surprisingly really – that the inspection reveals nothing wrong with the repairs.

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