This is now the same date as for the application to build the new development and I believe means that comments submitted can relate to both the development and the demolition.
Frankly this is a bit of a relief as I didn’t want to comment until I had heard what the environment agency – a statutory consultee – had to say about the matter.
One problem here is that they seem to have designed a small pier, but according to their flood risk assessment they seem be in a stare of denial regarding the hypostasis that the sea has waves.
I have come up with an estimate of the probable wave height in the harbour see http://www.thanetonline.com/slipways/id6.htm
Many thanks to reader Gareth who drew my attention to the glossy brochure that is part of the planning application, the picture above that should expand if you click on it a couple of times, shows some more interesting facets of the development.
Including the panoramic views across the sea and harbour, not sure where all the skyscrapers came from and one called, slipway incorporated within the proposal which appears to show the development sloping into the sea.
The brochure is big on views, but these views are already available to anyone. Building this structure will deny them to everyone, unless of course they chose to patronise the establishment.
ReplyDeleteThe views are important, as recognised by the developer by including them in his brochure. Destroy them and you'll destroy one of the main reasons people come to the area. The thriving cafe culture doesn't thrive because people come to look at the cafes. The views should be available to anyone, not just those who can afford to patronise this hideous new establishment.
How long even if it goes ahead before it is another closed down eyesore obstructing the view.If so keen on cafes and views perhaps time to sort out the Eagle on the end of the harbour.
ReplyDeleteThere is enough abandoned buildings in Ramsgate's ( motor museum, paviliion) prime Heritage zone that are in desperate need of renovation. I say restore what we already have - don't try to copy or replicate the Tuner Centre on Ramsgate's historic landscape - regards, lover or Ramsgate