Sunday 26 January 2014

Man fights with oil paint and JWM Turner

I have been having my first proper go at oil painting this evening, it is as they say, an education, not like watercolour – which I am used to – it’s thicker and glupier.

I am afraid that in the unlikely event I ever finish this picture it won’t ever look much like Will Turner but on the bright side I do feel I am learning something.

What I painted it on which is on a bit of A4 paper designed to paint acrylic on worked fine, I think a lot oil painting is about learning techniques which I haven’t learnt and am trying to go down the road of finding out for myself rather than engaging in some sort of instruction.

This is the painting earlier in the process, which took about three hours altogether.
‘fraid I didn’t manage to get to the new exhibition at The Turner Contemporary today but will try to get there soon and do a post about it.   

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