Wednesday 7 December 2016

Reflections of a Ramsgate Bookseller

I have been window-dressing today, it is at such times that I would wish that instead of being a shop assistant in a bookshop I had the outfitter’s advantage of having mannequins to play with.

 Shops are not what they were here in Ramsgate, and being an aging shop assistant means that both the customers and other shop assistants here seem to be getting younger.
 Another issue with bookshops is that part of my job is reading books, I for instance at the moment am reading Noddy Goes to Toyland.
 I suppose if I had a Plumbers and Decorators shop I would have to go out and inspect people's drains instead of going out and inspecting people's books.
 We have come a long way since globes, mantels and shops that charge your batteries, I have been putting LED lighting in the shop window as part of the dressing process.
 I think Captain Peacock may have been an athletic outfitter
 Perhaps a drugstore - then I could be a truck driving man
 or a mad milliner, 'fraid to say I found Alice in Wonderland very difficult to follow.
 Not sure I fancy driving a grocers tricycle, but then I am not a brownie like Big Ears
 Confectionary sounds a bit sticky
 I don't think there would be much call for a cutler today, this one has obviously diversified as far back as 1903
 This looks like a window display by WC Lavatory the famous inventor of the convenience
 I wonder about a furnishing ironmonger
 Perhaps like my namesake I should diversify into multiple branches here in Thanet
 I gather corsets are coming back in

 Trunk makers do look a bit serious
 anyone like to have a go at saying where in Ramsgate all these shops used to be?
 I suppose upholstery would be mostly stuffing
 there seems to be a small child trapped in this window display
 Sorry about this too many orange penguins today

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