Saturday 6 December 2008

Plans for converting part of Albion House into flats

TDC have applied for planning permission to make most of Albion House into residential accommodation, to view the plans you have to put the application numbers F/TH/08/1376 and L/TH/08/1377 into the search box on the TDC planning website click here to go there.

You also have to have a pdf viewing program installed on your computer.#

Thanks to Gerald for pointing this one out to me.


  1. In the 80s I did a contract putting TV distribution systems on Canterbury council housing.

    It seemed to me that Canterbury did a good job of using historical buildings as council flats.

    One was a former garrison colonel's house. Another mansion type building had been an SOE comms centre in WW2.

    From the outside these buildings looked entirely preserved at original spec.

    I thought it was an excellent compromise.

  2. A real shame that the original features of the building have been obliterated. It looks really ugly now. Does anyone know - was it TDC which did this during their occupancy or does it go back further? What is the history of the building?

  3. Would be great for that whole block to be restored with balconies replaced and perhaps even the the bombed out space to be rebuilt and bring them back to their original splendor.

    The grandparents lived further round that terrace and it was lovely with high ceilings and large rooms.

    (It would also be nice to obliterate the old offices of a former employer !!)


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