Tuesday 23 February 2010

Ramsgate Royal Sands Development safety update

I managed to get out for a walk this morning and thought I would go and visit the Pleasurama site and see what the condition of the cliff façade was like.

My main concern here is that the work to the cliff façade that Thanet District Council have already spent over a million pounds of our money on isn’t satifactory.

The picture above is the design drawing for the pillars of arched part of the façade, the top part is on the left and the bottom part is on the right.

As you can see looking at the bottom, of the bottom there should be a large bit of concrete buttress there.
If you look at the picture above, taken earlier today, you can see that the ground at the bottom of the pillar has been dug out recently and there isn’t any concrete buttress there.

If you look at the next picture which is a close-up of the bottom of the pillar you can see that what is there instead looks like chalk instead.

Click on the link for the rest of the pictures http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/Blogpicts1210/id15.htm
It is interesting to consider that we have recently spent over £1,000,000 on repairs to this structure and that the council seem quite happy with the quality of those repairs.
This link takes you to more of the design plans for the façade and an enlargement of the plan above http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/Blogpicts1210/id6.htm it would appear that the façade is literally hanging on the chalk cliff.
Oh and this link to the other pictures I took on my walk http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/Blogpicts1210/id16.htm sorry there arent that many I was in a somewhat thoughtful frame of mind on the way back home and forgot to take any.

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