Wednesday 3 December 2008

Laura Sandys on the Damien Green Arrest

Thanet South’s Conservative candidate has an interesting personal take on the Damien green arrest, it relates to when her father Duncan Sandys was put in a somewhat similar position when he was an MP.

Click here to read what she has to say.

I also gather that when one of her ancestors famed for coining the name “Bloody Mary” was our MP the king had him locked in The Tower of London.

I have once again put in the video clip of Gordon Brown being interviewed about his mole, it’s still making me laugh.


  1. Ditto, Michael! I read Laura with interest and wonder if she would like to hear a tale about events in Thanet in July that have resonance with recent events and her father's tale.?

  2. Bertie I believe it’s probably time that the story of the council, the police, the Tesco bags, the bloggers identity and the councillors integrity was given a public airing, so yes please do resonate.

  3. Or for earlier (and far more serious) refereence to political interference in the admin of justice ... go to my blog. I just put up post one on Cllr Hayton and the sus[ension of justice due to the political convenience of New Labour. There will be more posts.

    It was 2005 that press contacted me wanting to report about Tony Blair's failure to include all the IRA terrorist planned weapons systems for declaration and decommissioning. IE General De Chasterlain got no remit to require declaration of poison stockpiles, chemicals stockpiles, sabotage in place, to whom sabotage techniques were taught (Press reports exist that IRA offered power station sabotage expertise to a dissident group in Norway)

    Incidentally Gen De Chasterlain appears to have recorded his concerns on these matters, with the Northern Ireland Secretary about a week or so before Kent Chief constable David Phillips quit without notice because Jack Straw required him so urgently in a non-constable role as head of privatized police indoctrination (sic) training.

    And don't forget the much earlier resionant Thanet event subject of an unanswered FOI application. Mail intercept at TDC allagedly run by a source to the Intelligence Led policing system being piloted in Thanet by its gurus David Phillips and Supt George Rogers.

  4. To avoid an I.D. carded authoritarian state am I really going to have to vote tory?A bitter pill to swallow!Thanks a lot Gordon!


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