Wednesday 19 December 2012

Thanet District Council Standards Complaints. And Dysfunctional Council.

There has been much talk recently of the time and money wasted by councillors complaining about each other to standards.

Simon Moores about this yesterday and I have just got around to reading it, see and the comment posted by Roger Latchford saying that he had been victorious in one such complaint.

Here is the case summery, by way of example:



Summary of assessment made on 14 November 2012 – Case No:  TDCSC89/12

The Standards Assessment Sub-committee met on 14 November 2012 to assess a complaint into an allegation by Mr Roger Latchford that Councillor John Worrow had breached Thanet District Council’s Code of Conduct by conducting himself in manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or Authority into disrepute.

Members of the Sub-committee considered that comments about the business of Thanet District Council made in a letter addressed to a Thanet District Council Officer and signed as Councillor John Worrow, he was acting as a Member of Thanet District Council.  Any doubts about this were resolved by Paragraph 1.2 of the Preamble  to the Members Code of Conduct which made it clear that the Code applied to a Member when acting, claiming to act or giving the impression that the were acting as  Member of the Thanet District Council. In this regard a member of the public might reasonably interpret the views expressed by Councillor Worrow as those of an elected member of Thanet District Council.  References to Mr Latchford in the letter and on social media were offensive to the complainant but also had the potential to reflect badly on the Council.

Formal Assessment Decision
The Standards Assessment Sub-committee recommended that the matter should be referred to the Monitoring Officer with a direction that Councillor Worrow be  requested to apologise  in writing to Mr Latchford and provide him with a written assurance that his personal attacks in the press, and social media would cease.

Finality of Decision
There is no right of review of a decision to direct the Monitoring Officer to procure a written apology.

The council has a list of this years complaints so far, this year.



25 Jan 12

Member of Public
Parish Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 1 March 2012
·         NFA
27 Feb 12

Member of Public
District Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 1 March
·         Other Action – letter of apology
29 Feb 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         Assessment 2 April
·         Other Action ‘letter of apology to Chairman’
5 March 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         As TDCSC70/12
·         Other Action
22 April 12
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 29 May
·         Other Action
1 May 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         Assessment 29 May
·         NFA
21 May 12
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Disrespect at meeting
·         Assessment 29 May
·         Other Action
21 May
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         Assessment 29 May
·         NFA
·         Investigation on appeal
21 May 12
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         Assessment 29 May
·         NFA
·         Investigation on appeal
21 May 12
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Disrespect/disrepute at meeting
·         Assessment 29 May
·         Investigation
29 May 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Blog/disrespect
·         Assessment 20 June
·         Investigation
29 May
Member of public
District Cllr x 2
·         Disrespect/disrepute at meeting
·         Assessment 20 June
·         NFA
6 June 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Disrespect/bullying
·         Assessment 20 June
·         NFA
6 June 12
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 20 June
·         NFA
11 June 12
Member of Public
Parish Cllr x 6
·         Disrespect/interest
·         Assessment 20 June
·         NFA
·         Review 31 October
12 June
P Cllr
District Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 20 June
·         Investigation

·         withdrawn
25 June
P Cllr
P Cllr
·         Disrespect
·         Assessment 20 August
·         NFA

·         withdrawn
17 July
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         comment at council
·         Assessment 20 August
·         adjourned
As above
17 July
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         comment at council
·         Assessment 20 August
·         Adjourned
·         Sub-cttee 31 Oct
As above
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         comment at council
·         Assessment 20 August
·         Adjourned
·         Sub-cttee 31 Oct
As above
18 July
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         comment at council
·         Assessment 20 August
·         Adjourned
·         Sub-cttee 31 Oct
30 July
District Cllr
District Cllr
·         Bullying
·         Assessment 20 August
·         NFA
Stats 22 August

5 Sept
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Remarks on Facebook
10 October
Member of public
District Cllr
·         Withdrawal of Apology
9 October
Parish Councillor
Parish Councillor
·         You Tube clip

As one ploughs through it is surprising where one councillor is complains about another how often blogs are involved.   

The Northcote Parkinson quotation “Men enter local politics solely as a result of being unhappily married.” Springs to mind here, perhaps I could evolve a les sexist and more politically correct version for the 21st century.

People enter local politics solely as a result of unhappy relationships, should fill the bill. 

Still on the subject of our council the following email has been forwarded to the members of the labour group.

From: Ian Driver
To: "Jack Cohen and John Worrow
Sent: Wednesday, 19 December 2012, 20:39
Subject: TIG, Pleasurama & Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Dear Jack and John

I am led to believe that elements within the ruling Labour Group are trying to have me removed from my post as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (OSP).

I can only assume that this action is being taken  because of my campaign about the Pleasurama Development in Ramsgate and mine and others sugestions  that any changes to the Pleasurama development agreement be discussed and voted on by full Council and not by a single Cabinet member in a secret meeting.

If what I have been told is true, then the actions of those trying to have me removed from my post are shamefully undemocratic and likely to bring the Council into disrepute.

The constitutional role of the OSP is, amongst other things,  to hold the Council's Cabinet to account and to examine, question and challenge its decisions. It is highly improper and undemocratic to attemept to subvert and undermine the Chairman of the OSP for simply doing his/her job.

As you know OSP has expressed strong reservations about how the Cabinet and the council are managing aspects of the Pleasurama project. Rather than acting  upon these concerns, the Cabinet has resisted the proposals of OSP to manage Pleasurama in a more open and transparent manner, In so doing the Cabinet has, in my opinion, also acted contrary to the 2005 advice of the Government Audit Commission. I have of course reported this to the District Auditor.

The failure of the Cabinet to acknowledge and act on strong public and political concern about  Pleasuarama especially the desire for a debate and final decision at full council, reminds me of the many occassions when Clive Hart, as Leader of the Opposition, berated the Conservative Cabinet for not listening to OSP. It's astonshingly hypocrtical that Clive Hart's Cabinet is now doing exactly the same thing it members so voiceficerously complained about just over a year ago.

This failure to respond postively to crticsim and to act inclusively as Clive has often said he would, has resulted in the appalling spectacle of the Chairman of the Council using his casting vote in what I believe to be an extremely ill-considered and blatantly partisan way,  to stifle democratic  debate on an issue of great concern to the people of Ramsgate.

If what I have been told is true, these efforts to have me removed from my post as Chairman of OSP demonstrate that the Cabinet are happily prepared to subvert the democratic process to silence any criticism of their actions. This might be seen by many voters  as dragging Thanet democracy into the sewer and may cost the Labour Party dearly at the next election

 As a member of the Thanet Independent Group (TIG) I seek you re-assurances that you have not been complicit in, or approved,  these alleged manoeuvres to have me removed.  I expect Councillor John Worrow the TIG Leader to discuss my concerns with Clive Hart Leader of the Labour Group and seek his assurances that no plots or manoeuvres are underway to have me removed.

If such actions are taking place then I would expect the TIG group to behave honourably and pull out of our agreement with the Labour Group.

Finally, when TIG  agreed to support the Labour Group and allow it to take control of the Council we did so on the basis that we could openly voice our criticisms of Labour much in the same way as the Lib Dems and Tories in national government are doing virtually everyday. If efforts are being made to remove me from my post for doing something which we agreed was acceptable then our agreement with Labour Group is worth nothing.

As a TIG member I expect your full support on this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Ian Driver

Update Clive has sent me his reply to Ian


(As he apparently published his own email to his colleagues).

From: CLIVE HARTTo: IanDriver
Cc: JohnWorrow JACKCOHEN
Sent: Wednesday, 19 December 2012, 21:34
Subject: Fw: TIG, Pleasurama & Overview and Scrutiny Panel


Correctly or incorrectly, your email below was blind copied to one of my members.

I therefore want you to know that you are ABSOLUTELY WRONG in your assumption that I/we have in any way tried to have your group remove you as the Chair of Scrutiny.

Indeed, understanding the recent stresses within your group, in any conversation I have had recently with your Thanet Independent Group colleagues I have urged them to do all they can to to try to keep you in their group and as the Chair of Scrutiny.

This email is absolutely factual - please check these facts with your two group colleagues.


(Cllr Clive Hart - Labour TDC Leader)

Further update, here is John Worrow’s reply to Ian driver:

Hello Ian
Thank you for your email. As you know, I support your decision to retract your call for Doug Clarke to resign as Chairman, and I am grateful that you have agreed to consult the group before making press releases of a serious nature; these two things were my only concern. We both possibly need to keep things in perspective.
I have spoken to the leader like you requested and he assures me that there is no conspiracy against any member of our group.
We shouldn't allow mischief makers with their own agendas to twist the truth or make maintains out of molehills - this is our first difficult patch, we might not always agree, but I don't think we're doing such a bad job if you look at the bigger picture -
so lets keep going. Speak soon!


I may ramble on here, if I can think of anything else to say about it.


  1. You could also say that local politics results in unhappy relationships...

    I saw the Standards decision a couple of weeks ago and it just underlines what's been said before about local politics at present and reinforces what I've said before. Its disappointing that the point still hasn't sunk in yet.

    1. John seems to be the most reasonable of leader but I guess that is not enough for the haters who were featured on the BBC News

  2. I wonder if anyone might care to open a book on whether Jack and John are prepared to sacrifice their special allowances and respective Chairs of Planning and Audit, courtesy of Clive Hart to support Ian?

    As for standards complaints, see which does rather make it look farcical at best.

    1. Thats rich coming from something thats milked the system for along time

    2. Moores is a something?

  3. He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon

    Meaning: If you eat with the devil, you need a (very) long spoon so that you can keep your distance. If you mix with bad people, you should be careful not to be influenced by them. A warning not to get too close when dealing with evil people.

    1. Yes, I am very glad you explained that 3 times Anon 11.13. I think I've got in now.

  4. Peter, Simon makes a valid point. The Independent group have an agreement with Clive, which Clive does not like any more because Ian has highlighted incompetence and very legitimate criticism. What concerns me is that Ian and the other two independents could have had any faith that Clive, Iris and co had any ability to deliver good governance in the first place. A very bad judgement call in my view. For different reasons, Labour are even worse than the Conservatives. If only the Conservatives didn't have such an appalling track record of misbehaving, they would have been a better choice but then perhaps Worrow wouldn't have left in the first place.

  5. The questions perhaps you should really ask is which Cabinet is more able and qualified to determine the future of Thanet. i.e whose judgement would yo trust with your council tax?

  6. Just to remind Simon that TDC had multi millions of Central Government, EU and KCC funds and grants when they were in office and what have we got to show for it?

  7. This is an interesting post for the reader, in trying to ascertain the point in Michael's throwing of these things into the same narrative. The first half seems to suggest that in a hung council there is an overly enthusiastic sense of insult flying around; the second an interesting public display of self righteousness. Perhaps Ian Driver had not read his 'party leader' Worrow's tweet that he was thinking about reshuffling committee seats amongst his three strong party; it appeared to many a broad hint of the relationship between the Labour administration and the 'leader' of the TIGS. Given Mr Driver only had a Labour seat originally because of such back door deals to push out Mark Nottingham; only has the OSP chair because of back door deals with the Labour group, one must either admire his sudden burst of honesty in politics, or perhaps marvel at his 'innocence'.

    Perhaps we shall see another Mike Harrison style reconciliation, where supposed agreement has not changed Mr Harrisons manner and language, but has allowed TIGS to focus attention on others and fade this incident into the background. Hung councils are a mess, and encourage the worst of dishonest pontificating all round. Ian must have known his colleagues were not with him on the Pleasurama vote. That makes him either honest and worthy of admiration; or somewhat niaive in not thinking through the potential consequences. Prediction? Another deal of some description - but how the labour group are going to square the circle of needing Drivers vote with their intention supported by his colleagues to cloak their decision in secrecy will be a tortuous wonder to behold. We shall all watch with interest. The loser will be Thanet in that there will still be no transparency in what is being arranged.

  8. Anon of 908 am. Just a passing thought...the Turner Contemporary, the East Kent Access road, the Margate Housing Intervention, Selective Licensing, the Stronger Safer Communities Projects and legacy, new and rebuilt schools....

    1. Schools are the remit of KCC has you know and TDC still owe KCC £2.5 millions for their 50% share of the new roads, money the previous admin did not have and TDC will have to borrow. The jury is still out on whether the £17 millions plus £2 millions a year spent on the TC are good value. With even more large retailers pulling out in the new year the sign are not good that Margate as a whole has turned the corner.

  9. The Conservatives in TDC should examine the 'beam in their own eye'. If memory serves well, in the last few years we have had Ezekiel (still a TDC Tory Councillor) with two standards raps from UK Standards Board and currently facing serious criminal charges; his then Deputy, ex-Councillor Latchford with one UK Standards Board rap for quite outrageous conduct in the Edinburgh Mill shop; ex -Councillor Broadhurst in Panama and neglecting his ward; ex-Councillor and Mayor of Margate Watt-Ruffell convicted of animal cruelty offences; ex-Councillor Cameron convicted of two drink- driving offences; Councillor Gregory receiving a formal police caution for an offensive homophobic telephone call; Councillor Shirley Tomlinson convicted of a drink driving offence. A 'parcel of rogues in a nation'? Our Labour Councillors and Independents are paragons of virtue in comparison. The petty bickering and constant sniping by the Conservative opposition party in TDC is largely motivated by their belief that 'we woz robbed' of power 12 months ago. Time long overdue to clean out their own stables and get on with working with the current Labour/Ind administration in a positive manner.

  10. I made no attempt to defend anything on the list you have given, Anon of 1016 am. You demand we should "get on with working with the current Labour/Ind administration in a positive manner." Like asking for decisions to be made in a transparent maner after debate in full council? Why is that so hard for this Labour/Ind administration to do, when it has been done before? This is not connected with the other list of offenders, unless, of course, you wish to deflect criticism, made calmly and openly, and avoid the issue of administration style. In opposition, as Ian Driver observes, the labour members would have been screaming blue murder about such secrecy. So why is it justified when they are in power?

  11. Oh dear, how the decidely unholy alliance is crumbling before our very eyes. The TIGs split asunder with its leader, eyeing a safe Labour ward for 2015, hinting at reshuffles. The real people's champion, Cllr Driver, isolated and under threat. Mark Nottingham chuckling away over his cornflakes and Peter the Perv still attacking the good Dr at every opportunity. Meantime, the shambolic and under bright Labour administration struggles on trying to figure out how they can dump the Driver without risking a vote of no confidence.

    Does it matter, I ask, for the end is nigh, according to some Mayan indians who are not around anymore, but, who if they were, would be living in Cliftonville.

    1. Thought you were against all this labelling of people for the most innocent of comments, Peter. How is Mayan Indians living in Cliftonville racist and would it still be if they were Polish? By the way, changed my name to be more racially inclusive!

    2. OK, so let's sort out this real identity nonsense. If I used my name, not being a local mini celebrity like Clive Hart or Ian Driver or a legend in my own NAAFI break like the Flying Doctor, it would mean absolutely nothing. It is actually Jim Bradshaw, but what does that prove. You say you are Peter Checksfield, but that means nothing to me. I would not know you from Adam, but does using your name, if that is what it is, make you some kind of hero, if not using mine makes me a coward..

      How is a reference to the Mayans 'iffy' and why isn't calling me a 'tit' sexist. After all, for all you knew, I could have been Little White Cloud, though I suppose with you being a fundi on ancient music, you would be aware she is no more having been dragged down by the raging river. Mind you, rumour has it she is in the happy hunting ground with Running Bear.

      Just lighten up, Peter, and accept we all make a contribution to these pages, whatever we do or don't call ourselves, and sometimes comments are a bit tongue in cheek or just light hearted banter. Don't turn yourself into a Worrow looking for 'isms' and 'phobias' in every throw away comment.

    3. The term used was 'Peter the Perv' a comment I have seen previously used around the blogs to describe you and something, no doubt, associated with your hobby of taken photos of ladies in their birthday suits. It is just a name and I am quite sure you are not a perv otherwise you would be unlikely to be so open about your photographic studies of the female form.

      If I offended, it was not my intention and I apologise accordingly.

  12. Well the government grant cuts just announced should concentrate the minds at TDC. 3.7% cut makes Tyhanet the biggest looser in Kent. Over at Royal Tunbridge Wells they have been given an extra 1.8%, How fair is that?

    1. That's because TW handled their budget more efficiently. TDC stuffed theirs, did not achieve a 1% cut and lost the extra 1% from central government as a result. Same old Labour!


    This above link is interesting. Does anyone know the circumstances with TDC? (I can't be bothered to ask TDC itself).

  14. Just thought I should mention that I have added Clive Hart’s reply to Ian Driver at the bottom of the post, which Clive sent me this morning.

  15. Has anyone actually analysed where the miscreant conservatives have come from. Other than Ewan Cameron, they have all come through the door of the great Sir Roger Gale. Even Gregory moved across from St Peters to a Gale ward, last time. Why was that? Why did he move from a safe seat to a marginal one that he will loose next time round, and does it tell us something?

    1. We seem to have a bit of a 'loose' Labourite infesting this blog.

    2. Yes, 1:55, it tells us you cannot spell.

    3. OK Tom yoooou are sooooo perfect. My apoooooooloooooogies. Too many oooooooooooooooooooooooooo's. I hope that doesn't upset you tooo much. Why don't you so called conservatives go and sort yourselves out once and for all, rather than worrying about one spelling mistake on a blog site. You have been a liability and a disaster since the inception of TDC. Do you not realise that everyone is not so stupid as not to recognise this. Until you find decent Councillors instead of the drunks and crooks that you drag in off the street who are an absolute disgrace and embarrassment to you, you have no prospects of even being an effective opposition.

    4. anonymous 5:07PM,

      Wow, someone has really rattled your cage. Beware of schadenfreude. Especially when you are shouting forth on tribal politics. Next time perchance it will be one of your tribe that is revealed as being a dragged off the street drunken crook - maybe you even.

    5. If you paid a bit more attention, 5:07, you would be aware I am UKIP so your silly remark about conservatives has nothing to do with me. As for upsetting me, in your dreams sunshine, but if it helps you to think you can, be my guest.

  16. It's a strange definition of a "group" i.e. three disaffected individuals, renegades from the other parties who combined forces to work in the noblest political and well-rewarded, self interest conceivable. The end of the world must be near I'm sure!

  17. Climb down by Clive (again). He can count after all. Or perhaps someone did it for him. Well done Ian. Keep exposing them cos the conservatives cant. They need to keep the lid on 'pandora's box' according to Simon Moores.

  18. Annon 1.55pm A very good question. Why did Gregory change constituency. Not a very good record of choosing candidates for Roger then. Wonder why.

  19. What happened to ex tory Cllr Daley in the child porn downloading case ?

    1. He joined lostprophets I believe.

  20. Councillor Moores asks the question, " Whose judgement would you trust with your council tax?" I think that if anon of 10.16 is right and a FIFTH!!!! of the Tory administration to May 2011 were the 'parcel of rogues' described, the answer is blindingly obvious; Labour and Independents!

  21. Yea, thanks John, no doubt the tide of history is on your side as well.


  23. Mr Worrow chairs Audit a non-political committee yet you keep bringing his name up Peter. Do you fancy him or something?

  24. Peter loves John and Chris loves Ian!

  25. It's rich of the hasbin Latchford OBE (Guyz & Gals) to talk crap on Simon's blog,
    when it was his hatred that cost the Tories power in the first place!

    1. Love the way the plebian despise anyone they perceive as in any way successful or have achieved some recognition. Why mention the OBE, 12.40, unless their is a little green man in you somewhere eating away?

    2. OBE ... didn't one Jimmy Savile have one ? Good example of a "Begging the question fallacy" though 8.52.

    3. So did Michael Vaughan. There are bad apples in most barrels, but most people honoured did something worth while to get such recognition. The award in itself should not be a cause for sneering. Bet 9:54 has either a JSA or IS!

  26. It is good to see that the assorted anonymice are so full of goodwill to their fellow men at this Christmas time.

  27. Anyone know why Philip Hamberger left TDC so suddenly & unexpectedly, and how much it has cost ??

    1. Interesting on Hamberger's departure - although he achieved nothing in 6? months - looks like a year on for Clive and nothing done at TDC but more inaction and waste. The strange 2nd unelected TDC/KCC Board or Group or whatever it is has only produced one set of talking-shop minutes in 6 months.

  28. No chance of that Peter.

  29. This is just to say I have now received and published John Worrow’s response to Ian Driver at the bottom of the post.

    1. Michael,

      Thank you. Worrow's reply is interesting. His use of bold type and underlining is curious. Some might consider it to be indicative of his character. It weakens his argument in my eyes. Still best of luck to him. I can imagine how difficult it must be to manage and lead a group of three at Christmas time.

      It the meantime Councillor Driver is trying to do what needs to be done about Pleasurama.

    2. Normally love your comments, John, but Worrow and lead do not really belong in the same sentence even in a satirical sense. Wonder where Worrow will go if Labour do not offer him a safe seat for I do not think UKIP will have him.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Morning Allan,

      You pose an interesting question. I must confess that that I do not follow assiduously local politics nor the machinations of some of its politicians. I do not say this in praise of myself. It is simply the case that I find their doings arcane and incestuous. Which I am too lazy to unravel. Even if I could, which I doubt. Though there is a small handful of local politicians that I cheer. However, it is best I do not mention them for fear of upsetting an anonymous.

    5. I heard him say at a parish meeting that he is going to stand in Birchington North as an Independent in 2015, so Jack Cohen can stand in Birchington South

    6. Did you OBE?

  30. "Maintains out of molehills" is a new one on me. In the words of the oriental sage "What it mean" for I haven't a glue and any guess might be homophobic.

  31. "spoken to the leader"? I thought they were independents.

  32. He was refering to the leader of the council, independents make up part of the council.

  33. Worrow= a nice person that stands up to bullies

    Moores= talks down to everyone because he is better then everyone


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.