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Friday, 24 January 2014
Work starts on Ramsgate Tunnels
Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.
Well at least someone can get on with something on the site unlike SFP Ventures (UK) ltd. Good luck to the team and I'd love to have a walk up there when they finish
ReplyDeleteRumour has it that they have found a bloke in a Stetson who has been living in the tunnels complete with PC. No prizes for guessing who he might be!
ReplyDeleterumour has it there were some broadstairs councillors hidden in there now remove to a padded cell
ReplyDeleteTouché, Barry, although the problem with that story is that Broadstairs councillors would not be allowed to live in Ramsgate tunnels. Mind you, now you come to mention it, there is a Broadstairs resident who is a councillor representing a Ramsgate Ward at TDC. Perhaps it was him.
ReplyDeleteIf the bloke in the Stetson is whom I think you are referring to William, he would be most welcome to take tea with me at my Winterstoke residence
ReplyDeleteThink the guy in the Stetson is more of a cowpoke, SG, but the Ramsgate councillor might take you up on your offer.
ReplyDeleteThis is good to see.
ReplyDeleteMaybe off topic but the following is worthy of a post: Another Council Tax cut in Windsor & Maidenhead
ReplyDeleteGreat news for anyone living in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead: your Council Tax will be cut by a further two per cent this year. It's the fifth year in a row that the Council there has reduced bills for local residents, meaning that the tax burden will have been reduced by an impressive 26 per cent over that period. TDC authorities should be taking a close look at how civic leaders in Windsor have done it. The tax-cutting administration there certainly appears to have found favour with the residents of Windsor Castle: Council leader David Burbage bagged a well-earned MBE in the most recent New Year's Honours...
Which services in particular do you think could be improved, Peter. You should be careful with remarks like that because inefficiency is not always down to a shortage of money. Often it is just bad management.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think an extra 20% in the numbers of trucks or collectors would make a difference, Peter? Would that somehow stop people being missed or spilt rubbish being left where it falls or trucks not going out due to weather conditions? Many people think a bit more hands on management would solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteVery dangerous to offer bureaucrats more money simply to do better what they should already be doing well.
Flip Floping yet again, Peter. Today you are a tax and spend socialist. Tomorrow who knows, it will depend upon which silly mood you happen to be in at the time. You must keep us informed bearing in mind that you intend to run for election. Or was that yesterday's dream?
ReplyDeleteYou would make an economical politican able to solve all problems with just one line. Vote Peter, the one line anarchist.
Of course I realise that in truth you speak only to annoy others. It amuses you.
Having just read ECR's blog I see an anonymous commentator is suggesting I am the new Tim Garbutt, Peter, not John and it is certainly not a comment by Eastcliff himself. Not really a huge fan of double guessing who anons may be, but, could the one naming me over there possibly be you? You seem rather keen on dropping my name about the place and even into police inquiries these days. Just what have I done to pull your chain or is it simply that one is not allowed to question your statements?
DeleteNope, that's no good, Peter. Too much anger showing through. So I have clearly touched a nerve.
DeleteYou were too eager with your ECR jibe - the latter two anons are Tim Garbutt.
By the way am I to take it that you are no longer playing Miss Marple having solved the John Hamilton mystery. Never the less I am sure you will have future opportunities to help the police with their enquiries.
DeleteYou have my word that none of the anon comments about you on ECR emanate from me. Can I have a similar word from you?
Peter, Thank you for your advice that I should have a life. I will make sure that I do not get it from the same place that you got yours.
I will detain you no longer and allow you to get on with those far more important things about which you speak.
Do you still intend to stand for election?
Peter, I have debated with you at length on this site, the issue of the investigation into John Hamilton's blogging so have no need to resort to anonymous comment elsewhere. I have made my views on it openly plain for all to read. I also accept that there are those who have an opinion, but who, for reasons of their own, may wish to comment anonymously. If it gives you some comfort to assume such people are John or I, then so be it, but, in truth, they could be anybody.
DeleteOn your life, and I sincerely hope yours is as good as you imply, why ever do you find it so necessary to regularly pop up on sites with snide remarks at other people. Do you hate your fellow man so intensely or is it simply some way of correcting an inferiority complex?
On my life, most of the time I enjoyed my work, I travelled the world extensively and reached retirement comfortably, but even then I have continued to take interest in many things. I have a good family and whilst, as with everyone, there are some not so good days, generally I am happy with my lot. For that reason, unlike you, I do not make snide insinuations about others, but, my weakness I guess is a tendency to query bullshit and whining wherever they appear.
Well when £3.5 million has gone to the ferry company, £300,000 trying to get it back 32 million on the New Haine road we are lucky it hasn't gone up by 20%
ReplyDeleteSuggest you count your lucky stars then, Bill, and keep quiet about it before you stir them into a rethink.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is lucky that TDC has managed to get through £6 million in un planned expenditure, i think is down to PPE and lack of supervision by the elected members to quote an old joke "you can't pull the wool over my eyes you can't get a big enough sheep" either the Chief exec had her eyes shut or someone found a pretty big sheep.
ReplyDeleteBill, what part of the £3.5 million they never had in the first place do you not understand. Whether they had let the ferry company go under when it first got into difficulties or tried to keep it going by deferring fees for a bit, the end result would have been the same. TDC never squandered the money because they never had it in the first place.