Two new youth groups, focusing on dancing and football, have been started in Cliftonville, with the help of a worker who’s funded by the Safer Stronger Communities Fund.
The Street Football club meets quarterly at the Quarterdeck every Monday evening form 7pm to 9pm and is aimed at those aged 11 years and older. Sessions are free and take place on the Muga (multi use games area) at the Quarterdeck area, which provides a safe area to play.
The Street Dance Troupe has free weekly sessions at the Quarterdeck on Friday evenings between 7pm and 8pm for 13 year olds and older. It’s also got a sister troupe that meets on Mondays at St. John’s Community Centre from 4.30pm to 6.30 pm for those aged four and over, with mums welcome.
Both groups are run by their own youth committee, meaning young people have a say in agreeing what the group does. The groups are supported by both the St. John’s NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) which helps them to raise funds, and Beth Denning, the Community Cohesion and Development Officer for the Kent Refugee and Minority Support Group, who is funded by the Safer Stronger Communities Fund.
Beth says: “It’s great to be involved with such a great group of young people. The groups are growing from strength to strength, due to their enthusiasm and commitment.”
The two groups have received an enthusiastic response from the young people already taking part. Jamie, one of the three football coaches at the Street Football club, said: “I’m playing the game I love and I’ve had coaching training. It’s good to feel part of something.” Toni, one of the dancers at the Street Dance Troupe, says: “I love coming to Street Dance. I didn’t think I could do it, but the instructors are really cool and I’m healthier now”.”
To find out more about the two groups, contact Beth on 0779 222 6103.
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