Thursday 20 November 2008

St Peter’s Second Best Tourist Venue in the World

According to the excellent Your Thanet this week this is in fact the case, unfortunately runner up to the country of New Zealand click here to read the article, so I thought I would put the little guide to St Peter the Apostle in Thanet on the web for people who haven’t discovered it yet.

Click here to read the guide

Click here if you want to buy a printed copy or to look at my other publications about Thanet

Sorry the pages on the web have published a bit jumbled up I will sort them out later.


  1. It's actually the excellent Village Tour that's considered so good rather than the village. After all, how can a venue with two churches, one chippie, an interesting churchyard, one café(albeit a very friendly one), one pub, a Co-op corner shop, a butcher's, one florist, a chemist and a pet shop and streets full of uncleared dead leaves and general rubbish be considered a great tourist venue? I was stopped by a young reporter for Radio Kent who was desperately looking for someone to talk to when the streets were empty. I found it hard to be positive that there was enough to keep anyone busy for longer than an hour or so.

  2. Forgot the newsagent's that closed in the afternoons, mind you it opens at 5a.m.

  3. Hey, guys, this is my ward (as a certain female councillor says) and I am proud of it

  4. OK, Ken, perhaps you can get the streets swept, the accumulated rubbish and rotting leaves cleared away and the drains cleaned out then we can all feel a bit prouder.

    Also could you get the rear part of the car park behind the Co-op (belongs to the council at present) re-tarmacced so the lake that developed there last weekend can finally drain away? Oh, yes, and could the area where the recycling bins are be cleaned up occasionally so folk don't have to wade through broken glass to reach the bins including the paper skip that was set on fire. Let's not forgetting the uneven pavement outside what was Brown's the bakers.

    Mustn't forget the bus stop by the railway bridge where the rubbish never seems to get picked up. Someone actually made a half-hearted attempt at sweeping the footbridge but left as much behind as they cleared.

    I have reported most of these to TDC but haven't yet seen much response.

    Don't know how often you actually walk around the area but a stroll along with your other TDC partners might make you realise the village has very little to offer the casual visitor.

    The Village Tour was set up by a small group from the church with the support, I believe, of the then Tourism Member on TDC, Iris Johnston.

  5. just ring me, and I will do my best to get it sorted. I walk the area at least twice a week, that is my job, and I see a really nice place, ok a few local problems, but generally the sort of place Thanet should be shouting about.

  6. If you walk the area twice a week I shouldn't need to ring you.It's all there for anyone who takes a stroll.

  7. Perhaps Ken could look at the 60 feet deep hole by the bus stop by the Indian take-away. Finding out the owner and getting him/her to fill it in would be an ideal job for a councillor. It's been reported to the council as a danger to inquisitive children as it appears solid ground but that's only because it's full of rubbish.

  8. "60 feet deep hole"

    If only people knew the full story of what is there.....

  9. Last time I looked, apart from buddleia that had self-seeded there were shopping trolleys and all sorts of rubbish. What have you noted hidden there?


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