I was deeply shocked at the huge price hike from 60p to 80p
in the cost of Thanet Watch when Norman turned up at my bookshop with copies of
it for me to sell. In fact I said to him I think we had better have twice as
many as we had last month, as we had sold out within a few days of getting the
last lot.
This sort of price hike in Thanet socialist rags is no new
thing, its predecessor The East Kent Critic which cost 3d in 1963 (this amount
of money converts to fractionally over 1p which is exactly 2½d) had by 1983
reached the dizzy heights of 25p – is this a price hike of 2500% I ask myself.
Strangely enough Thanet Watch leads with a story, neigh
stories about Jonathan Aitken. Did Norman know that it was Jonathan that
financed the last socialist rag The East Kent Critic, I ask myself? Did Norman
ask for a sub and get turned down? Is this the reason for the price hike?

What we have here looks like socialist capitalism, or is it
capitalistic socialism?
Here is the latest offering from TWTV like the BBC they are not accredited whith TDC so perhaps you should't watch The Watch - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes - anyway? sSorry about that, is "anyway" qualibet or qualubet?
Here is a lesson in cross party collaboration
from Jonathan Aitken, if you click on it compulsively it may get big enough to
Having just watched The Watch video I am wondering which of the local parties benefited in terms of the forthcoming elections, it was only the fear that I could possibly be elected that stopped me standing as The Monster Raving Loony candidate, obviously those fears were well founded.
I will try to ramble on here
Peter from my experience most large retailers want the sort of discount that mean you either have to put the product price up or supply them at a loss.
ReplyDeleteIn the book trade the giants want 60% discount and for you to pay to send it to their central warehouse, they also hint that if you give them 65% there is a good chance they can make it a bestseller.
So if I produce a book, production cost £5 with a selling price of £10 where a normal retailer is going to want a discount of about 35% to 40% i.e. I sell to them for £6 or £6.50 the big boys would want me to sell it to them for £4 and pay to post it to them.
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ReplyDeleteHello John
DeleteWe are sick of all the gay talk lets talk about normal things
DeleteThese people cannot claim to be journalists when they try to provoke an incident - they are agent provocateurs peddling their own agendas. They come across very badly in this - particularly Worrow who yet again is pursuing his own personal vendetta against old colleagues. Nasty.
ReplyDeleteMichael, just love the cynicism, Monster Raving Loony Party indeed. Mind you, with what seems to be passing for electioneering in Thanet at the moment, they might just add a touch of propriety to the proceedings. What with staged stunts, NAZI associations, dragging up the past, however remote, and soap box bellowing, all very conveniently covered by our roving local film makers, who obviously have a very good crystal ball (or fat belly source), it is almost 'Carry on Councillor' stuff.
DeleteElsewhere literary standards on some blogs dredge new depths and I see we cannot afford to 'loose' the Ramsgate ferries. I should certainly say that for a loose ferry in the harbour could do untold damage.
As for the price of Thanet Watch, well the left were never much on austerity so such a hike at a time of low single figure inflationh should come as no shock. There is stacks of money really, it is just those nasty bankers hoarding it all, leastways that's what some well informed fellow called McCluskey told me.
Tom, you don't expect every comment to have been put through a a grammar checker such as spell checker plus but if you did and entered your last sentence from above you would find not one but three recommendations. The typo above may also have been found.
DeleteGood grief 5.37 I guess you can never have seen the paparazzi in action, true saints in every respect of course.
DeleteTom I like inflationh is that the type caused by hausterity as opposed to inflationb caused by the nasty bankers.
As a retailer in interesting times, I find that the local socialists have produced something that actually sells, carries a reasonable discount, isn’t available in the supermarkets or online really quite helpful.
A pity really that none of the other Thanet politically groups seem to have the acumen and commitment, or perhaps they are just. What?
8.16 not really sure an American spellchecker is what you need here I think blogger should underline errors on a pc and your mobile already has American predictive text, producing the legendary Iypo.
The other political parties do produce magazines and newsletter, but then distribute them for free. Not sure a politically motivated publication is really suitable for selling, but, if some want to buy it, who am I to deprive them of a good belly laugh.
DeleteAs for 8:16, I am not putting myself forward as a county council candidate nor running a blog. I just make the odd quick comment complete with typos etc. If I was a candidate I think I would make an effort to present my writings in the best possible light and do not even go there on dress. I would dearly love to know who is Driver tailor for he should be banned from trading.
Exactly Michael - no one in their right mind would call the paparazzi 'journalists' glad you agree with me.
DeleteWhat interests me (though I wish I had sound on my crappy old monitor so I could hear the 'agent provocaueturs' ), is the disintegrating relationship between two former friends and political allies played out in all our media outlets here in Thanet.
DeleteI have had a couple of conversations with John Worrow, and if I remember correctly the rot set in over Mr Latchford's reaction to John "coming out", and that he got a similar reaction from other senior local conservative figures?
Looks to me like a victim taking on his oppressor full on, and surviving(and may yet thrive?) in the local political arena after his opponent has been dumped.
I am sure John will correct me if I have got my facts wrong here?
Clever those Thanet socialists inventing the politically motivated and paid for periodical in 1963 Tom, and there was me thinking it was me thinking it was the thing published in the 1550s that cost one gazetta that our own dear politically unbiased IOTG was named after.
DeleteAnyway it’s ever so reassuring to understand that all those lovely newspapers I have bought over the years were politically unbiased, in fact I think I may have completely changed the way I intend to vote now.
Tom you will have to excuse the rather flippant nature of my replies here, to me it is truly remarkable that anyone local can get out a periodical selling for under a £1 with a circulation of over 1000 in Thanet.
I know that Norman has tried to get politicians from across the political spectrum to contribute to the political side of the articles, without much success yet, the lead articles “Jonathan Aitken” are worth the 80p alone.
10.30 better write to the press association and have their press cards taken away, we wouldn’t want them filming our council meetings, if the council decide that anyone with a press card is accredited.
SG if you look on the lump that forms your computers brain, the big bit that isn’t the monitor usually, you will find it has a socket which is audio out, you can either plug headphones or some sort of amplifier leading to loudspeakers into this, for example the stereo system you listen to music on.
Solo Gays, you really are obsessed with this victim and oppressor nonsense which so frequently colours your judgement. Roger Latchford supported John Woorrow's bid to become a Conservative council candidate and was very much his friend and mentor in the early days, but it was not coming out that upset the apple cart. That arose out of John's defection from the Conservatives, after getting elected, largely because he was not offered a lucrative post he thought his talents demanded. Whilst he may plead the homophobic allegations this was more about ego. Hence he sold his soul and support to Labour in return for a chairman's allowance.
DeleteFollowing on, John formed a new party with Ian Driver, but even that was quick to collapse with John complaining that Ian had not even told him of his defection and that he read about it. Seems friendships in John's world are something of an endangered species. Perhaps you can tell me, in this instance, who is the victim and who is the oppressor or could it just be that once folk get to know him their ardour cools.
Thing you need to get your head round, Solo Gays, is that there are good and bad across all the categories we humans find ourselves in and some people become apparent victims because they are not actually very nice, not simply because of their sexuality.
Michael, a friend of mine who is a local Conservative councillor, emailed Norman offering to contribute towards a particular Thanet Watch debate and did not even get the good manners of a reply. Please try not to believe all you hear from the Red Hall source.
DeleteAnyway, I have tired of the slant of debate on these blogs, the bigotted views of some anonymous trolls and even your attempts at treating others as your intellectual inferiors.
My blogging comment days are now over and I shall henceforth concentrate on my article writing.
An anonymous invited us to "look at the hatred in his eyes".
DeleteDid anyone else here think Mr Latchford had a look of hatred in his eyes?
If so, what do YOU think was behind this?
Utter nonsense, SG, the man was calm and dignified throughout and if anyone looked stupid it was La Roche with that insidious homophobe finder general hanging on in the background. Keep commenting stuff like this though, SG, for you are doing wonders for the Gay cause in Thanet!
DeleteSolo Gays, the Worrow saga is a sad one in which few people emerge with credit. He was selected as a District Council candidate, and was mentored by Roger Latchford for some time. Doubts began to surface as to his suitaboility as a candidate, and at that moment he chose to 'come out'; and even then with some reluctance, I remember him telling me that he resented 'having to come out' and tell his parents 'because of others'. His position from then on was simply to attribute any criticism as 'anti gay'. I worked with him over this period quite a lot, trying to get him to widen his perspective and not label himself as a purely gay interests candidate/cllr.
DeleteOnce elected, he frequently expressed his dissatisfaction as not being treated importantly enough within the conservative party, often telling others he was 'one of the few real politicians in the party; and felt he should be in the cabinet'. He then left the party, citing gay issues as the reason, which is at best partially true, because many of us did not differentiate on that basis; and mainly then felt much more important being able to style himself a 'group leader' and buy his way into cttee chairmanship by selling his support to the Labour party.
IMHO he has made it more, rather than less difficult for gay/lesbian people to be open about their sexuality when standing for election, as both John and Ian have played that sexuality card so strongly as to mainly associate their disloyalty and party switching as the main memorable characterisitc of their time in office.
Thankyou for your thought provoking response Chris. I am sure more experienced gay politicians are all too aware of the dangers you point out here.
Delete12.14. I don't know what you perceive my agenda to be, but do assure that uppermost, it is just to be myself.
Peter, a bit sad then, not having the confidence to come out until you are 40?
DeleteNo-one should feel under pressure to do so though. There is obviously a lot more to this than meets the eye?
I need to go and eat!
I seem to recall a conversation with John that he has reached this milestone.
DeleteValidation will always be an issue with some gay people Peter depending on their upbringing and environment.
the thanet watch jokers don't have press cards - that's the point. they are not journalists.
DeleteI am Peter,
DeleteI think Chris Wells is either angry because he is going to lose his seat to Will in a few days time, or he has been smoking something!
I think you'll find that Cllr Wells holds the same opinion of you as the rest of Thanet Worrow ;-)
DeleteThank you John for your continuing endorsement of Silver Spoon Scobie, that should be worth a few more votes turning out for me. Could you make a film about your endorsement and distribute it before thursday please?
DeleteIts astnishing how sensitive you are mind, I did not even have to be rude, just tell a little of the truth.......
DeleteLet us end this unfriendly exchange with the Pope's new universal blessing "Tuiti homini, et tuiti femini, et tuiti fruiti."
DeleteLet's hope that Will Scobie works as hard as his girlfriend Jodi Hibbert. She's done absolute wonders for Westgate.
DeletePerhaps she works for for Will?
DeleteDoes John Worrow have a bit of a crush on Will?
DeleteWell they would make a lovely couple.
DeleteTom, your 'Carry On Councillor' idea has totally distracted me from reading through the rest of my blog list tonight. In fact it's set me off on a tangent thinking how a reality TV show could fund the needed technical upgrade for filming TDC council meetings. Brain now on overdrive - could be Thanet's own TOWIT but best not say that too fast less it be misconstrued as being a tad disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Patsy Rowlands as Ms Tongue
DeleteCyril Smith would have made a better Ian Driver.
DeleteJohn Hamilton, you've been told about this!
DeleteAnon, why is it OK for you to be anonymous but when I comment under such label I have to be John Hamilton? Strange as it may seem to you, Hamilton is not the only person to find one of our county council candidates a bit of a sad joke.
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI still think that far more incisive, accurate and unbiased reporting can be found in the Beano that in Thanet's very own comic.
ReplyDelete33% rise in price, I wonder what the poor down trodden masses will do, benefits cut, facilities withdrawn, and thier very own comic now priced out of thier reach. Good to see left wing profligacy still alive and well.
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ReplyDeleteMr Palmer,
DeleteThe complaint against the Police Dog Handler for harassment was upheld. And you for one will never know who is gay up there and who is not. But I will humour you here, and tell you that people of all sexual persuasions who use those gardens were not impressed with this Officer.
You gave out some very sensitive information on my post, but Lodge members enjoy this activity as well you know.....?
This is what happens when senior management do not follow guidelines because of pressures elsewhere. WEAK.
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DeleteI meet with a number of groups Peter, but unlike Cllr Wells, I do not feel that I have to tell everyone about all the good thing I do. You think you know me from what you read Peter or hear from those that have their own agenda. Sorry to let the truth get in the way but I actually spend less time with LGBT groups than I do others. But even if I spend most of my time helping them that would be my choice. As Cllr Wells' friend Ken Gregory knows, councillors can be off duty, at least when it suits them.
DeleteI think you'll find Peter, that sexuality was simply another convenient bandwagon for Driver to leap upon for a while, notice how quiet he's been on the subject since it ceased to attract media attention...
DeleteI'm sure if i were to provide you with the bag of a cigarette packet, you could list ALL the good you've done outside your hetrophobic attacks Worrow, sadly I couldn't be bothered to read it.
Peter, do not expect a reply. Despite his claims, there's only one obsession of JW's that he's prepared to discuss.
DeleteFrom looking at the comments on these blogs Peter, you guys really do spend too much time online, no wonder you're all so bitter about life. I'm going out to meet some real people
DeleteBitter? Nope LOVE my life thanks, only one on these blogs who appears to think that everyone descriminates against him/her is you Worrow.
DeleteA strong possibility Peter..
I don't know Cllr Worrow, but I am starting to think he is right from looking at these homophobic remarks from Peter and John H
DeletePeter is a real person. John Hamilton is a Conservative councillor hiding behind a false name. He like Motorbikes
DeleteWhere are the alledgedly "homophobic" remarks Anon 9:32, care to make your accusation more clearly?
DeleteAnon 9:44, nope, my name is at the start of this post ;) motorbikes, nope, can't stand the, prefer the leather seats in the Audi thanks :)
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ReplyDeleteI have removed the content from some of the comments as I am out sketching in sunlight and can’t really be certain if they are inappropriate due to the reflection LP Palmer has left a lot of what appears to be spam comment before and some of the others contain obscenities. Sorry this isn’t reversible, if I have zapped anything legitimate.
ReplyDeleteCensorship seems to have taken on a 1984 slant around these parts. I read both of Lyndon's comments and thought them valid in response to some of the stuff Solo Gays has been allowed to publish. Evidently it seems to be one rule for them and another for us. See Tom Clarke has gone, how much of this will Lyndon put up with and John Hamilton is treated as anonymous despite having a named account. Soon, Michael, it will be just you and your lefty luvvy friends.
ReplyDeleteWho is to say you won't be zapped next, Peter, especially if you keep attacking friend Worrow.
Deletecharity sister
DeleteCan't find much wrong with your sentiments Mr Mallinson.
DeleteWhen Tom Clarke and Mr Palmer both replied to one of my own posts they came up as the same person on my email alert.
ReplyDeleteEverything changes. Nothing stays the same.
You better check out your email alert then sunshine because it is telling you porkies.
shame. Quite liked him really.
DeleteWhy not try replying to that email address then or is that a bit too obvious for you. Maybe you prefer to make your insidious little suggestion that they are one and the same person, Solo.
DeleteSo it's not goodbye after all?
DeleteCould have fooled me, Solo, for just in the process of closing my google account and, since I do not do the Winterstoke Crescent bit, further exchanges are most unlike.
DeleteI am the one that is working in Mental Health Peter. Or do I?
DeleteRight sorry about that I will do my best to explain now I am in from of a computer.
ReplyDeleteFor clarity, first blogger has changed its email notifications so that all of the comments relating to one thread appear in the same notification email, this doesn’t mean that all of the comments were left by the same person.
So Tom is Tom and doesn’t appear as anyone else it is just a chance in notification format.
Next most of what I zapped were comments containing obscenities and directing people to more and probably viruses too.
I will do a separate comment later about LT Palmer.
Oh for heavens sake Peter the man had had enough of us all before I said that. Not very nice for him to abandon us like that is it?
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ReplyDeleteglad you deleted that homophobic comment at last
DeleteThe topic persists in drifting on to homosexuality. I do not know anyone who is homosexual. Let me rephrase that. No one I know has ever told me that they are homosexual. Which suggests to me that the vast majority of people who are gay do not go around proclaiming their homosexuality just for the sake of it. They are content and get on with life. Which I assume is for the same reason that others like me do not run about telling everyone that they are heterosexual. I find it abhorrent that someone should seek to make a living out of their sexual preferences. With of course the notable exception of comedians, especially those that have a camp act.
ReplyDeleteIn other words John Worrow is gay - well so bloody what. What does he expect me to do about it.
Let's 'ave a look again at what Chris Wells said :-
Delete".....I remember him (JW) telling me that he resented having to come out and tell his parents 'because of others'."
So whodunnit then?
P.S. I'm straight by the way.
All after the event stuff Peter.
DeleteSomeone it seems persuaded John Worrow that he was more likely to get his own way (whatever that is) if he came out. Or, someone may have said to him that given that information is coming out about his private life, he would be better off pre-empting his crtitics by coming out (maybe even cynically predicting the disastrous consequences that were to follow if he did - read Chris Wells's text again carefully).
Whatever the truth, it appears someone forced him into taking the stance he took, and he bitterly resented them, or the North Thanet Conservatives, ever since.
It is only a theory since JW is not inclined to reveal what really went on at this moment in time.
Look, I have heard similar rumours that he does have an unpleasant side, but this does not let the conservative association selection procedure off the hook. As far as I can see, he may even, having taken a good long hard look at what some of them have been up to, thought, "what the heck", I'll play the discrimination card.
DeleteTo his credit he will be attending the International Day Against Homphobia event at Kent Uni on the 15th or 16th May as a panelist to discuss his experiences. Maybe as many of us as possible should go to hear what he has to say? I don't know if you noticed Michael's press release about it?
Anyhow, I see from the toolbar that we have got our park back. Strange how they suddenly turned up because it is not particularly an accessible site for them? Must get up there now as it is getting dark. You never know, I might bump into Tom? x
Well there you are then, its good to have choices.
DeletePeter is a weirdo
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DeleteOK on to LT Palmer, this character starts off with reasonable comments and then suddenly starts posting what appear to be old Richard Card comments that have been modified. I guess it could be the real Richard Card posting under an alias however this seem an unusual approach for someone who has their own blogs and blogger id.
ReplyDeleteMy assumption is that this is an attack on this blog and that hidden among what may be genuine information explaining that local politicians had links with illegal terrorist organisations and so on, there may be the odd real libel that would at best get this blog removed from blogger and a worst land me up in court.
Chris Wells must live on a different Planet from me; one thing I didn't expect him to be was a liar. The Cabinet thing is fictional; however, what I did call for was for a woman to be made a member of the cabinet. Bayford had an all male cabinet.
ReplyDeleteI treat everyone how they treat me; I do, however, stand up to bullies and bigots, regardless of race, religion of sexuality and I always will.
Peter you may think you know me, but you don't. The last time I saw you, was in Ramsgate, and you didn't even want to talk, yet you imagine all kinds of things in your blog comments.
Does your post conform to your own posting guidelines Worrow;
Delete"Readers' comments are moderated, judged for proper diversity and gender neutral awareness, TIG-approved blogging standards and appropriate political correctness at all times."
Clearly not.
John Worrow,
DeleteI don't know about anyone else but I'm certainly on different planet from you, having heard about your antics.
Yes John, I probably do live on a different planet than you; but I do not lie; smoke anything; and have both a very good memory, and many text messages and contemporaneous notes of conversations at the time. Even the run up to the conversation which never took place, when I was prepared to stand as your 'friend' when tackling what you saw as your issues with the association at that time. An opportunity to settle anything you felt was wrong, which you pulled out of. If there is a casualty in any war it is probably truth; truth here is you constantly rewrite your history to suit your own purpose. I gave you much support and comanionship at the time; you simly chose a different path than I was prepared to play along with; you must live with the consequences, my conscience in regard to your progress is clear.
DeleteYou are a liar and a defender of bullies and bigots. I have a number of email that I could publish but I'm not going to play your silly games. You are totally jealous of Will Scobie, who is about to take your KCC seat from you as you. I'm not interested in what bullies and bigots think, its the same people that read these blogs anyway. You talk total tish Chris, the only thing you support is your own agenda, hence why you walked away from the Town Council.
Could this attack be considered libellous?
DeleteJohn has been bullied by bigots and a hate campaign conducted against him.
DeleteJohn has emails Tim
DeleteJohn W has conducted a campaign whereby EVERYONE that disagrees with him must immediately be accused of being a homophobe! He has disagreements with people as do we all, but i have yet to assuse anyone of being anti blue eye's/brown hair/car driving/home owner/businessman/ etc etc etc simply because they disagree with me!
DeleteNONE of Worrow's little campaigns should have troubled the council, or taken a single second of council time. As you have indicated you won't stand again Worrow, why not simply sush and let grown up's run the council.
I think if you take heed of your own defunct posting rules, everyone will be a little happier ;)
"Readers' comments are moderated, judged for proper diversity and gender neutral awareness, TIG-approved blogging standards and appropriate political correctness at all times"
John is a drama queen!
DeleteI thought he'd quit?
JW 755pm. In the words of the Duke of Wellington - publish and be damned!
DeleteJohn Worrow,
DeleteYou demonstrate once again that it's always those who preach 'diversity and equality' loudest who are the most vindictive and intolerant bigots imaginable.
In your mind
DeleteLet Ken Gregory and Sandy Ezekiel run the council, they are quality candidates selected by Simon Moores and Chris Wells
DeleteSee Solo Gays has done more in a few short weeks to turn Thanet blogging into a commentary on gay issues than Worrow has succeeeded in achieving in two years. Could this be handbags at dawn?
ReplyDeleteWhy would gays want to be councillors anyway?
DeleteMy gay is better than your gay!
DeleteActually Solo Gays has done more to represent the LGBT community in Thanet over recent years than JW will ever achieve. The difference is stark and simple - you can have a reasoned debate with him, and part without rancour if you happen to disagree.
ReplyDeletePoint taken, Chris, even if not exactly my favourite topic, probably due to Worrow and Driver over playing the card. Best of luck for Thursday by the way.
DeleteChris you are a very bitter man. I suggest you get back to the gym and work off the stress!
Delete"Actually Solo Gays has done more to represent the LGBT community in Thanet over recent years than JW will ever achieve"
DeleteWell said!
How can homophobes much such a judgement?
DeleteI haven't seen a "homophobe" try to make that judgement..
DeleteWow, what a sizeist remark JW, so much for diversity!
DeleteWho said anything about size?
DeleteIs Simon fat then?
DeleteWhere is there a "homophobic" remark?
DeleteI can support Chris Well's account. More so I supported John, like Chris, in his candidacy and against the recommendations of others, because of his history of switching sides rather than any issues surrounding his sexuality, which I was aware of as was everyone else.
ReplyDeleteHaving gained a seat, John then appeared to believe he should be granted special responsibility or perhaps even a cabinet role at a very early point in his political career; at which point the discrimination card started to be played. The rest is history and you can of course find the archive of John's opinions and more unusual statements at www.tigabout.com which were kept for posterity even though he attempted to delete them.
You can believe this or not. I really don't care. On an evidence basis, there's more than enough material for readers to make-up their own minds on the subject.
No disrespect intended to you Cllr Moores, but surely an association with such a long history should surely be able to make its own mind up about candidates it wishes to field? And without interference from serving councillors?
DeleteSimon Moores
DeleteChris can't stand you, I know that, and you know that I know that.
You Simon are hated by the group even more than Chris is. . You're a bunch of two faced hypocrites. When Ezekiel was convicted neither of you spoke against him. You're a nasty lot, and that's why the conservatives are on the decline in Thanet.
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DeleteIsn't that what gays do?
DeleteWow, reading the last comments of Worrow's is akin to reading a 9 year old's diary! I wonder why we should take your judgement seriously when less than 2 years ago, you tried to pass yourself of as a conservative!
DeleteWas that simply poor judgement on your part Worrow, or simply a vehicle to get elected?
I'm left wondering what we ever disagreed about Peter!
DeleteJohn Worrow @ 29 April 8:05 pm
DeleteYou demonstrate once again that it's always those who preach 'diversity and equality' loudest who are the most vindictive and intolerant bigots imaginable.
JW is right.. good on you John
DeleteIf you look at John's Thanet Watch interview, it explains why he worked with Gale. But you don't care about the truth Peter
DeleteWhy would anyone take thye comic Thanet watch seriously..
DeleteSorry about the Thanet Watch price rise! Happy to give back copies to people who can't afford it.
ReplyDeletePlease ask the person who offered to write for us to try again because we certainly didn't receive it. Always best to ring as well to make sure an email got through 01843 604253, inmeds@yahoo.co.uk
Christine Tongue
Thanet Watch
So, why the outrageous capitalist profiteering?
DeleteJohn perhaps you have never tried to publish anything on paper so you don't understand what everyone else appears to, the outrageous capitalist profiteering is a joke. Most of the 80p would go in the retailer's profit, nearly all the rest in printing costs.
DeleteAs it has to be sold on a sale or return basis like all periodicals, my guess is the rest will be in unsold copies, I would say the price increase more relates to increased content than anything else.
This months edition is well worth it just for the Jonathan Aitken articles, I believe he may be a member of one of the Marxist Leninist cells, as most of the other remaining Thanet businessmen like I am, but of course we don’t share identities.
Is that right Michael, well, I'm glad that you are now benefiting from and extra 20p (33% price rise) per copy than you were last week, or perhaps there was a 33% rise in costs last week? Increased content, it's 33% bigger? Nope, seems the Red Hall Massive are simply profiteering.
DeleteI can;t ever see the words "well worth it" and "Thanet Watch" ever sharing the same sentence with the 1st applying to the 2nd with any accuracy, unless of course refering to it's comedic value. "Thanet watch makes good toilet paper" would be wholely more accurate over a broader range of circumstances.
Strange how the producers of the propaganda pamphlet are studiously silent on the matter.
How many issues have you read?
DeleteI wouldn't class Thanet Watch reading matter any more than I would any other comic, more something to amuse than be taken seriously.
DeleteSo you've never actually seen it then...
DeleteI'm not sure I said that did I anon 8:32, I see your apitite for facts is as lacking as Thanet Watch's.
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DeleteCllr John Worrow & Cllr Simon Moores
DeleteMembers of the gay community and my elderly mother, who is suffering extreme stress over the continuing threat to her home and facilities in Manston because of the way a Cllr Simon Day engineered a planning decision back in May 2009, have a couple of urgent questions:-
1. How can I access information about the business interests of Cllr Simon Day? And do either of you have, or have had, any business connections or financial dealings with Cllr Simon Day?
2. Is Cllr Simon Day connected to the decision to raze the shrubbery in Winterstoke Gardens where some of us meet, and in having the twin halogen lamps installed there in March 2010?. What is your view about this given that the area is a listed Conservation Area? And do you think we should have been consulted about this?
Unbelievable, SG, do you ever drag your mind above your waistline?
DeleteI await their reply 9.04.
DeleteSome of us have learned to take the politics(including sexual) out of our line of questioning Peter.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful you respect my anonymity for my purposes here Peter.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you worked it out yet Peter? Solo Gays is John Worrow's partner!
ReplyDeleteBack in 2003 when my mother was considering options for the use of her land back in 2003, a group of travelling workmen threatened to break all our legs because she/we had the temerity to ask them to remove their vehicle which they had parked deliberately blocking her drive.
ReplyDeleteI think their is a connection between the gypsys turning up in King George 6th Park last week, Pleasurama and Winterstoke Gardens and the above incident. In the case of the travelling workmen the "gypsies" threatened to cave the kiosk owners head in with a claw hammer.
No Councillor or MP(Laura Sandys and Roger Gale and John Worrow and Ian Driver are fully aware of everything that has gone on with this case) has ever been up to my mother to assess the situation for themselves except for Cllr Roberts in the early days. But he backed off when he realised how many of his colleagues were against my mother putting down roots.
Planning Officers have been given 6 Doctors letters but all have been ignored. Someone wants them off her land, established structures razed, and the council have offered to buy the land from them once this has been achieved. All documents are now lodged with the appeals in Bristol.
But as we now know with Arlington, documents can go missing there?
And before you go on about policies protecting the countryside, take a good look first at who has profited from developments around there.
Now YOU answer those questions Peter. Perhaps you would like to have a quiet little chat with your friend Roger Gale before getting back to me?
No Councillor is my mate Peter. If Councillor Moores has nothing to hide he will engage.
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Moores is North Thanet where my mother lives, so is Councillor Worrow and Councillor Simon Day. Councillor Moores is also closely involved with the recording of Council Meetings, and I know the recording of the planning meeting in May 2009 was recorded by the Council.
Some more facts established then. Have a good day.
ReplyDeleteMichael, did you really intend your site to be an outlet for airing gay issues. Seems this Solo person (gender unknown) has hijacked for such.
DeleteI do have days off 11.27. Gives you a chance then to enthral us.
DeleteYou simply don't get the message, Solo, do you? You represent a small minority. The rest of us, the large majority, do not spend our time lamenting our sexuality or describing where we gather for a bit of rumpy tumpy. The world has other issues and this one was supposed to be about a price hike of a local home made rag.
DeleteI am sorry price of Thanet Watch is out of your reach.
DeleteCan I get Thanet Watch on hire purchase?
DeleteSolo Gays,
ReplyDeleteThe incident with the workmen and your Mother sounds terrible. What they allegedly threatened is criminal. Have to informed the police?
I just dropped in a spotted Solo Gay's question. A couple of things here. I'm not his ward councillor and so I really can't get engaged beyond offering advice.
ReplyDeleteIt's rather difficult to "engineer" a planning decision as the committee is divided between Independents, Labour and Conservatives to ensure that decisions are impartial and of course they have to follow planning law or the officers will step in quickly.
If you feel you are getting nowhere with a Counci decision then normally your MP is the next port of call as he or she will press the matter on your behalf if valid. Best step is go to a constituency surgery.. book an appointment to discuss the problem.
If the surgery is in Westgate, then you may have the MP, in thiscase, Roger Gale passing the matter over to me to help resolve.
Thankyou Simon
ReplyDeleteMy mother, her partner, my brother and his companion went to see Roger gale recently but he seemed a bit overwhelmed with work, and I don't think they put they case across very well because of all the stress. It did not help matters that Cllr Roberts was there helping Roger since Cllr Roberts abandoned them long ago.
The planning decision meeting I refer to was thrown out on appeal because it was flawed and cost the council £12000 plus officer time.
If Councillors had bothered to take notice of their recently agreed new planning guidelines, they would have discovered that they had agreed that a cooling off period is needed before considering whether to serve an enforcement notice in these situations. As it was, they decided not to bother looking at the case for a temporary planning permission on the grounds of ill heath that was before them, and move to serve an enforcement.
To our amazement labour councillors started laughing helplessly when Cllr Peter Campbell made a joke about caravanners. The Conservative side joined in the laughter after Cllr Ward(Labour) changed the proposal to issue enforcement proceedings. And henceforth all they were then concerned about for the rest of the time on this matter was taking advice from Officers(the decision was taken against officer advice btw) on the length of notice to be served because they did not want the council to look bad?
I believe it was Steve Alban who said 9 months would look better than 6 months if the matter ever came before a judge.
Thankyou for your input, and I will endeavour to put this proposal to my mother as a new angle in trying to resolve this situation.
There is more John, and believe it or not that incident has not been the worse of it. The workmen were just on their way out from renting a cottage across the road from her. Before parting they gave her some very useful information which has kept her going ever since, but it is getting harder.
ReplyDeleteA few individuals are making a lot of money out of development around Manston and my mother is in their way.
yes, amongst other incidents of harassment.
ReplyDeleteTheir prevailing attitude is that she should not worry and her home is unlikely to be bulldozed.
We are in fear of our lives. I cannot risk this story being left untold.
ReplyDeleteWe are deeply indebted to Michael for keeping his blog going.
ReplyDeleteYou could make a formal complaint to the police about the threat of violence.
You may also consider tipping off the national media. They relish this sort of thing, especially if they sense corruption. Though not in the wildest stretch of imagination could there be corruption in TDC. However, the threat of a nationally publicised eviction will deter some, or at least make them offer attractive remuneration.
ReplyDeleteBecause the mobile home is so dilapidated they took a risk and spent about £50k of her sick partner's savings doing up an immune outbuilding with a view to occupying it in the future for leisure use only. They would always want to keep using the property and facilities even if they were forced out to live elsewhere because they have animals. If they were forced to leave, then the ancilliary building would need to be really secure because of the isolated position and very real prospect of it being vandalised. I just think the stress of moving would kill them anyway.
Steve Alban came up in July 2011 and Ok'd the only new feature which was a pitched roof. A building control inspector was present and advised on a couple of alterations,which was complied with. They were left alone for 18 months and to generally carry on making it watertight and improving it. They did not bother applying for planning permission initially because TDC had already made it abundantly clear they do not want them to have anything at all there, and past experiences suggested they would most definately be obstuctive. Nevertheless, efforts were made to have a dialogue despite my mother being under pressure as a senior citizen carer.
Now TDC have decided it is a new build and want it down. Steve Alban denies the conversation took place about the roof, and the builder is preparing an affit davit. Another enforcement was served Christmas just gone.
The property is called "Portland" in Margate and the press can hopefully pick this up from there. They should be able to pick up the appeal cases from the website. Anyone can contact me through Michael's open forum here as first point of contact if they are interested in running with this story.
If something nasty does happen to any of us in the meantime, then at least I have got this much out.
Thanks for your interest John.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I would not delay in the hope or expectation that the press will pick up on it. Contact then yourself. The press love this kind of story, full of human interest with a distressed elderly lady losing her home to a capricious and obdurate political officialdom.
ReplyDeleteThe trouble is my mother is not fully on board. Not just yet anyway, but we have talked about involving them since the May 2009 planning meeting which we have dubbed the "laughter meeting".
She still hopes and believes that everything will come good via the planning inspectorate, but I think they are gently trying to get across to her that civil action for unreasonableness is her only hope, though they would never actually say that. I think this is how our representatives have got their way over the years, if people own small parcels of land who are in their way. Just let them spend a shed load of cash, wear them down, then eventually one of their friends picks up the property on the cheap. And some still think Ezikiel acted alone?
I think discussions this morning is a defining moment and it is a relief to get this off my chest. I think sexual politics(eg Diversity Champion etc) is a cynical diversion from the real issue of corruption, which everyone is seemingly concerned about. The Solo Gays thing was just a bit tongue in cheek in response. Have to decide now whether to keep it, now my real purpose has been met. Cheers.