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Friday, 5 April 2013
Thanet’s KCC County Council Election Candidates
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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.
No one standing for the Red Hall Massive? - very strange.
ReplyDeleteYes they are, John, Ian Driver is their little pet politicians and star of all their latest videos.
DeleteI agree Tom "Latchford" Clark.. the problem with Ian is he has he own mind and doesn't know his place
DeleteThe red hat mob, put up a candidate, rather than serial bandwagon jumper Driver having himself attached to the poor lambs so he can get some occutards to deliever some leaflets, NEVER happen, not sure they could afford the stamp for the application to stand.
DeleteAnon 8:21, would be nice if Driver could be trusted, but as we all know, what he claims before election, doesn't normally last long once he has his feet under the council table, and the money flowing into his account. Much like Worrow, Driver will say or do anything to gain power, then clearly not have the courage to go back to the electorate when he reveals his true allegancies. Is there nothing that clown won't run for?
Lets remember, he couldn;t even raise the cash to run for police job, I wonder where the money he did raise went to, he neber has answered that question..
Ah John these are people not interested in achieving anything, just stopping anyone else achieving anything!
DeleteChris as far as I can see the Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems and UKIP have fielded candidates for all seats including those they couldn’t possibly win and there are only two independents standing across the whole of Thanet.
DeleteSo who do you mean by these people? Do you mean the two independents? Or do you men all the candidates with little or no chance of winning? Or do you mean the candidates who have changed political party?
I was responding to John Holyer's comment on the red hand gang at 418; it has come in out of order as if I was responding to John Hamilton, hence your confusion Michael.
DeleteIts interesting how the repugnant Thanet conservative insider that uses the name 'John Hamilton doesn't say anything about serving councillor Zita Wiltshire, who jumped ship to join UKIP extremists such as ex National Front candidate Martyn Heale, and the very Angry Roger Latchford. Has bin Chris Well knows who the nasty bigot is, which make him just as bad.
DeleteAnonymouse 5:41 pm
DeleteWhat's a "has bin"? The expression is new to me.
Haven't the letters in your alphabet soup formed the term and shown it you accusatively, Holyer?
DeleteAnonymouse 7:03,
DeleteOh, so it's you again. I might have guessed. Your sentence does not make sense. I expect this is because you were driven by a desire to show off your new long word albeit used incorrectly.
I'm so glad to have fuelled your sense of personal superiority once again, Holyer. Clearly you are the local oracle on all matters to do with the use of language - and probably other things too. For my part, I don't see the use of long words as anything praiseworthy.
DeleteOne of the UKIP candidates used to be a NF candidate
DeleteIs what you claim the truth, if so which one stood for the NF and what is your evidence?
Well I heard one of the Labour candidates used to be a Communist and at least two of the UKIP candidates used to be Conservatives and Ian Driver used to be Labour. I guess it is what they are standing as now that is important.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI agree Tom, National Front is just like any other party NOT
DeleteAnd Driver used to be part of militant tendancy, a marxist, and has been thrown out of the labour party once, then resigned having rejoined, and used the labour parties resourses to dishonestly get himself elected.
DeleteYour point anon 4:23....?
8:24 - "Hello Sailor"
DeleteThat would be Martyn Heale, former NF branch organiser in the late 1970s. He later joined far right group, New Britain Party. He is a former prison officer at Wormwood Scrubs. He is standing for UKIP in the Kent County Coucil elections for Ramsgate even though UKIP has a ruling that former members of far right parties can not even be members.
DeleteI am sure there are significant pros and cons for all the candidates, of whichever Party, but I do hope the electorate in Margate/Cliftonville read Tony Flaig's blog and assure themselves that he really does understand and subscribe to Liberal Democrat principles and policies. Few of his pronouncements and rants would indicate that he does.
ReplyDeleteHe is the third UKIP candidate
DeletePros and cons for all the candidates? of course, just as long as you are the right colour
DeleteDo explain, anon 5:27 PM, surely discussing issues of the day in an honest open way, is what Liberals and Democrats do, obviously, Labour doesn't encourage open debate given their mis management of pretty much everything National, one former leader is cashing big time, dealing with Human rights abusing countries such a Kazakhstan and Burma, another one lied during his time in office Claiming to have ended Boom and Bust politics, locally Labour is wasting money on national issues, even better Clive Hart so inept that he refused to speak about KLM at Manston this week on the BBC. Shame on Labour.
DeleteIt seems that Labour in Thanet are pursuing a Stalinist agenda, more suited to Socialist Worker Party, no wonder activist are picking on moderate honest people.
The point about Tony Flaig has nothing to do with your perceptions about the Labour Party, Anon, or any other political party. It relates solely to him. He is standing as a Liberal Democrat. Most people who vote for him will vote for him because they support Liberal Democrat policies and principles. Many of the views he expresses on his blog are totally alien to the fundamental beliefs of that Party. Were he to be voted in, the electorate would not get a Liberal Democrat; they would not get what they voted for. Simple.
Delete10 08 You seem to be happy to denigrate, an honest commentator, without giving a single example, just like Labour, the other week Amy wotsit was bleating about offensive comments when she herself had called member of the UKIP party disgusting, a rather silly young women, dear oh dear, apparently one person had called her an idiot. Tut tut.
DeleteSorry Anon, but I have given Mr Flaig several examples over on his own blog. He chooses not to engage in serious discussion with anyone who challenges him, preferring either to accuse them of being Labour sympathisers - he has an obsessive hatred of Labour - or to throw other personal insults at them. Let's hope the electorate challenge him strongly on the doorstep to clarify his Lib Dem credentials. That's where his contest should be fought.
DeleteI notice the return of UKIPPER, I mean LibDem Tony Flaig running against young Will Scobie in Margate!
ReplyDeleteAnother LibDem person from Sandwich running in Ramsgate!
Mike Green running for the White party or is it the other way round? Liz Green for Labour, this is getting confusing.
Latchford has latched on to UKIP and Chris Wells is slumming it in Margate!
Let the battle commence
Chris Wells is standing in the division for which he is already a county councillor. Latchford and Wiltshire join the great exodus from the Conservatives brought about by Cameron, who is as Conservative as Blair was Labour. Ian Driver lives in Broadstairs yet is standing in Ramsgate and Trevor Shonk is still Trevor Shonk.
DeleteBest of luck to Tony.
Chris lives in Broadstairs so the same problem as you highlight with Driver. While Latchford was sacked from the TDC role over Manston, China Gateway incompetence etc. And Zita is a Worrow-style defector. Your comments are simply Blue propaganda and rather foolish ones at that. You're one of the Foxtrot Oscar Brigade like Tom Clarke destroying this blog.
DeleteUKIP's blend of vague racism and hatred of the EU is hardly an electoral platform - which is why after several years they only have Nigel Farage as an MEP (and he wasn't elected when he stood in Ramsgate) and their best result was coming second in Eastleigh.
Now Latchford and his old boss have made the local Tories unelectable he has decided to become a deserter.
ReplyDeleteI guess he will be at home with former NF candidate Martyn Heale colleague. just google Martyn Heale if you need proof
Martyn Heale is chairman of South Thanet UKIP and is standing as a UKIP candidate in the Kent County Council on May 2nd 2013. He is also the former organiser of the Hammersmith branch of the National Front
ReplyDeleteContrary to UKIP's ruling banning all former members of far right groups from being members. Is this not hypocrisy?
DeleteNo Robert Edwards, it is not because the rule was only introduced by UKIP long after Martyn Heale had joined the party. It is over a quarter of a century since he was an member of the NF and is he forever to be condemned for that. Didn't some us as join extremes or take part in demonstrations in our youth that we would think seriously about today.
DeleteCouncillor Driver was once a member of Militant, which many would regard as extreme in the opposite dirtection as the NF, and he was also a candidate standing for Scargill's Real Labour party before he saw the light and got out. He is standing in the county council elections as an independent and good luck to him. In your book, however, he should still be ostracised for his past affiliations or does it only apply to extreme right?
Shut up, don't you know its the norm to be a racist or homophobic politician in Thanet. If you have a problem with that you must have a chip on you shoulder
ReplyDeleteHello Sailor!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI observe for all his bluster, young master Worrow has not hadthe courage to stand in Birchington as previously announced. Another twist and turn in direction, which again undermines any credibility. A pity really he could have made his pont against Roger latchford - or is that the real source of his fear and absence?
ReplyDeletePeter, Tony fulfills the first requirement of a good Lib/Dem, an inbuilt dislike of both Labour and Conservative parties. Some anonymous commentators think he is not a true Liberal/Democrat because he does not suscribe to their Labour outlook. As a Lib/Dem, why would he. The cosy little Labour notion that all parties are left of, and therefore revile, the nasty Tories is about to get shaken still further. Following on from a Conservative and Lib/Dem coalition, one could well see UKIP gaining seats this time and they are certainly not left wing Labour luvvies.
DeleteI thought Tom King had become the new target for Tory smearing activity, Councillor Wells. You lot are going to be so busy with all this negative campaigning.
DeleteWhat a wondrous assumption...I think this is one of the few, perhaps only time I have metioned Tom Kings name in print, aside from his entry into a TDC budget debate last year wanting increased council taxes, supported by Ian Driver. Any negative campaigning I have to offer will probably be about Silver Spoon Scobie, Child Mayor of Margate, and his claim to want to increase KCC spending everywhere; his demand for increased cllrs allownaces as his only achievement as a district cllr; and the fact that the best thing renowned supporter Michael Child could say in his defence recently was that he could dress himself; and could walk and talk at the same time. On second thoughts who needs negativity when Silver Spoons supporters produce such ringing endorsements on your behalf!
DeleteI guess with your own record - including a failed attempt at a lead role at KCC - you will need all the help you can get. You should appoint Simon Moores as your campaign manager. The smearing and negative campaigning would at least get you noticed.
DeleteAnd your courage, hiding anonymously, but giving much away by your comment and bile, is noted and appreciated. I am happy as my own campaign manager thank you. Supporting traditional marriage, the memory of the great achievements of Margaret Thatcher, and my own record as councillor, working with the whole of my community, not just those who may naturally support my position, even those who hide behind anonymous bitterness. Sleep well wont you. x
DeleteCouncillor, I have observed before that you are held as one of the more "thinking Tories" locally. My "anonymous bitterness" is not as unedifying as your spiteful remarks about your opponents. I honestly thought you were capable of better. Can't you leave the dirty tactics to your associate in Westgate?
DeleteIs the fact that one of the labour candidates is the son of a local councilor and the other the partner of a local councillor not legitimate subject for comment then? I have said elsewhere, if there is one thing the local labour party does well it is hypocrisy. In opposition they scream for transparency; in power they talk of transparency and make all decisions behind closed doors between themselves. In opposition they alk of disgraceful senior salaries; then appoint a new one at £90,000 a year, who leaves as soon as he knows he has to work solely for Clive Hart. In opposition they criticise allowance levels, then follow the lead of ole silver spoon as soon as he asks for 4.5 times the rise the staff have had. And adds that when the number of cllrs reduces those that remain should get an aditional 33%.
DeleteVoters you have been warned; voting labour will damage your wealth, unless you are part of the welfare lifestyle choice tendency. They always vote labour, don’t they?
Or were you talking about my response to hearing that Cllr Worrow had endorsed Silver Spoon Scobie's candidature.........'should I fear a man without integrity endorsing a boy whose never had a proper job?'. I thought it was one of my better one liners myself......
DeleteYou really are an embittered and vitriolic has-been, which is sad.
DeleteReally anon of 907 am.....please do disprove anything I have said..
DeleteAnon 9:07, I would have said more an enlightened councillor, one prepared to engage with us rather than hiding behind a wall of supertiority and secrecy and, most importantly, one weho tells it as it is. If anyone is embittered it is Cllr Worrow who follows a one item agenda and brands all who oppose him as homophobic or bigotted, whilst we should have concerns about a young man, fresh out of university, being fast tracked by his dad up the political ladder. That smacks more of nepotism than suitability. Surely even you can see that the lack of life experiences in our politicians, particular at Westminster level, has not served our counrty well.
DeleteKnowing Mke Pierce's views on the world, the non socialist bits Michael!
ReplyDeleteThat's rather harsh, claiming to know his views on the world when you don't even know how to spell his name!
ReplyDeleteTom Clarke, the issue with Tony Flaig has nothing to do with either the Labour or Tory Parties. He is not being challenged because he does not hold "Labour" views, as you suggest. He is being challenged because he is standing as a Liberal Democrat but he does not seem to understand - and certainly does not express - Liberal Democrat policies, principles and opinions. Peter Checksfield feels that, I do, and other commentators obviously do as well. People who vote for him will not be getting the Liberal Democrat they are hoping for!
ReplyDeleteFlaig has more chips on his shoulder than Harry Ramsden. There isn't a political party, apart from the desperate Lib Dems, who would have him.
DeleteLooks like the Leader and CE report is now a verbal-only from the Leader. They're doing nothing and simply covering it up with bureaucracy as at Ramsgate council.
The same old fools on all the councils doing the same failure.
Almost Anon of 846pm, more accurately Labour fools hiding the brand new failure!!!