Wednesday 15 April 2020

Two Thanet Pubs to name today one in Ramsgate and one in Margate + the rest

 Question 1 Do you know which Thanet pub this is?

Question 2 Do you know which Thanet pub this is?

On to my google speech to text stuf, I think it's getting better but I am still having difficulty getting it to do commas.

It's at times like this where I really do wonder with a prime minister who studied ancient literature and classical philosophy and wound up as a journalist and the leader of the opposition who who studied law and wound up as a lawyer, whether they are best placed to understand and and medical and scientific issue.

I do wonder whether having a scientist somewhere are amongst the senior politicians and possibly an economist could be useful at the moment.

I really can't see that the new leader of the opposition is doing himself his party much good by pressing for an exit strategy when the science hasn't caught up with the virus.

I think without knowing more about how the virus is transmitted, weather it's possible to transmit infection after you've had it, weather the current equipment that we're being told to wear or not wear and current current actions that we're being told to take in different countries, and of course one of the great things that is so important is is do you develop immunity from getting a get it again and if so how long the does the immunity last last. The last one of course being unknowable further than the history of the earliest cases and the reliability of the early testing.

Mind you Donald Trump did economics at uni. so perhaps not an economist. and Margaret Thatcher was a scientist, not sure I would want her in charge just now.

It looks like there are going to be a lot less shops at the end of the pandemic, but we are determined to ensure the bookshop survives if humanly possible.

In terms of the bookshop business and wondering exactly how our exit strategy would work combined with the ongoing economic situation. The economics are ok at the moment I started off by continuing to pay all the people who work here and eventually will probably get some sort of refund of 80% of that or a bit less depending on who qualifies for what. Paid the rent quarter day most of the other bills are on the standing order so I don't really have to to do much about those. We have now received the £10,000 small business Grant and how to work out how this figures in the book shop business is a bit complicated. Very roughly speaking if we sell £50,000 worth of books about £20,000 of this is gross profit and if you have done everything right then once you have paid the overheads you get about £10,000 to live on. Or in accountants speak a gross rate of profit of about 40% and a net profit of about 20%.

The only difficulty I have the moment is to try and work out what happens if you don't sell any books but you get £10,000. the various restrictions and closures at the moment mean that we can't buy any books, but then when things get back to normal there will be a lot of people who want to sell their books. Running with the shop closed means that quite a lot of expenses, obviously we don't need the heating on on but the whole buildings computer system runs as one so there are computers on including one that produces part of the window display and of course security and window lighting alarm, security cameras and so on. Then rent insurance phone internet bill various subscriptions have to continue. I totally stopped online business at the same time with a closed book shop, partly based on there's not much point in selling something if you can't source more, partly based on on the issue of not spreading infection by using postal service and partly because we can't have any staff in to run the shop and anything we sell online is just something that happens in the background and when we're working in the bookshop

Yesterday's answers

 Margate Driot Houde

 Turner Contemporary toilets

Royal Sailors Rest Ramsgate Harbour Parade

Next some 2010 filler pictures before the pandemic statistics, don't scroll down if you don't want to read them

Table from World Meters today as it has cases per million of population and deaths per million of population the only figures that allow you to compare countries.

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.