Carmageddon takes place on Saturday 28 March between 2pm and 5pm at the MOD Manston and is aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 17.
It has been organised by Kent Police, the Kent Fire and Rescue Service and the Thanet Community Safety Partnership. The main event, a mock car crash, will begin at 2.30pm. It will see the emergency services attending, with the fire service cutting people out of the wreckage, ambulance staff treating people’s injuries and the police asking witnesses what they saw.
Frontline emergency service staff from the police, fire service and ambulance service will also be explaining about the effects of alcohol from their perspective. The afternoon will also show the impact that alcohol can have on your health, perceptions and ability to respond to events happening around you.
Sgt. Rhiannan Simpson from Kent Police said: “It’s important for young people to see the impact that alcohol has and the links between drinking and anti-social behaviour. It has so many different effects, from the ambulance workers who have to deal with a drunk on a Friday or a Saturday night to the nurse or the police officer having to deal with drink related violence and the fire service having to cut drink drivers out of wrecked cars. We’ll be showing those different aspects of drinking during Carmageddon to help drive home the message to “drink safe, stay safe”.
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