Romans have charged into Thanet District Council offices, helping staff to raise more than £500 for Comic Relief.
The council's grounds maintenance team dressed up as Romans for Red Nose Day and raided council offices, collecting money from staff for Comic Relief. Staff contributed £546.01, with much of the money given as part of a dress down day.
Over the last few years, nearly £4,000 has been collected by the grounds maintenance team for both Comic Relief and Children in Need.
Cllr. Shirley Tomlinson, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, said: "Our grounds maintenance team always do an excellent job of ensuring that staff give generously for charity and Comic Relief was no exception. They're not afraid to make fools of themselves to bring in cash for a good cause and, let's be honest, who would dare refuse a group of Romans asking for money?"
The council's grounds maintenance team dressed up as Romans for Red Nose Day and raided council offices, collecting money from staff for Comic Relief. Staff contributed £546.01, with much of the money given as part of a dress down day.
Over the last few years, nearly £4,000 has been collected by the grounds maintenance team for both Comic Relief and Children in Need.
Cllr. Shirley Tomlinson, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, said: "Our grounds maintenance team always do an excellent job of ensuring that staff give generously for charity and Comic Relief was no exception. They're not afraid to make fools of themselves to bring in cash for a good cause and, let's be honest, who would dare refuse a group of Romans asking for money?"
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