Another four Thanet residents have been handed hefty fines for dropping litter or allowing their dogs to foul, as part of the council’s Drop It and Cop It crackdown.
Mr. Roy Kavenagh from Fort Hill, Margate was fined £250 and ordered to pay £100 costs for allowing his dog to foul and failing to pick up after it in the Rendezvous car park, Margate.
Three other cases saw fines of £125 handed out, along with £100 costs, by the courts to Peter Heard, from Addington Road, Margate, Joseph Horad from Ethelbert Road, Margate and Albena Ileiva from Turnpike Lane from London. All had been seen dropping cigarette ends in Margate High Street.
In the final case, Barry Lester from Trinity Square, Margate was fined £50 and ordered to pay £228.74 costs. It came after he was seen allowing his dog to foul on council land at Dane Valley Road, Millmead and failing to pick up after it. He refused to accept the Fixed Penalty Notice.
In each of the cases, they were all ordered to pay £15 reparation costs.
Cllr. Zita Wiltshire, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “Once again, these cases show how seriously the courts take littering and the high level of fines and costs that can be handed out. They know it is anti-social and it is something that residents want to see tackled. That is why we are continuing to take action against those who drop litter or allow their dogs to foul and fail to pick up after them. Our wardens are doing an excellent job and, in the last month alone, they handed out 45 Fixed Penalty Notices. That’s many more than other councils in east Kent, but sadly we need to keep pushing the message, as the small minority fail to understand that they need to play their part in helping to keep Thanet beautiful.”
Mr. Roy Kavenagh from Fort Hill, Margate was fined £250 and ordered to pay £100 costs for allowing his dog to foul and failing to pick up after it in the Rendezvous car park, Margate.
Three other cases saw fines of £125 handed out, along with £100 costs, by the courts to Peter Heard, from Addington Road, Margate, Joseph Horad from Ethelbert Road, Margate and Albena Ileiva from Turnpike Lane from London. All had been seen dropping cigarette ends in Margate High Street.
In the final case, Barry Lester from Trinity Square, Margate was fined £50 and ordered to pay £228.74 costs. It came after he was seen allowing his dog to foul on council land at Dane Valley Road, Millmead and failing to pick up after it. He refused to accept the Fixed Penalty Notice.
In each of the cases, they were all ordered to pay £15 reparation costs.
Cllr. Zita Wiltshire, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “Once again, these cases show how seriously the courts take littering and the high level of fines and costs that can be handed out. They know it is anti-social and it is something that residents want to see tackled. That is why we are continuing to take action against those who drop litter or allow their dogs to foul and fail to pick up after them. Our wardens are doing an excellent job and, in the last month alone, they handed out 45 Fixed Penalty Notices. That’s many more than other councils in east Kent, but sadly we need to keep pushing the message, as the small minority fail to understand that they need to play their part in helping to keep Thanet beautiful.”
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