Local people can give their views from next week (Monday 30 March) on the council's vision for how Thanet will look in 20 years time.
The vision document looks at the council's hopes for the whole area, along with specific parts of the District, including Broadstairs, Margate, Ramsgate, Westwood, the Manston Park business park and Kent International Airport.
It takes people forward in time to the year 2030, with key improvements envisaged by the council including:
The renewal of the area's economy, helped by a busy airport at Manston, a thriving offshore wind-farm industry and the arrival of more creative businesses in Margate.
Improved education levels and leisure facilities.
A strong emphasis on tackling crime and anti-social behaviour has made Thanet a much safer place.
Better road and rail links.
Lower levels of deprivation in Thanet's poorest neighbourhoods.
Broadstairs is seen as remaining a traditional seaside resort, while Ramsgate is viewed as a premier sailing destination, with an expanded marina and additional ferry operators. Margate is predicted to undergo the most radical change, following on from the success of Turner Contemporary, with extensive redevelopment of the town centre a likely prospect.
The vision for Manston is that the Manston Park business park and Kent International Airport will become the commercial centre for Thanet, with both creating thousands of jobs over the next 20 years. Westwood is seen as a complete community, with homes, schools, leisure, sports, shops and other facilities all in the area.
Leader of Thanet District Council, Cllr. Sandy Ezekiel, said: "This is the council's vision of how we would like to see Thanet looking by the year 2030, but now it's over to local people. We want to find out whether they have any other ideas that we've missed that we can add into the document. The vision is perhaps the most important document the council produces, as it sets out the work we need to do for the next 20 years. From this, we will be able to focus our resources into ensuring that the vision becomes a reality. That's why it's important to check that that we've included everything that we should in the vision."
The consultation on the vision starts from Monday 30 March, when it will be available online at http://www.thanet.gov.uk/ with copies of the survey available from Thanet's Gateway Plus and local libraries. If you would like a copy sent to you, please call 01843 577120.
The vision document looks at the council's hopes for the whole area, along with specific parts of the District, including Broadstairs, Margate, Ramsgate, Westwood, the Manston Park business park and Kent International Airport.
It takes people forward in time to the year 2030, with key improvements envisaged by the council including:
The renewal of the area's economy, helped by a busy airport at Manston, a thriving offshore wind-farm industry and the arrival of more creative businesses in Margate.
Improved education levels and leisure facilities.
A strong emphasis on tackling crime and anti-social behaviour has made Thanet a much safer place.
Better road and rail links.
Lower levels of deprivation in Thanet's poorest neighbourhoods.
Broadstairs is seen as remaining a traditional seaside resort, while Ramsgate is viewed as a premier sailing destination, with an expanded marina and additional ferry operators. Margate is predicted to undergo the most radical change, following on from the success of Turner Contemporary, with extensive redevelopment of the town centre a likely prospect.
The vision for Manston is that the Manston Park business park and Kent International Airport will become the commercial centre for Thanet, with both creating thousands of jobs over the next 20 years. Westwood is seen as a complete community, with homes, schools, leisure, sports, shops and other facilities all in the area.
Leader of Thanet District Council, Cllr. Sandy Ezekiel, said: "This is the council's vision of how we would like to see Thanet looking by the year 2030, but now it's over to local people. We want to find out whether they have any other ideas that we've missed that we can add into the document. The vision is perhaps the most important document the council produces, as it sets out the work we need to do for the next 20 years. From this, we will be able to focus our resources into ensuring that the vision becomes a reality. That's why it's important to check that that we've included everything that we should in the vision."
The consultation on the vision starts from Monday 30 March, when it will be available online at http://www.thanet.gov.uk/ with copies of the survey available from Thanet's Gateway Plus and local libraries. If you would like a copy sent to you, please call 01843 577120.
Ed. I will add the link directly to the consultation as soon as it becomes available on the councils website.
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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.