The Audit Commission's Use of Resources assessment looks at how well councils manage their financial resources and how the authority's financial management helps to support council priorities and deliver value for money for local people.
Amongst the different criteria that the inspectors look at are how well the council prepares its accounts, how well it manages its money, how well it safeguards its financial position and how well it delivers value for money for its residents in the services it provides.
This year, the Audit Commission has awarded Thanet a score of three, on a scale where one is the lowest and four is the highest. It's a big improvement for the council, which previously had been rated as two, which meant that it was performing adequately, whereas a level three indicates that the Council is performing consistently above the minimum.
Cllr. Martin Wise, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services, said: "This report shows that the council has made great improvements in the way it manages your money and ensuring that we provide the best possible value for money in our services at all times. We've been criticised over the last couple of years for only reaching the minimum standards in these inspections and that's been fair comment, but it's also something that we've taken on board and we've solidly improved on. That's now been recognised by the Audit Commission, who have rated us as above average when it comes to managing our resources to deliver our services. That's excellent news and rightly recognises the hard work of our finance team in helping to ensure that our finances are kept in good order."
Perhaps this means they will reopen the museums ?