Young people can dive into a new activity this Easter holiday, with two scuba diving sessions planned in Ramsgate.
Organised by the Thanet Coast Project and funded by the Big Lottery, the free sessions by Kent Scuba are aimed at 10 to 18 year olds and give you the chance learn to breathe from the equipment, along with other underwater skills.
It will take place on Thursday 9 April at Ramsgate swimming pool, with two hour long Discover Scuba taster sessions at 2pm and 3pm. It’s part of the Easter Blast activities that will be taking place between 1pm and 5pm at Ramsgate’s Warre Rec. Places are available on a first come, first served basis and must be booked in advance, as Kent Scuba must receive consent and medical forms prior to the event.
Naomi Biggs, Thanet Coast Project Education Officer, said: “This will be a great opportunity to try out a new activity and learn some basic skills. It’s the first time we’ve linked up with Kent Scuba to offer the Discover Scuba sessions for young people and I’m sure it will be an exceptionally popular part of the Easter Blast activities. I suspect that the only problem we’ll have will be trying to get people out of the pool at the end of the session, as I would imagine everyone will be having such a good time.”
Organised by the Thanet Coast Project and funded by the Big Lottery, the free sessions by Kent Scuba are aimed at 10 to 18 year olds and give you the chance learn to breathe from the equipment, along with other underwater skills.
It will take place on Thursday 9 April at Ramsgate swimming pool, with two hour long Discover Scuba taster sessions at 2pm and 3pm. It’s part of the Easter Blast activities that will be taking place between 1pm and 5pm at Ramsgate’s Warre Rec. Places are available on a first come, first served basis and must be booked in advance, as Kent Scuba must receive consent and medical forms prior to the event.
Naomi Biggs, Thanet Coast Project Education Officer, said: “This will be a great opportunity to try out a new activity and learn some basic skills. It’s the first time we’ve linked up with Kent Scuba to offer the Discover Scuba sessions for young people and I’m sure it will be an exceptionally popular part of the Easter Blast activities. I suspect that the only problem we’ll have will be trying to get people out of the pool at the end of the session, as I would imagine everyone will be having such a good time.”
Anyone taking part will need to bring swimwear, a towel and a T-shirt to wear in the pool. To book a place, log onto http://www.thanetcoast.org.uk/ or for more information, call 01843 577672.
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