Hunting for clues of marine life, holiday rambles and hands on explorations of rocks and fossils are just some of the fun ways for young people to find out more about Thanet's unique coastline this Easter.
As part of the Easter Blast set of activities taking place during the school holidays, the Thanet Coast Project will be leading a series of Great Egg Case Hunts, looking along the tideline for evidence of sea creatures washed ashore.
There will also be the opportunity to create marine masterpieces with beach art and plaster casting in the sand, with the help of artists from Art for All.
Funded by the Big Lottery, the event is part of the Thanet Coast Project's Beach Play school holiday activities. There are three Great Egg Case Hunts taking place:
Monday 6 April between 2pm and 4pm at West Bay, Westgate.
Wednesday 8 April between 2pm and 4pm at Ramsgate Main Sands.
Thursday 9 April between 10am and 12pm at Margate Main Sands.
Naomi Biggs, Thanet Coast Project Education Officer, said: "The Great Egg Case Hunt has become one of our regular events over the years and is always a huge draw for all ages. It's a great way of finding out more about our coastline and the unique marine wildlife that we have here. You never know what you'll find on the Great Egg Case Hunt, as there's always plenty to discover out on our beautiful beaches and bays. I'm really excited this year to have Art for All involved running new art creative activities using the beach as a natural canvas!"
Children must be accompanied by at least one adult and everyone attending should wear suitable clothing and shoes for the weather.
As part of the Easter Blast set of activities taking place during the school holidays, the Thanet Coast Project will be leading a series of Great Egg Case Hunts, looking along the tideline for evidence of sea creatures washed ashore.
There will also be the opportunity to create marine masterpieces with beach art and plaster casting in the sand, with the help of artists from Art for All.
Funded by the Big Lottery, the event is part of the Thanet Coast Project's Beach Play school holiday activities. There are three Great Egg Case Hunts taking place:
Monday 6 April between 2pm and 4pm at West Bay, Westgate.
Wednesday 8 April between 2pm and 4pm at Ramsgate Main Sands.
Thursday 9 April between 10am and 12pm at Margate Main Sands.
Naomi Biggs, Thanet Coast Project Education Officer, said: "The Great Egg Case Hunt has become one of our regular events over the years and is always a huge draw for all ages. It's a great way of finding out more about our coastline and the unique marine wildlife that we have here. You never know what you'll find on the Great Egg Case Hunt, as there's always plenty to discover out on our beautiful beaches and bays. I'm really excited this year to have Art for All involved running new art creative activities using the beach as a natural canvas!"
Children must be accompanied by at least one adult and everyone attending should wear suitable clothing and shoes for the weather.
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