Monday 22 June 2009

Early Christmas at the Petrified Haystack of Broadstairs

Charles Dickens once called Holy Trinity Church Broadstairs 'a hideous temple of flint, like a great petrified haystack' I should point out here, before the people of Broadstairs take me to task over this, that the church as been considerably rebuilt since Dickens said that about it.

In case you are thinking that the PCC have caught some sort of timewarp disease from TDC who still say on their website, “Preview of two days of thrilling free entertainment - Full programme available soon” about Margate’s big event although it finished yesterday. I should explain the Christmas tree is a floral tribute to St Nicholas who is the saint that Father Christmas is based on.
The other picture that could need some explanation click here to enlarge is the martyrdom of Saint Edmund no need to explain how he died, apparently he was a model leader, having just read the expenses claims of the candidates for leader of The House of Commons click here for them, I am wondering what form reform will take.

Two of my children attended a party in Broadstairs yesterday and as I had some books to deliver to a shop in the town I walked down into Broadstairs while they were at the party.

Passing Holy Trinity in noticed that the church was open and there was a flower festival on, I have to admit that I have never been inside this church so I thought I would take a look. St George’s Church in Ramsgate is the church I religiously don’t attend and I wouldn’t not go anywhere else.

As you can imagine I publish a book about Holy Trinity Church Broadstairs entitled The Petrified Haystack of Broadstairs click here if you wish to buy it or pop into my bookshop and do so, remember that it is shut on Thursdays and Sundays.

Click here to look at the pictures of the inside of Holy Trinity Church Broadstairs and their flower festival.

1 comment:

  1. Edmund the last English King in England. 870 AD ?


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