Saturday 30 May 2009

Steve Ladyman’s expenses appear in the Daily Telegraph

“Stephen Ladyman claimed property in Ramsgate as second home with a £1,000 monthly mortgage interest between 2005 and 2008.Charged for regular £80 cleaning bills, £95 utilities, £50 telephone bill and £340 for food”

Once again as I did with Roger Gale I should stress that Steve is one of the MPs to take us for the least and both he and Roger obviously stayed well within the rules.

However I am not so very happy about £4,000 a year food bill in terms of what he costs us £137,559 he is so close to Roger as to make no difference.

Click here for Steve on they work for you and here for his own online expenses interesting as he is one of the MPs that publish receipts online, however I believe the food expenses are unreceipted.

Although in business I believe I could claim against income tax for staff entertainment and entertaining foreign clients, although I never do I certainly wouldn’t be able to claim a bean without a receipt.

1 comment:

  1. All well and good but lets have some clarity on the second job front.


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