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Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Save Ramsgate Youth Clubs.
Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.
I do hope our very own local developers have signed this petition, its a pity the local developers do not have a more philanthropic attitude to the general public and its assets instead of a what's in it for me!!
ReplyDeleteMy concern is that they will be auctioned off to the lowest bidder and rabbit hutches for people put up!!
Some of them breed
ReplyDeletelike rabbits so why not live in hutches, or perhaps warrens would be more appropriate!
Another well thought out policy by KCC that may save them money in the short term but will ensure that other agencies like the Police and TDC will have bigger bills to pick up. Young people will be expected to travel miles to find one of the new Youth Hubs and in some parts of the county this will not be posible by public transport. So that will be the end of visiting youth centres for them but they will hang around the streets.
ReplyDeleteAnd how much do these kids need youth clubs, I thought parents should look after kids?
ReplyDeleteAnd why should Tourist information Centres (funded by the rate payer) organise this Labour Party petition?
And how much do these kids need youth clubs, I thought parents should look after kids?
ReplyDeleteAnd why should Tourist information Centres (funded by the rate payer) organise this Labour Party petition?
Get you facts right Anon 17.35. The petition was started by the 24 youth clubs themselves and the Green Party. No doubt that Labour will support them and I am sure TDC realise they are going to be dropped in it by KCC.
ReplyDeleteTwo to be closed in Ramsgate but the one in Margate to be kept open. Yet again Margate wins, Ramsgate loses.
ReplyDeleteWhere will the youngsters go to meet up in a safe environment?
One wonders about today's youth, if they have to have everything organised for them. Don't recall my friends struggling for things to do as teenagers in bygone Ramsgate and we managed to make our own entertainment without either a youth club or resorting to hanging around on street corners.
ReplyDeleteOne also wonders if the unsavoury element amongst today's youngsters, the ones who wreck the toilets and generally vandalise the place, ever went to the youth club anyway. If they did it evidently failed in its primary purpose.
Kids are not born bad kids but a product of their surroundings. if their parents are pissed and out of it, then having a youth club in 2011 is not to much to ask hardly self indulgent.
ReplyDeletethe legacy that mr lambert has left is not relevent now so look to the future not 2 bankcrupt world wars and a flagging workforce, walk down king street and grunt at the people who occupy the flats down there.
ReplyDeleteWhat about a Darby and Joan?
ReplyDeletePeter, a good example of style and content, as discussed elsewhere exists at 20:15. The Anonymous who is totally devoid of grammar, capitals and punctuation. Easily recognisable anywhere and pops up from time to time on Thanet Life.
ReplyDeleteMayor of Ramsgate, Apolitical? Not a chance whilst David is there..He only demeans the role!
ReplyDeleteMayor of Ramsgate, Apolitical? Not a chance whilst David is there..He only demeans the role!
ReplyDeleteScout groups
ReplyDeleteMartial Arts Clubs
Boxing Clubs
Dance schools
Army Cadets
Sea Cadets
Air Training Corps
Sports centre
Swimming pool
Come on. We can manage without County Council run Youth Clubs.
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ReplyDeleteWell said, 8:21, for only recently the Sea Cadets were advertsing for helpers and new members whilst some church sponsored youth groups have folded for lack of interest.
ReplyDeleteMind you, this does represent another opportunity for Labour to do a bit of flag waving to expose the wicked Tory cuts which is what it is really about. Makes for good sob stories like "My Grant was a good boy before they closed the youth club and forced him into vandalism, mugging old ladies, snorting, injecting and getting little girls pregnant. He was going to be a brain surgeon before they locked him away. I blame the Tories."
Martial Arts Clubs
ReplyDeleteBoxing Clubs
Dance school
Sports centre
Swimming pool
All cost money that many in Ramsgate dont have to spare.
Yes, but Army Cadets, Sea Cadets, Air Training Corps, St. John's Ambulance and most sports don't or offer facilities for those unable to pay.
ReplyDeleteTell TDc that most sports dont charge. £6 to play table tennis, £9for baddmington, £44
ReplyDeletefor a five a side, £6 to use the gym, £4.50 to swim etc.
How much does it cost to take a bat and ball or a football to the local recreation ground and have a knock about with a few friends. Just how much molly-coddling do you people want.
ReplyDeleteSorry, of course, you just want to whinge and try and make political capital out of a youth club closure. Wonder what percentaghe of Ramsgate youth population actually went there.
If various youth activities all cost money that many in Ramsgate don't have to spare, I wonder how many of the same residents find spare money for mobile phones, drink, cigarettes etc.
ReplyDeleteOften it's a question of personal choice.
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ReplyDeleteI have been hearing about how the absence of Youth Clubs is responsible for teenage crime since I was myself a teenager. Nothing has changed and it is difficult for me to accept that the provision of Youth Clubs is the answer. They are invented anew by each generation and nothing changes.
ReplyDeleteHello all, I'm Joan & I'm a 14 year old living in Newington. I've been in a wheelchair since I was in an accident 6 years ago, so Youth Clubs are my only real option of socialising.
ReplyDeleteJoan, your situation is unfortunate, but not the normal, nor do I suspect you will take to street crime if the youth club closes. The argument here is about forcing young people on to the streets as though, without youth clubs, there would be nothing else to do.
ReplyDeleteIn your case, if it is social contact you seek, look round at your local churches, many of whom have youth groups, or various scout and cadet organisation which are increasingly accommodating for the disabled.
John, there was once one very good youth club that made a difference, it was called National Service. Certainly had the effect of keeping the 18-20 year old males off the streets. Mind you, I suppose male only call up would not be very PC these days!
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous @ 09:28,
ReplyDeleteI take your point. National Service worked in the way that you describe. It would still work today, were it possible to reintroduce it.
I was too young for National Service, just. But I served 12 years in HM Forces alongside national servicemen. During this time I learned that the service chiefs were solidly against National Service. This was because it takes close on two years to train the modern serviceman, by which time his engagement is up and he is ready for demob. In short National Service is a waste of money and time, as far as the military is concerned. In addition, it is essential for them to select their own recruits. This ensures they get the high calibre of person they need and demand.
HM Forces exist for the defence of the realm; and not for social engineering.
However, when I spot the cocky feral youth around town I treat myself with the image of how he would wilt before the drill Sargent.
Or indeed, before the sight of half a dozen six foot plus redcaps as he staggers out of the pub into the waiting 'Military Police' utility wagon.
ReplyDeleteAgree with you though about the military not wanting it. Waste of money, as you say, and means the vast majority of the regulars are instructors at depots. Not what they joined up for.
John, I see that you had the same excuse as Cliff Richard!
ReplyDelete11:42, but at least John joined up anyway which is more than Cliff did. Didn't spend the next few years hiding behind the 'just missed it' excuse.
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ReplyDeleteanonymous at 11:42,
ReplyDeleteI am puzzled by your use of the word "excuse" in the context of me. I volunteered and served 12 years in HM Forces.
What a bizarre statement, Peter. I recall going to a youth club attached to a church when in my teens, partly because they had good table tennis tables and partly because a good looking lass went there. Nothing to do with religion at all and didn't even turn me into a Cliff worshiper like some folk I could name.
ReplyDeleteSo back to the real issue. Are you going to support this petition or are are you going to deprive the likes of Joan from Newington of having somewhere to go where she is welcomed, can meet friends and it does not cost the earth?
ReplyDeleteI say sign it.
In the grand scheme of things KCC wastes more money elesewhere than the savings on closing these clubs.
15:23 Nice try, but Joan, who is probably a figment of your invention, has many places to go as suggested by 8:59.
ReplyDeleteOh, and to answer your question, no, I for one will not signing the petition. Money has to be saved somewhere is this country but, to Labour, every cut has to be opposed. They will not be happy until we go the way of Greece.
As usual - people respond to petitions before reading the detail of the whole consultation paper as set out by KCC. Yes, they are closing Youth Centres, and this is a bad thing, however, they are making more cash available to local groups and communities to be able to put on events and activities for young people, especially for those in areas that need that level of support for young people. Schools will also have key youth officers to work with young people on a more regular basis (do kids still play table tennis anyway?). Unfortunately councils have less money, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to pay more taxes would you?
ReplyDeleteActually, this could be a positive thing for the area, as places that provide less 'political' youth activity can be given money to do more and do better for the communities they run in - I am in no way suggesting this is Big Society (yuk) but this is at least giving 'us' the opportunity to make something happen that we think will be beneficial for the places we live rather than what a large county council think is right across the spectrum. It may also meant that some of that money could be used to make the expensive sports centres cheaper thus alleviating two problems at once...