Wednesday 23 November 2011

Three New Shops in Ramsgate High Street, some thoughts and photos

Ramsgate’s self regeneration seems to be moving on a pace despite local government, by this I mean most of our council owned prime sites having gone pear shaped.

Anyway this is an optimistic post so I won’t go there today.
The first is Specksavers this is now open.

The next is Greggs the Bakers this looks like it will be open in a few days.

Last Phones 4 u This is now open.

There is quite a bit of other stuff around the town, that really needs a mention, something I will do if I get time.

The rest of the pictures, taken this morning and yesterday morning, the good with the bad, for those who can’t get out for a walk in Ramsgate for one reason or another, click on the link

Using the pictures to jog my memory, The Marmalade Café in Harbour Street, looks as though it will open soon.

JGs in Harbour Parade, the amusement arcade owned by Jimmy Godden, has closed, no libellous comment here please. 

Rumour is the Jimmy is very ill and not likely to last for long and that the building is to have a new incarnation as cake shop.  

Using the pictures to jog my memory, The Marmalade Café in Harbour Street, looks as though it will open soon.

JGs in Harbour Parade, the amusement arcade owned by Jimmy Godden, has closed, no libellous comment here please. Rumour is the Jimmy is very ill and not likely to last for long and that the building is to have a new incarnation as cake shop.  


  1. Always nice to see new shops opening in Ramsgate, even if they are chains rather than independents. Although on the plus side, I suppose there's less chance of a chain closing !

    As for the amusement arcade, I doubt that'll be closed for long as it's a prime site on a thriving seafront.

    If only I could think of something non-libellous to write about it....

    Maybe you should link it to a previous post I read about the Thanet Fire Stations ?

  2. good to see shops appearing, I like the looke of the cafe.

  3. Forgot to say nice piccies, love the cat.Shame to hear JG is not well hope he recovers.

  4. No wonder he's in ill health what with all the stress of somebody with a vendetta against you keeping on burning your buildings down.

    Imagine if it was caused by smoke inhalation - oh the irony !

  5. I understand that JG has cancer

  6. Let's hope they don't do a King Alfred and burn the cakes!

  7. Peter, when I was a teenager Margate sea front was all Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Donuts Centres, all targetted at the american servicemen from Manston. People complained about that then, though some top totty used to come off the trains from London on a Friday evedning for the weekend. Also targetting the americans and not, unfortunatyely, adolescent schoolboys.

  8. I think JG's is a complete refurbishment as a "family" entertainment centre.

  9. Peter, I agree with you about BK and TC. Margates 'elite' need to be a little less precious. If McDonalds is good enough for the tower of london......

  10. While of course not wishing Mr. Godden or anyone ill health, and of course not being libellous, I wonder when the time comes, if his family will opt for cremation?

  11. Think you have all got short memories. It's good that Ramsgate appears to be improving but some of the shops mainly services opening are also in the other coastal towns already eg Specsavers and Phones 4 U are also in Deal for example. Greggs not much to shout about but remember Ramsgate has lost a lot of clothing stores Burton /DP, JD Sports and River Island so compared to pre WestWood Cross it's worse than before.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.