Sunday 21 July 2019

Archive Ramsgate and Margate photos + bookbuying bootfair and in Canterbury and some thought on photography.

 The Historic photos should expand with a bit of clicking

link to the photos I took today

Compact zoom cameras leave a lot to be desired when trying to photograph something small between  about a foot away and about ten feet away, like an insect on a plant. I use a Nikon Coolpix P610 for most of the photos I take.

The main reasons I use this type of camera are, it fits in my pocket, it produces photos that you can't produce with a mobile phone's camera, it is relatively cheap to replace (around £100 for a secondhand replacement), anyway I went into Jessops camera shop in Canterbury today and all of the compact zoom cameras seem to have the same snag.

Still on the photography front I am working on a waterproof set up for photography
 so I bought some waterproof boots. I am now wondering if I can treat a waxed jacket with furniture polish for a better smell and which is going to be the best waterproof bridge zoom camera in the £100 to £150 secondhand bracket.
The bootfair, second one we have been to this year, didn't produce many books, the bookdealers and record dealers in fact anyone specialising in selling any sort of media were non existent. I think this maybe another reason why the bookshop here in Ramsgate has been so busy recently.
 A bit of sketching in Canterbury, at the moment I am concentrating on populating watercolour sketches with people and getting the people the right size for where they appear in the picture.

 Back to work in the bookshop tomorrow
Link to the pictures of the books that went out yesterday
I think I will be still making bookshelves.

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.