Sunday 7 July 2019

Old photos of Margate and Ramsgate and photos of Canterbury today

 Concert on the Royal Victoria Pavilion sundeck.

We went toCanterbury today
link to the photos
some painting and some bookbuying for the bookshop
link to photos of the books we put out yesterday
Next anything in my head to ramble on about here.

I suppose the human race has been around for 300,000 years and the theory is that modern human behaviour appeared with cognitive, genetic changes abruptly around 40,000 to 50,000 years ago.

I started using a smartphone in around 2000 by around 2010 I think nearly everyone engaged in education or business was using one and now the few people who haven't got one, well I don't really know what to say.

But managing the use of them, there is a sort of trance state that most of us go into when using one.

Another article on the problem, this time Harvard Medical School
link to article
two sides to the problem, the other being the people who can't use and don't have a smartphone, both issues I think equally bad.

Painting in Canterbury today it was the mistake I made and half corrected with Debenham's sign that produced what I wanted, different types of consciousness, oblivion and so on finally leaving the lettering off centre, so there is just enough of the memory embedded in the painting.

Fantastic stuff Bockingford NOT watercolour paper this sheet 22x30 ins was less than £3 from Cowling and Wilcox in George's Street Canterbury. 
Perhaps the people who mistakenly think that smartphones are used mainly for phone calls should use them to make giffs or things blowing in the wind

I have adder a couple of photos of M&S in Canterbury. One taken during WW2 and the other taken last week

 Beresford Road (1940?)
 Building Royal Parade

 Denmark Road from Gas Board offices (1940?)
 Demark Raoad
 Ramsgate Sands Station Turntable
 Pier Yard

 Steamboat Opening 1922 (not exactly sure what the caption means)
 Holy Trinity Margate memorial
 Hodges Flagstaff

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.